Chapter #13 Separated

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Kyle and I were wrapped in a tight embrace, warming us from the freezing rain that was still coming down hard. Both of us were drenched even with the tree cover now. My head was rested on Kyle's chest. This was the safest I had felt all day.....

    "Feels nice to finally catch a break today..." Kyle spoke up now.

    "You can say that again." I smiled.

The two of us continued to hug for another minute, enjoying the peace and quiet.

But then, I heard a noise. Movement. Rustling leaves.

    "Did you hear that?!" I alerted, breaking the embrace.

    "Hear what?" Kyle questioned.

The rustling noise came again. Closer this time.

    "That!" I gestured.

    "I hear it now. It's close by." Kyle responded.

    "Quick, hide behind this bush!" I pointed. The two of us crouched behind a big shrub, waiting for the noise to come again.

But it didn't. Everything fell silent again for about a minute.

    "Maybe it was just a squirrel or something?" Kyle guessed.

As if on cue, the noise started once more. Whatever was making it was right in front of us now. In the bush......Slowly, Kyle and I crawled away from it. As we did, the bush began to shake furiously.

    "Who-Whose there?" I asked.

Suddenly, out of the bush jumped a life sized lawn gnome! He fell onto his belly with his arms outstretched, like he had tried to grab something.

    "Gotcha!" The gnome exclaimed in a high voice, grabbing nothing but air and dirt.

Kyle and I looked at each other in confusion as a few more gnomes lept from the bush in the same fashion as the first. When they realized that they hadn't caught whatever they were aiming for, they lifted their heads to Kyle and I.

    "You moron! You said that you had the Queen!" One of the other gnomes patronized the first, conking him on the head.

    "I thought I did when I heard her voice!" The first defended, hitting his friend back.

The other two gnomes pulled the two apart and they all stopped and turned to Kyle and I again.

    "It doesn't matter guys! She's still right here! And now, all we have to do is take her and her little friends back to Slappy!" The third gnome schemed, grinning wildly.

    "He'll be so grateful!" The fourth cheered, jumping up and down.

    "Stay back!" Kyle warned, putting an arm in front of me, blocking me off to the gnomes.

    "Don't try and stop us, pretty boy." The second gnome snapped. This made the other gnomes nod their heads and agree.

    "Pretty boy?" Kyle remarked, raising an eyebrow.

The gnomes began walking towards us now, their little hands and arms were outstretched to us. They started tugging on Kyle's pant legs and my dress, and for gnomes, they were strong!

    "Let go!" I commanded, but the gnomes didn't listen, they tugged harder.

    "Get off!" Kyle raged, grabbing the two gnomes that were pulling him by the heads. He smashed their ceramic heads together, shattering them to pieces. This made the rest of their bodies crumble and break as well.

Now Kyle grabbed both the gnomes on me and hoisted them into the air, only to whip them back down at the ground and smashing them on the dirt. They both shattered completely. Kyle and I breathed in a few deep breaths.

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