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My heart stops as I see Jake stand up, "I object because I'm still in love with you, Isabella. Tell Shawn that I made you happy. I made you feel loved." 

I shake my head, "Jake, you're making a mistake. Please leave." I turn to Shawn who was starring at me the whole time. I grab his hand tightly.

Jake comes walking towards me, "No."

"Stop, Jake. Leave now," Shawn says, with anger in his voice. "You have no interest in, Bella, now do you Shawn? You've cheated on her so many times, yet you always came running back," Jake says, now in front of Shawn.

Shawn makes his hands into tight fists. I see Shawn's dad grab Jake by this shoulder. Jake turns and brushes his hand off. "Jake, leave or I'll call the cops," Manny warns. Jake laughs bitterly, "you don't understand do you? Isabella is meant to be with me, not him!"

Manny grabs Jake by his collar. But this doesn't stop him, as he comes running to me and kisses me, roughly. I hear gasps in the crowd. I push on his chest, slapping his face with all the force I can use. Jake takes my arm as he takes out a white rag and covers it over my nose and mouth. I fight back, but that's when he pulls out a black object. I see Shawn scream, but my vision becomes blurry. "I'm not going to hurt you this time," I hear Jake's faded voice.


My eyes flutter open as I hear a door slam shut. "Shawn? Is that you," I say, but it feels like I whispered. I try to scream but I couldn't hear my voice. "Hey, you're awake," a muffled voice says. Lights turn on, making me shut my eyes. I open them back again to find a guy standing in front of me with a black suit. He walks towards me, stroking his hand on my cheek. I try to raise my hand but nothing works. Nothing.

"How are you feeling?" The guy asks, grabbing a glass cup next to me. He helps me drink the liquid but I refused. That's until he holds open my jaw and pours the liquid inside my mouth. "What are you doing to me," I whispered. "I'm saving you, from getting hurt." I turn to my left as I see a shadow. "Jake is that you?" He's lifts his head, as I see bruises on his face. "What happened to you?" I ask, but he just sits there. He's also tied up.

Jake shakes his head, "you don't understand. I was trying to save people from getting hurt. They captured both of us. Well they're going to kill me and your going to watch. Then they're going to kill..... they're going to kill you after."

When he finishes, the guy returns from a room as he brings another cup, "here you need to drink this, you'll get better."

I object, slapping the cup to the floor, as it shatters into pieces. "Please, Isabella, do not do anything that you'll regret," Jake says, as the guy grabs my arms, pulling me to my feet. He drags me into a hallway, where there's light. "You think this is a game don't you?"

The guy laughs bitterly. The sunlight shines on his face, as I start to take notice of who he was, "Garrett?"

He nods, "took you long enough."

I shake my head, "what do you want from me," I question as throws me into a wooden chair. He sits me down, as I look up to him. "It's not what I want from you, it's what I need from you. Shawn's made a mistake, and it will hurt you very badly."

"Shawn will find you, and when he does he will hurt you. It won't matter to him that you're he's brother," I say spitting in his face.

"Oh Isabella, you will never understand what he did. He would never told you even if he had to chose between telling you or dying," Garrett says, coming closer to me. He kneels to my height, touching my face. I turn my face, but he grabs my jaw harshly.

Garrett snaps up, as banging could be heard from the front door. "Shit," Garrett mumbles, running to the door. I start to push on my chair, or I can turn around. But that doesn't go well as I end up on my side on the floor. "You are arrested for manslaughter and kidnapping, anything you say or do will be against you," I heard someone say. Someone picks me up from the position I was in, "Isabella?"

I look at the person, that person being Shawn, "Shawn thank god you're here!"

Shawn untied me, as he pulls me close, kissing me. He embraces me, "God I thought I was going to lose you." I shake my head in his chest, "how long have I been gone?"

He pulls me away, taking a good long look at me, "a month." 

"Oh my god, really?" I say, gasping. I wrap my arms around him as I start to feel dizzy, "what's wrong with me?"

"I will get you help and I'll get you out of here."


I Still Love You; S.MWhere stories live. Discover now