The Starting line

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That night, I sit on my bed, Ampharos next to me, and stare at my closet.

"Hrrrrrrrrrr." I hum aloud.

I am an awful packer, so I find it's good to mentally and physically prepare yourself.


Fluffy hums allowed. I spring up from my bed.

"Okay, I'm ready!" I exclaim.

Ampharos hops up and clenches his fist, putting his game face on. I open my closet, and fish out a large suitcase, with a cool zig zag, black and white design on it. Next, I take out all of my clothes, dump them on the floor, and pick the ones I like. I now have at least ten different types of tops, and seven different types of shorts. Next I pack in my girly essentials, along with a cosmetics bag that has perfumes, deodarents, makeup, facial cleansers, body wash, cream, the works. Now I add in a towel, bathers, sheets, blankets, my pillow, a few books and my favourite plushie, a little cleffa one I've has since I was little. Fluffy packs his own slightly smaller suitcase, filling it with hek knows what. When we have bathed finished, and doubled checked, I called my mum over to check one more time. She quickly examines it, and frowns.

"You forgot shoes, a hat, a hairbrush, some socks, maybe a few nicer clothes like some dresses, pyjamas, underwear..." She lists an excruciatingly long list, having me quickly pack.

Once I had added everything I had forgotten, I left mine and Fluffys nearly bursting open suitcases at the front door. I clamber back onto my bed, and just lay there. Fluffy lays on his pile of blankets. We tried to buy him a bed, but he just wouldn't use it. He preferred piles of soft blankets. I watched as during the night he would wrap himself in them, and end up looking like a caterpillar. That's when I realised that Fluffy had only packed blankets and his pikachu plushie. I laughed, and dressed into my pyjamas, which was an Ampharos onezie. Ironic thing was Fluffy had actually gotten it for me. I lay in bed, trying to get to sleep, but I just couldn't.

"You can't do it!"

Hugo's voice rang strong and clear in my head. I punched my pillow in frustration. Hugo's remarks had inked doubt onto my mind, and like a tattoo, I was never going to get rid of it. Not without paying a large price.


"AMPHAROS!" Fluffy yells, disturbing me from my long and solid sleep.

After hours being lost in my own thought, I had finally fallen asleep. I sit up, and hit my head on Fluffy. We both make a whistle like sound out of our teeth, and suck in the pain. My dad swings the door open, a joyous look on his face.

"Today's the day my darling Rosa makes her dream come true!" He says, doing a little rumba.

I shake my head in embarrassment. Even if nobody is around, it's still super embarrassing. 

"Okay Dad." I yell, throwing a pillow at him.

He dodges easily, and runs off. I rub my face, just to make sure I'm awake. Today's the day that decides it all. Today's the day I make it or break it. I looked over where Fluffy was standing, hoping for some support. But all I got was the empty feeling that filled the solace where Fluffy was standing only minutes ago. I get out of bed, and clamber to the kitchen. Nobody's there. I poke my head in the lounge room, and see three little cocoons of blankets, watching The Bold and the Beautiful. They remind me of little swabloon.

"Lily, today is the day you make it or break it!"

Oh how true drama shows could be.


I impatiently wait on the front lawn of my house, jumping around and making a weird squealing noise. I so badly wanted to say by to Hugo before I left, but I was still mad at him because of yesterday. My parents Sat next to me, telling eachother how excited they were for me (and quietly discussing what kind of presents they would like) and how great I would be. I love my parents, but sometimes they just don't think before they speak.

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