Setting Off For the Land of Wind

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The train soon arrived at the enormous station of the Hidden Leaf Village.

The passengers got off, meeting their relatives, friends and hosts there on the platform.

Some of the passengers went to other platforms to change the trains.

The Shin-Lin cousins got off the train and began looking around in confusion.

"So? What can you sense? Where does the energy track lead?" Shamo impatiently asked Mekano, who was already casting the jutsu.

He finally opened eyes and replied.

"They avoided the Leaf Village, as I said. The track still continues to the south-west, and has already crossed the border, avoiding Hidden Rain Village as well. The last trace at my jutsu range goes beyond the Land of Wind..."

"Land of Wind?! But we know nothing about that land!" Shamo nervously exclaimed, "The only thing we ever knew about it was where it was located!"

"Yeah, it's so far from the ocean that we could gather no news about it..." Shusui sighed.

"But we cannot simply give up!" Kaen cried out, "We need to save Hana!"

While Shin-Lin cousins were in deep shock, confusion and worry, Lady Temari and her five companions had also come off the train and had walked up to their men - Shikamaru, Choji, and Sai - who met them on the platform.

The families rejoiced and greeted each other, and then the two families - Yamanaka family with the blond-haired woman, Ino, her husband, Sai, and their son, Inojin, and the Akimichi family with Temari's and Ino's companion, Karui, her husband, Choji, and their daughter, Chocho, bid goodbye to their friends and went off.

After that, Shikamaru Nara, the Leaf Village leader's, Hokage's right hand-man turned to his wife, Temari, and son, Shikadai.

"Well, how was the trip?" he asked, scratching his head.

"Fine..." Shikadai lazily answered, staring at his game device.

Seeing his attitude, Shikamaru sighed annoyedly, as if thinking 'What a drag...'

Temari frowned at Shikadai's rudeness, but didn't say anything, just turned to Shikamaru and answered:

"It was good. But now I must visit my brothers in Hidden Sand and tell them about the outcome of this affair. I need you to look after Shikadai while I'm gone. It won't be long, maximum three days, so you mustn't be too busy".

"Yeah, if it's just three days then it's perfectly fine," Shikamaru answered. "And after all, it is Kazekage's affair so we cannot neglect it so carelessly," he added.

"True," Temari smiled. "Well then, I guess I'll go, or I'll miss the train".

Shikamaru beamed back.

"See you later then. I'll miss your delicious dishes..." he scratched his head again, blushing.

"Ugh come on..." Temari grew all red, and then they kissed each other on lips.

Shikadai looked away, thinking all his parents' attitude was 'a drag'.

Then Temari also bid goodbye to Shikadai and was about to set off, when a young, over 14 years old boy came up to them. He had pitch black spiky hair and charming hazel eyes with the shade of honey colour. He was wearing grey clothes with red lines here and there, and grey boots of a cold mountains' resident. He had girt a small ninja tool bag on his thigh, was carrying a backpack on his one shoulder, and had girt a heavy, sharp, fractal sword of a fir-tree shape on his back.

Gaara's Daughter (Gaara's Romance #2) (Naruto/Boruto FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now