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(Y/n)'s POV

"UGGGGHHHHH!" I groan, feeling like I'm walking to my death.

"Oh, come on (Y/n), it won't be that bad!" My best friend, Jasmine, tries to reassure me. Her pink hair blew in the wind, and the sun twinkled off her mismatched eyes. One being blue, the other red.

"Not that bad...? NOT THAT BAD!" I yell, "Jasmine, it is our first day, as transfer students. Did you forget what happened at our last school?"

Let me explain. Me and my best friend, Jasmine, are going to a new school as transfer students, after being kicked out of our last school. We got caught in a little trouble. A teacher was "touching" her when she stayed after for extra help. I was walking by, because I had a club meeting that had just ended. When I saw him doing this to Jasmine, I obviously rushed in the room and shoved him off her, and to the ground. How could I not? She's my best friend after all. Jasmine and I were both called to the office the next day. The teacher from the day before was standing next to the principal, scowling at me. The principal was screaming at the two of us. He brought up some details that never even happened, when I heard these false statements, all I could do was curse, and flip off the teacher in my head. Apparently, according to the corrupted teacher, I started throwing punches at him for no reason. Jasmine tried to defend me, but it was to no avail. At the end of it all, we were both expelled from the school.

"Hey, it's not like anyone there will know what happened." Jasmine reassures me

"Can we just, like, not talk about this?" I ask, as we arrive to the entrance.  "Holy...mother....of god."

We both just stand there looking up, straining our necks in the process.

"This is the biggest school I've ever seen." Jasmine says

"Yea, but now my neck isn't moving...OH GOD HELP ME!" I scream

Jasmine takes my head, and pushes her hands forward, pushing my head back down.

"Better?" Jasmine asks

"Yea, you just, ya know, broke my neck!" I say sarcastically

"Oh really, maybe we should get you to the hospital!" Jasmine says frantically.

"You never were good with sarcasm..." I say

~Time Skip~

We were both transferred to the same class, because our parents couldn't bare to split us up. A blonde girl with blue eyes walked up to the front of the class, and whispers something into the teachers ear, then sits back down.

"Your Class President, Kaitlyn, has just reminded me of something. We have two new members of this class. Would you like to introduce yourselves?" The teacher asks, looking over at Jasmine and I.

"Hi! I'm Jasmine! It's nice to meet all of you!" Jasmine says, perky as ever.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." I introduce myself

"Oh...Jasmine and (Y/n)...the two that were expelled from their last school from beating up a teacher." The teacher says

"Okay. It's great to know student confidentiality isn't a thing in this school." I say, everyone staring at us, wide eyed. "And get your story straight before you say these things out loud."

"Yes, well, I'm Mr. Johnson." The teacher tells us

"Cool," I say, then lean towards Jasmine, "Think he'll let me call him Mr. Douchebag instead?"

Jasmine chuckles, and punches my shoulder.

"What was that Mr. (L/n)?" Mr. Johnson asks

"Nothing Mr. Douche- I mean Mr. Johnson!" I say

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