A Confrontation

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"She has...what?"  I ask

"Natalie...she has Brain Cancer..." Fione says, still crying

"Is she awake?" I ask

"Yes, I was just with her before you got here..." She tells me

"Someone, bring me to her." I say

"I will, I know where her room is." Skylar says, while she starts pushing me to Natalie's room. I thought we were going to have to struggle up the stairs, then I would fall out and make it awkward, because I wouldn't want anyone else to help me up. But, luckily, her room was downstairs.

"Natalie...can I come in?" I ask

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Natalie asks through the door.

"Yea, it's me."

"Just...give me a second!" Natalie says. After hearing some smashing through the door, the door finally opens. "Come in, Sir (Y/n)!"

Skylar pushes me in, then walks out.

"Natalie...why didn't you tell us?" I asks

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you tell us you have brain cancer?"

"Oh...she told you..." Natalie says, starting to look depressed

"Yea, she did."

"I didn't tell you because...I thought you would hate me." She looks up at me, crying.

"Why would I hate you for something like that? What asshole would do that?"

"When..." She starts

"Don't push yourself, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to." I tell her

"I...I'm fine. When I was younger, and I got friends, so I would obviously get some best friends. Once, I was with my friend, and she urged me to have a sleep over with her, and she finally convinced me. We were eating, and when we finished, I had to take my pills. She asked why I took pills, and when I said I had Brain Cancer, she said she had to leave, and got her things then left." She explained

"That's terrible, I'm...sorry for asking."

"It's no problem...seriously." She smiles at me, still crying

"How long..." I ask

"They think I have a few months."

"Is there any way to stop that from happening?"

"They said if I go to chemo." Natalie explains

"Have you been?" I ask

"Yea, I'm wearing a wig right now..."

"If there is any chance you can live, we need to stick to that. Remember, don't lose that home." I say

"I will (Y/n), I promise I will." Natalie tells me, giving me a sad smile. "Can you please leave now, I'm kind of tired."

"Sure Natalie, I'll see you later." I say, knocking on the door so Skylar knows to come in and get me.

"Yea...see you later." Natalie gives me a sad smile, while Skylar pushes me out.

"How was it?" Skylar asks me when we leave the room.

"Emotional, but I think it was good for us." I say

"How so?"

"Well, it's good for our friendship. I feel like our friendship  has grown from this." I explain

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