The Fight

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~(Y/n)'s POV~


Everyone gathers at Natalie's hospital bed, while she's asleep.

"Natalie..." I say, putting my hand on hers.

I look around at everyone and stop.

"Where's Emily?" I ask

"She...didn't come..." Emma said

I could feel the anger boiling inside of me. I knew I texted her about Natalie like I did everyone else.

"I'll be going now." I say, with a tinge of anger in my voice.

"Where are you going?" Janette asked me

"To drag Emily here." I say, wheeling myself out of the door, then out of the hospital.

As I wheel myself down the sidewalk, as my anger grows.

'How can she not be here?! Her friend is in the hospital, and she isn't there by her side?! I swear, she better have a good reason for not being there with Natalie at a time like this!' I think to myself, finding myself rolling faster and faster towards her house.

When I finally get there, I knock on her door, and hear footsteps creeping closer and closer, as I ponder what I'm about to say when she answers the door. Finally the door opens, but when she sees me, she tries to close the door, but I catch it with my good arm, and start pushing it open. I give her and evil smile, and strike fear into her, as she lets go of her hold on the door, and I let myself in. We just stare at each other, until I break the silence.

"Do you care to tell me why you weren't with us to visit Natalie in the hospital?" I ask

She didn't give me an answer.

"I said, do you care to tell me why you weren't with us to visit Natalie at the hospital?!" I ask again louder.

Still no answer.

"Your friend is the fucking hospital, and you don't care to show up to visit her?! Are you kidding me?! For all we know, she could die, and you can't even visit her! So, this is the last time I'll ask. Why weren't you there?"

"It's because..." I can faintly hear her start

"Because why?" I ask, starting to lose my patience.

"Because I don't care about any of them! I only care about you! Are you really that much of an idiot to not realize that?! I hate them all! I only care about you and my modeling! The others are nothing to me!" She yells

I sit there, staring at her, with my eyes wide, then I regain composure.

"So that's how it is." I say, then turn my wheelchair around towards the door. I turn my head to face her. "It's nice to finally know the real you."

While I wheel myself out of the house, I can hear her sobbing behind me.

~Flashback End~

It's been three months since that day. We haven't seen her since then. Other then that, everything has been fine. Well, besides Natalie still being in the hospital still, but they said she's doing better. Kristen's brother is back in town from college for a while, and she introduced us. He seems nice, but I got this odd vibe from him. My leg and arm have finally healed. Jasmine has gone back to living with her mom. Same with Vanessa and her parents. We haven't seen Egbert in a while, so that's always a huge plus. Now we're going to go visit Natalie again. Right now, I'm at my house waiting for Jasmine to show up, because she insisted that we walk to the hospital together.

'I swear to god, if this girl doesn't get here in the next five minutes, I'm leaving wit-" I was cut off by a knock at the door.

I get up and walk to the door.

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