Back To School

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Do you both really have to look after me?" I sigh, looking at the two who are supposed to watch me.

"Yes, and now it's time to go to school." Jasmine says

"Okay, but why do you have to stay at house?" I ask

"To help you go to the bathroom." Vanessa says

"...Can you open the window?" I ask

"Yea, sure." Vanessa obliges, and opens the window.

"Why do you need it open?" Jasmine asks

"So I can jump out it." I say, starting to pick up speed in my wheelchair.


Before I could fly through the window, Vanessa closes the window.

"Dammit..." I say, looking down in disappointment.

"Like hell I'm letting you jump out a window." Vanessa says

"Why would you even want to jump out of the window?" Jasmine asks me

"W-Why...?" I ask in disbelief that she didn't already know why. "MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE THAT FUCKING CRAZY BAND LEADER WANTS TO HELP ME GO TO THE BATHROOM!!" I yell "TO HELL WITH THAT SHIT!"

"Okay, no need to get your panties in a bunch-" Vanessa starts

"Get the hell out of my house." I say

"We should be getting to school now." Vanessa continues, completely disregarding what I just said.

"God. If you can hear me...WHY?!" I ask

~Time Skip~

"(Y/n)! You're back!" Kaitlyn yells, hugging me

"Okay, ow. You are crushing my already crushed ribs." I say, wincing from the pain.

"S-sorry!" Kaitlyn says, letting go of me.

"So where's everybody else?" I ask

"In the cafeteria." Kaitlyn tells me

"Well...lets go surprise them." I say

I roll into the cafeteria, with Jasmine pushing me. We see everyone else sitting at a table, looking depressed.

"Go behind Kristen. She deserves it the most." I whisper

They push me behind Kristen, and Skylar, Janette, and Natalie notice me, but I put a finger up to my mouth, and they understood. I lean closer to her ear.

"Miss me?" I whisper, earning a shriek.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Kristen yells, punching me in my bad arm.

"Yea, sure. Just punch the already broken arm. Not like it's hurting me or anything." I say sarcastically

"I don't think that's good (Y/n). Maybe we should get it checked out incase you're more seriously hurt then the doctors thought." Jasmine says worriedly.

"Role me to the wall." I say

"Um....okay." Vanessa says, rolling me to the wall.

"Hey (Y/n), why did you want to go to the wall?" Skylar asks me

"So I could do this." I say, starting to bang my head on the wall. "Jasmine. You. Are. So. Dumb. Please. Learn. What. Sarcasm. Is."

Vanessa pulls me away from the wall, and puts me at the end of the table.

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