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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Oooooow..." I groan, rubbing my face where Jasmine smacked me.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I should have let you explain." Jasmine apologizes, as she pushes me along the sidewalk

"It's fine." I say "I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately..."

"Well, we're going to meet up with Kelly, Janette, and Emily. Then we're going to the mall." Kristen explains, walking along with Jasmine and I.

"I have a few questions. Aren't you supposed to be with your parents in a few hours? Where's Vanessa? And finally, why do we always go to the mall?" I ask

"I told my parents I would be with you guys for a bit, and they were fine with it. I don't know, or care about where Vanessa is, and, as we said before, we get to drag you wherever we want to go because you're hurt." Kristen explains

"Vanessa is with her parents for the day. She hasn't seen them in a few days." Jasmine tells me

"So what you're saying is...I'm stuck with the person I've been with on the daily for the past fifteen years of my life, a person who has-" I start

"Had!" Kristen corrects me.

"Had parent issues, a model, a volleyball high school superstar, and the most popular girl in school who, for some reason, we never actually see with her other friends." I finish

"Yes...?" Jasmine answers uncertainly

"Can we just get this day over with, I'm still tired from last night." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"And who's fault is that?" Kristen asked

"Yea, sound more grateful, not like I did it for you or anything. On top of that you LITERALLY slept on top of me."

"I said thank you last night!"

"Just...can we please get this day over with...?" I ask

"If you're that tired, why don't you just sleep on the way there?" Jasmine asks me

"Did you just...say something smart...?" I ask

"Hey! Sometimes I'm very smart!"

"No...Sweetie...you really aren't." Kristen says

"Just go to sleep (Y/n)!"

~Time Skip~

~Kristen's POV~

After a few more minutes, we met up with Kelly, Janette, and Emily.

"Hey guys." Kelly says, as they all stand up.

"Ummmm..." Emily points to (Y/n).

"He's sleeping." I say

"Ooooooh." Emily says

"One second." I say, then walk in front of him, pull my hand back, then throw my hand towards his face.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"MOTHERFUCKER!" I scream, bolting out of my wheelchair "FUCK, MY LEG!" I yell, sitting back in the chair.

"HA! You deserved that!" A familiar voice sounds from behind me.

"God...kill me now..." I look up at the sky, putting my hand up in the air.

"If you died, you would be going to Hell." Egbert says from behind me.

"Funny coming from the guy who sexually harassed a girl, and tried hitting another girl." I say

"Speaking of girls..." He looks a Kelly "Hello gorgeous."

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