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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I rub my cheek after being slapped by Kristen to wake me up.

"I still can't believe you slapped me..." I sigh

"That's what you get for sleeping with nine beautiful girls in front of you." Kristen says

"Then don't make me carry all of you!" I yell

"Whatever, you're such a baby." Kristen says

"So, where is everyone else?" I ask

"Downstairs, eating." She tells me

"So, why didn't you go with them?" I ask again

"They told me to slap you awake, and then go eat." She explains

"Of course they did..." I say, then stand up "Well, let's go. My stomach feels like it's eating itself."

"I know how you feel, I'm starving." Kristen says, standing up

"No, you don't know how I feel. You didn't carry people here." I say

"Yea, but I was chewed out by everyone else before you passed out." Kristen explains

"That isn't even close to the pain I went through." I tell her

"You're just a big baby." She says, as we walk into the kitchen

"It's about time, what were you doing up there?" Jasmine asks

"Yea, we said to wake him up, then come downstairs." Kelly says

"Who cares how long it took, as long as we came down eventually?"  Kristen asks

"Fair enough, just sit down so we can start eating."  Janette says

We eat our food, and go back upstairs to relax.

"Your mom is such a good cook." Emily says, patting her stomach.

"She was a chef before I was born." Jasmine explains

"I forgot how good she was at cooking." I say

"(Y/n), you ate here last week." Jasmine tells me

"Don't care, still good." I say

"I don't understand you sometimes..." Jasmine sighs

"Well, I'm going to sleep." I say

"But it's only 7:00." Skylar says

"You're staying up with us!" Kelly yells, slapping me ten times.


"Good. Now, what are we gonna do?" Kelly asks

"Movie!" Emily suggests

"What genre should it be?" Emma asks


"Understood." Everyone says in unison

Once we finally decide on a movie, I fall asleep pretty quickly. When I wake up, I see everyone huddled around me, sleeping. Then I notice Jasmine isn't here. I start turning my head, looking around the room, then hear a bang on the roof. I decided to check it out, so I climb out a window, and onto the roof. Sure enough, Jasmine is standing on the top of the roof, looking at the stars.

"Stargazing tonight?" I ask

"Yea, look." She says, pointing at the sky "See that? It's Orion's Belt."

"I know, I showed you that a few years back." I say

"Ever since then, I've went onto the roof of my house every night it would be visible to us, and looked at the stars." Jasmine explains

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