The Game

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I groan as I wake up. I tried getting up from my bed, but see an arm stretched out across my chest, preventing me from getting up. I look to my side, and see Kristen laying there asleep. I let her stay with me after all the shit that happened with her family.Although I said she can stay with me, I didn't say she could stay in my bed with me.

"Kristen, wake up." I tell her, slightly shaking her.

"Just give me...a few more minutes..." Kristen groans "Better yet...wake me up when breakfast is ready."

"Fine, but I can't do that if your arm is on top of me."

"Then stay in bed with me."

"I have to make breakfast though. I can't do that from bead." I say

"I said stay in bed with me!" Kristen demands, pulling me towards her, and stuffing my face into her breasts.

"Kristen please let me go make breakfast."

"Just...stay with me for a few more minutes."

"...Fine. But can you please take me out of your breasts?" I ask

"Fine." Kristen says, letting go of her grip of my head.

"Finally air!" I say, breathing in as much as I could.

Kristen wraps her arms around me, and lays her head on my chest. It's funny. We aren't dating, but it feels like we are.

~Time Skip~

I finish preparing breakfast, and call down Kristen. Like she wasn't just in bed, she runs down, and sits in a chair a split second after I called her down.

"Well that was fast." I say, serving her breakfast.

"Your food is just the best thing I've ever tasted!" Kristen says, eating her food.

"I've heard that before." I say, eating my food.

"Well whoever said that is very smart." Kristen says

"It was Jasmine."

Kristen drops her food on her plate, with her mouth still open. I reach forward, and close her mouth.

"J-Jasmine said that?" Kristen asks


"So...I just called Jasmine smart?"

"Sure did." I say

Kristen slowly grabs her food, and starts eating again.

"You got something on your face." I say

Kristen licks around her mouth. "Did I get it?"

"No. Hold on." I say, reaching over and wiping it off with my thumb.

Kristen blushes, and grabs my hand. She puts my thumb in her mouth, and licks off the food.

"I could've just put it on your plate again." I say, blushing.

"O-Oh...yea." Kristen says, visibly embarrassed.

We eat in silence for the next few minutes.

"Hey Kristen?" I ask, breaking the silence.


"Why do you sleep in my bed with me every night? I have another room you know?"

"Well...because I feel safe around you." Kristen starts explaining

"What do you mean?"

"You've reunited me with my parents, and then helped me out when my brother tried to hurt me because I found out my parents hated me."

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