Beach Day and Concert

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I stretch out on the towel on the hot sand.

"This feels nice." I say

"I know, right!" Jasmine says "Hey (Y/n), can you rub lotion on my back?"

"Uh, sure." I say, then start squirting lotion in my hands.

"Me next!" I hear a voice say. When I turn, I find out Kelly is the one who said it, and everyone else is with her.

"Oh yea, no probl-waaaaaaiiiiiitttttt..." I say "What are you guys doing here?"

"We heard Jasmine say there's a beach nearby, and wanted to come also!" Kristen explained

"Dammit, this was supposed to be like a date..." Jasmine mutters

"What was that?" I ask

"NOTHING!" Jasmine yells

"Okay...?" I ask "Yea, I can get you guys next. Just make a line."

"Um...excuse me?" I hear a female voice say. When I turn around, I see a girl with purple hair, that it looks black, with black eyes.

"yea, what's up?" I ask, starting to rub the lotion on Jasmine's back.

"Do you mind if you get me too?" She asks

"Uhhhhhh...I don't know you..." I say

"Sorry, my names Emily. I'm working as a part-time model today. I get burned easily, so I need to apply sunscreen." She explains

"So, why not use your own sunscreen?" I ask

"That's the problem. We ran out of sunscreen the last photoshoot, and we forgot to stop and buy some." She explains further

"So, why me?" I ask

"You're the closest to our shoot." Emily tells me

"Okay, now tell met the real reason you asked me." I say

"WHA-?" She starts

"Please, I'm not stupid. I can see them setting up on the opposite end of the beach." I tell her

"F-fine. No one else would do it..." She quietly says

"What was that?" I ask

"No one else would do it." She say quietly again

"Seriously, speak up." I say


"Why is that?" I ask

"T-they think I'm not really a model, and  thought I was just hitting on them..." She explains

"They couldn't just look at them setting up?" I ask

"They weren't setting up when I asked them." She finishes

"I guess I have no other choice." I say "Jasmine, you're done. Whoever's next, you're gonna have to wait a while. Now, you, Model Girl, lay down."

"R-really, thanks!" She lays down, and I start applying the sunscreen.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Kristen asks

"Yea, what's up?" I ask

"There is a band playing later. The lead is someone from the school. Wanna go?" She asks

"Yea, sure." I accept

"Can we go too?" Kaitlyn asks

"Sorry, I only had enough for two tickets." Kristen apologizes

"So, your name is (Y/n)?" Emily asks

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