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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Kristen! Stop! You can't eat my food too!" I yell, chasing Kristen around my house.

"But I want to!" Kristen yells

"Kristen! I'm hungry too! I'll make you another one, just let me eat!"

"But I'm still hungry!"

"I'll split it with you! I just want food!" I yell

"Okay!" Kristen says, running towards me, and giving me half of the breakfast sandwich.

"Yes! Food!" I say, scarfing down my half. "I'm making another one."

"Make one for me too!"

"Fine. Just don't steal my food this time!"

"Okay..." Kristen says sadly

"The on I'm cooking for you would be your second and a half sandwich, you don't need to steal mine. That would be three and a half sandwiches." I say, putting the bacon in the frying pan.

"I know, I just like your cooking." Kristen says

"You said that yesterday."

"I know!"

"The food should be finished soon." I say

"Are you sure I can't have your food?" Kristen asks me

"Yes, I'm sure." I say

Kristen walks in front of me, lifts up her shirt so her belly is exposed, and her pants slightly down, so her figure is shown. "How about now?"

"What do you expect me to do? Touch your belly button?"


"So why are you showing me your stomach?" I ask

"I was trying to tempt you into giving me your food. Do I not have a good enough body for you?" Kristen asks me

"No, in fact you have a very nice body, it's just that doesn't tempt me." I explain

"You really think I have a nice body?" Kristen asks blushing.

"Yes Kristen, you are very beautiful." I say "So beautiful, I'm surprised you haven't gotten more attention from other guys in the school."

Kristen suddenly hugs me, and look up at me, smiling. I blush, and scratch my cheek. Kristen reaches up and kisses me. She forces her tongue into my mouth, and places my hands on her ass. She pulls away and looks at me.

"Why do you have to kiss me all the time?" I ask

"Well if nine other girls are my love rival, I gotta do whatever I can to make you want me." Kristen says

"Kristen, can I finish cooking?" I ask

"Oh yea! Sure!" Kristen says, walking back to her seat.

"After breakfast I'm going to go visit Natalie like I said I would yesterday."

"Okay, I'll come too."

"Fine by me." I say

~Time Skip~

I finish getting dressed, and wait for Kristen to get dressed. I forgot my phone in my room, so I was waiting for her to finish getting dressed so I could grab it.

"You can come in now." Kristen says

I walk in, and Kristen was standing there naked. I walk back out and close the door.

"You're no fun!" Kristen yells at me

"Can you actually get dressed, so I can grab my phone please?!" I yell back

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