Run away

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(sorry if some pov's are short this is barely my first story so enjoy!)

(Dawn's POV)
It was my first day at cliffdail highschool. I was scared my old friend Cody had moved to different states so I knew no one there. In 8th grade I self harmed I still do... I'm abused by my father because of my mother's death I tried to forget everything he says to me or does to me but it just comes back I Nightmares! "H-hello... My name is Dawn Johnston I am 16 years old" I just put on a fake smile most of the kids at the highschool were hybrids... The period ended and I went to my locker I was assigned to then my locker all of a sudden slammed closed I looked over to see who did it to only see a guy with green hair and one green and blue eye.. "uhh who are you?" "I heard you know cody?" "Yeah w-why?" "Meet me behind the school after school got it?" "W-why?" "Just do it!" He yelled walking away...

(Anti's pov)
As I waited for the girl to get here I notified the others that I was meeting her here. "Hello?" She said as she walked up to me. "What is your name?" "D-dawn why?" She said wondering but confused " good to know... Cody did not move schools he joined a mafia called the plague..." I said as I smirked "where is he.." she asked as she death glared me "he is far from here but soon you wont be able to see him... You will be in the grave like your mother..." I say as I reached for my knife in my back pocket but before I could grab her she already ran off...

(Dawn's POV)
"How did he know my mother died?" I say as I ran home.. I was scare to go home as well... My father abuses me it happened after my mother died... I open the door to my house to find bottle everywhere "where the hell have you been?!" My father says throwing a bottle at my head I'm lucky I dodged it. "I'm sorry.... I was late!" I yell scared as he chargers after me "you little liar I bet you were out partying! I told you not to!" He says as he punches my stomach and I fall to the floor as he kicks my sides "you should be dead not your mother!" He says kicking me more. "P-p-plz stop d-dad!" I cry as I try my hardest to get up and run to my room. "Stay there you little ass!" He yells throwing one more bottle. "That's it! I can't take it any more!" I say grabbing the razor off of my dresser and slashing 3 more cuts on my wrists I dried up the blood and wrapped some medical tape on my wrist to stop the blood... I grabbed a back pack and puts most of my clothes in it with two pairs of shoes... Im leaving! (Just to let everyone know now this is a story with hybrids)

(Anti's POV)
I had to find that girl! She needs to die she knows to much about us! I ran back to the mafia telling them what happened. "Droid she ran away before I could get her..." " How could you let her leave!?" "She ran before I could!" I yelled walking away.

(Dawn's POV)
I ran in an ally way and put my stuff down seeing it was raining. Im never going back never! I want to die! I'm being chased by some guy now and probably more! "Why did is this happening to me?" I cry laying on my backpack.

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