What did I do to deserve this?!

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(Tyler's POV )
Marcel's death really took a turn on the team...  I trying to forget it because we ha have a Mission to the navy warehouse the  bad idea is that it's risky mission.  We have to get a fighter jet they stole back to the army.  We all had bullet proof vest because of the heavy ammo they have there.  "guys it's almost time are we ready?! " vanoss ordered as we headed to the van and got in. Prays the Lord I make it out alive...  All of us make it our alive I don't want to loose another member I'm going to fight strong today! 

(Mr Johnston's POV )
We tracked dawns phone and it was heading to the Navy warehouse.  I know people there!  Me an Leo will call them to track down a white van heading there!  It's perfect!  "isn't it weird trying to kill your own daughter? " let asked smirking "no not at all why? " I asked "I killed my father trying to fight him! " he growled  "good that's makes it of us! " I smirked as we ran to the sight.  "we are here! " we walked to the door and walked in "there is a van heading here there planning to steal a fighter jet! " Leo said running to the desk "of sir!  Lock down!  Arm the gate! " The guy yelled into his mic.  I smirked and knew they were not getting in here. 

(vanoss's POV )
We heard the alarm!  Who could of warned them!  how?!  "guys just keep going! " I ordered as Brian drives faster and quickly headed in the gate "of hurry head to the jet and fast!! " I jumped out and started shooting the soldiers as everyone else protected brock so he could get in the jet!  "guys is be in it yet we can't hold them back much longer! " I asked "yeah let's go! " Brian yelled and ran to the driver seat.  Brock finally took off and they shot tanks and misels luckily he dodged them.  We drove as fast as we could and a tank followed us half way down the road.  Tyler got out and had an RPG.  "Tyler come on we have to go!! " Nola yelled it was no use...  "No go on with out me I'm talking one for the team!!!  Go go!! " he yelled I'm not letting him end up like Marcel...  "No!! Get in the van now Tyler we are not leaving you!! " I ordered but I was too late the tank had already blown his body in to pieces! I watched horrified and so did the others "TYYLER!! " I screamed and Brian drove off  tears fell as I watched the tank explode from the RPG he shot before...

(Dawn's POV )
Tyler!  Why?  Why did you take one for us...  I put my hands in my face and cried...  Another one of our friends lost!  Tyler...  Why!? Why...  "why did he protect us...? " I asked and cried more everyone is disappearing in my life slowly one by one...  Painfully watching them die is horrible...  We drove far enough so the tanks didn't follow us and we stopped at a dinner near by...  "Brock go ahead and take the jet back we are at a dinner near the Navy warehouse ok? " he responded with a yes and we hung up and sat down.. "he did want to see Marcel one more time.. " Brian nodded. "well I guess...  I'm kinda mad and sad at the same time...  Why did he do it? " I asked staring at the table. "Tyler is mysterious...  He will do something for no reason..." vanoss said looking down as well "my mother always told me when you loose some one always think of the good times and not the bad times...  " I smiled trying to cheer them up but it didn't work and I frowned... "guys please cheer up... " I frowned again and I heard laughing and it was from them I jolted my head up and they were laughing "what's so funny? " "remember that time he tripped down the stairs and landed on  the bed? " lui shouted laughing!  There back!  "You guys are back to your own self's! " I smiled Tearing "we can't see you sad dawn...  You have been thru a lot...  We want to see you smile! " Brian said
"thanks guys! " I smile

(Nogla's POV)
I can't stand to see Dawn sad...  Her life is just bad...  She lost her mother her father wants to kill her and her father did abuse her at a young age...  I smiled and laughed at all the good times me and Tyler had...  I mean we are all best friends from beginning to end...  no matter what... but all of us are dying one by one slowly... i just want them to be happy no matter where we are! " guys remember that time he kept screaming because his paint ball gun was jambed and he looked thru the hole an it shot him in the eye!?" i laughed. "i dont remember i joined the team late and i barely got to know you guys but i feel like i have known you guys forever! your my family!" dawn said hugging lui. " we better go home is late.. " I said tired "yeah... " (time skip)  we finally got home and heard noises we ignored it and just layed down. 

(Mr Johnston's )
Tonight's the night! I know where there hide out is I'm heading there with Leo!  Speaking of which we are already here!  Two hoots falls?  Never heard of this place before.. "shhhh....  Sneak thru the back.. " Leo whispered.  I nodded and head thru the back with him and a door was open we snuck in and hid behind a dresser so we won't get caught.  We saw Dawn with a monkey?  Hmm oh well she is going to die soon like her friend Tyler...  I made a hand signal of 1... 2... 3..  "now!! " I jumped on the monkey and Leo got Dawn holding her down with one of his hands holding her hands above her head and the other holding a knife to her neck.  "say a word and your dead! " Leo whispered.  I looked at Dawn and she looked over at Lui and nodded then I felt pain and I looked to see I had got kicked off.  "cut her throat" I ordered to him he slowly put it up to her next and grazed it but then he stopped hearing the guys were coming "hey!!  Get off her!! " I heard a man yell he had a red and white leather jacket on and he was an owl hybrid. "come closer and she is dead! " Leo said holding the knife closer.  I heard a click and saw Dawn holding a gun to leos head and then she pulled the trigger...  He was dead his limp body fell in her with blood pouring out.  She pushed him off and ran to the guys holding her neck a little "hmm got smarter now did ya?  I see you still got the scars from the night you left and before.. " I smirked and chuckled " get out or in going to kill you... " I heard her growl and her eyes suddenly turned a light red not yellow like usually "what's the matter..   You deserve to be dead...  Your mother should if got you aborted! " I growled glaring at her and she held up the gun and I was soon face to face with the barrel of the gun...  "You won't kill your own father.. " I smirked then heard a bang and I felt a strong pain as I black out! 

(dawns POV )
I faced the barrel towards his head...  I want this to end... I felt my eyes flash red then yellow why?  I ignored it and pulled the trigger aiming for his head.  The bullet went thru his head as he fell slowly to the floor.  I dropped the gun and held my neck feeling blood running down it a little bit. "Dawn you killed him? " I heard lui as I held my neck feeling weak.... The guys took me to the bathroom to patch me up then we went to the bodies "the police will be here soon.. " I muttered "how are we going to explain this? " even chuckled "I had the gun though my finger prints are on The murder weapon. " I said looking at the gun.  Shit we didn't think this thru...  "I can't lie to the police he did almost kill me... " I heard the sirens "they don't know there is a hiding spot here!  Or do they? " I signed "they do... " delirious sighed "damn it.. " I growled  then heard a knock on the door "well... " I said opening the door.  "hello officer " "have you seen these two prisoners? " he showed me a picture of my dad and the other guy "no...  But the on one on the right is my father... " "we know and have a nice day! "  I waved bye and shut the door and put my back against the wall and sight din relief "guys they left! " I yelled "what did they want... " even said walking to me "to see if we saw them but i told them no.. " "good! "  he nodded.

(man that was hard to write I do it during school so am chapters might be delayed so)

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