He saved a life

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(dawns POV )
We got home and we heard the alarm we quickly checked the computer and it was the vipers again "what did they do now?! " I questioned "they going to blow up that hospital down the street we have to get the fast!! " we all got the van loaded up and drove there to see droid and the other "you guys never stop do you?! " I said lying In the sir a little "long time no see Dawn! " Wilford yelled he had some kind of golden gun with a rose carved into it and a golden dagger!  I clenched my gun tightly waiting for them to do something.  They jumped down and we started to fight but then we forgot about the bomb and the next thing we know Marcel had it and got on the motor cycle to take it away "Marcel no you will get killed!! " delirious tried to stop him but he didn't listen...  The had this planned all along...  I knew it because there gone!  "ugh guys we have to follow Marcel and quick!! " Nogla said as we got In the van and went out of town to a desert?  Why a dese- oh no!  "m-marcel? " I cut myself off seeing his motorcycle explode and he was on it!  "no! " I cried as the van stopped and we ran to the scene which had blood and his body parts everywhere!  (sorry for the Gore )

(Marcel's POV )
(lets go back to when he got the bomb) I grabbed the bomb and ran as fast as I could to the motorcycle that was in the van.  I got on it and drove the bomb to the desert it was too late next thing I know I feel pain and....  I'm not longer alive anymore...  As my spirit went towards the light I could see all of my friends looking horrified at the scene...  I wish I could say goodbye for one last time...  Tears fell as I went closer to the light and disappeared..  I was sin a white place I saw every one I have lost threw out the years!  I ran and Hugged them it was my time I'm sorry guys!  Tears fell as I was thinking I would never see them again...

(vanoss's POV )
His body was in bits...  The horrific scene was bad...  He saved everyone in that hospital!  But now he is gone...  I felt tears stink my eyes as dawn stared at the scene her eyes would not remove from it and I saw tears running down her cheeks!  Lui cried into noglas shoulder and nogla tightly held lui crying as well everyone was...  We just lost a friend a teammate a family member in front of our eyes...  It won't be the same around here...  The cops started swarming the area as we walked to them "what happened here sir?! " "My friend grabbed the bomb from the hospital and brought it here...  Then it was to late it exploded and his body was in bits...  But he saves that hospital and everyone in it.. " tears kept falling "he is a hero to this city thank you guys how can we repay you? " he smiled after writing everything down I just shrugged and walked away to everyone who was in grief.  Tyler punched the van hard and growled "Marcel you ass why did you leave us! " he yelled in anger "Tyler calm down please it was not his fault! " I tried to calm him down Marcel was his best friend "no I jus lost my best friend evan! His ears went down In anger and tears kept falling... 

(Tyler's POV )
I didn't know what to do now...  I lost a loved one...  He was my best friend...  tears fell more as I thought about all the good times we had all the fun we had that is all gone now...  We all sat near the van watching the fire burn out on the motor cycle and then cover every body part across the ground. The vipers will pay there will learn not to hurt the people I love!  I put my ears down and put my knees to my stomach... I saw evan he was watching the fire more than everyone...  "Tyler are you OK? " I felt a nudge and looked over seeing nogla I looked away and shook my head no...  "we loose people we love Tyler it's life...  Look at Dawn she lost he mother,  sister,  and best friend..." he said worried...  "I know but...  Marcel was my childhood friend I grew up with him and losing him made me think I have no purpose in this world...  Everyone come and goes..! " I growled "Tyler...  I know how you feel we miss the people we love...  Lui didn't have no one back in highschool everyone hated him because he as small...  But now he has got us..  And so do you..  Please smile for us again..  You know I know Marcel isn't really gone he is just unseen... " Nogla smiled and rubbed circles in my back.. I smiled back and wiped some tears "that's it! "he stayed exited...  But what will I do with out him he motivated me to do what I'm doing now... 

(minis POV )
I felt really bad for Tyler.... I know how long he has known Marcel....  It's normal for somebody to loose someone they love and you just have to move on no matter how hard it is...  Tears fell as I frowned thinking one day I will loose everyone...  I shake my head mini no stop thinking that!!  I yell to myself! 

(it will get depressing towards the end..  Warning ya! )

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