bad past good future

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(Dawn's POV)
I was surprised he let me stay with them.... Usually when I'm around I don't give people good feelings... "I'm really glad usually people don't like me around..." I say smiling a little. "Hey don't say that I'm who wouldn't want you around you seem cheerful!" He said laughing! I chuckled as he said that... This might be a good start to a new life for me who knows? I heard alot of rucuss coming from the door I looked to see 6 more guys come in and some were hybrids...

(Delirious's POV)
Im a raccoon hybrid! We walked thru the door yelling and screaming for some reason and laughing... Then when we got to vanoss we seen a girl hiding behind nogla! "We're back vanoss! And who is that behind nogla?" I said as I pointed to her. "This is Dawn... She has a pretty bad day and life so go easy on her..." Vanoss said as she hid behind nogla more. I'm assuming Lui and nogla found her from the looks of it... I went out side to get the supplies we got from the van and brought it back in I set it down and looked at the girl wondering what happened... "So nogla did you find her.. "

(Noglas POV)
"Yeah me and Lui were walking back and we found her... She told us what happened and said she was never going back... " I said hesitatingly "are they safe?" She said as she moved from behind me a little hey was she scared from them though? "Yeah don't worry there part of are mafia..." "Oh... Ok..." She looked really nervous I wouldn't blame her though these guys can be scary I chuckled to my self.

(Tyler's POV)
I am a pig hybrid! I was laughing at something and looked seeing the girl move from behind noglas back and Lui jumped in her shoulder trying to hug her. After introducing everyone we went to go shoot some rounds! "Are you good at using a cross bow or any weapon Dawn?" I asked her grabbing a pistol. "Uhhh... I-i don't know I never used a gun before..." "Oh ok! We will have to teach you then!" I smile handing her a pistol "here!" She smiled and grabbed it as we headed to the backyard.

(Miniladds POV)
We headed to the back with the guns to teach Dawn how to use them! "Ok! Now try to aim right at the Target!" I said pointing at it. She shot one bullet and it got right dead center! "Wow you do know how to use guns! Hold up!" I ran to vanoss and told him what happened and he was surprised! "Is she good enough for the mafia?!" "She needs more training but other than that yeah!" I ran back to go tell her! "Hey Dawn wanna join are mafia?!" "What?" She said confused... Why is she confused did she not wanna join? "Do you wanna join our mafia?" She stared at me for a second and froze... I waved my hand In front of her! "Dawn Dawn?" I said waving my hand more until she snapped out of it! "Huh? Oh! I guess!" She said putting down the gun.

(Dawn's POV)
I can't believe it!! I'm joining a mafia! Why would they choose me I'm not that good at shooting! Miniladd to me to go talk to vanoss! "Evan!!" Miniladd yells I chuckle getting pulled by miniladd! "She said she would!" He screamed like a little girl! "Oh good" after he said that he checked the time..."it 9:00 guys we better get ready for bed we have to train you! You can sleep with nogla and Lui they have an extra bed in there room!"he said pointing me up stairs. "Ok..." I sighed and grabbed my back pack grabbing PJs and going to the restroom! Is it going bad so far XD?) I closed the door putting on a pink shirt sleeves shirt and long legging that were black. "Where's nogla?!" I yelled than saw him "hey nogla I have to sleep in your room with you and Lui Evan said you had and extra bed!" "Oh yeah we do I will show you" he lead me up stairs and showed me I nodded and sat on the bed putting my bag down "night guys!" I said laying down and drifted off to sleep while sleeping I had a flash back from my child hood! Flashback: I was in the car with my mom driving then something black ran in front of us and the next thing I know I feel a large pain on my arm and look over to see my mom slaughter by a pole that went thru the windshield and stubbed her thru the Left side of the chest "mom?! Mom!"I say shaking her crying! I cry more and hear sirins! My body was shaking and I was pleading for my mom to wake up! "Please mom please wake up!" End of flash back: i jolted up with tears streaming down my face and I was screaming saying "please wake up!" I put my knees to my stomach and cried! "Dawn? What happened are you ok?!" I hear Luis squaker voice shaking me I look up seeing him "why are you crying and screaming?" I couldn't lie to the little guy...  "I'm crying because of my past I had a nightmare of my mother death!" I feel his tiny arms wrap around my neck "it's ok!" He says smiling I smile back trying to wipe the tears away!

~time skip morning~

(Vanoss's POV)
I woke up to an alarm on the computer I open my laptop to see a "V" on the sanner near the davenson bank! I hit the alarm near my bed! I immediately get up and put my night owl suit on and stretch my wings! "Fucking vipers!" I growl running down stairs "guys it's a 10-40 I yell into a mic on the desk and see everyone run down stairs dressed even Dawn? "Guys it's a 10-40! Vipers! Dawn you should stay here! There dangerous!" "No way I know how to fight I fought a dang hybrid rhino once!" She said yelling! "Fine but put  a bullet proof vest in and grab more ammo! Got it?" "Yeah!" They all said getting ready and running to the van. I grabbed all my supplies and went to the driver seat heading to the location! "Ok guys surround the place Dawn nogla Lui go in stealthy got it!" "Ok!" They all three said! Everyone jumped out and surround the place and I saw Dawn nogla and Lui run in guns aiming! "Watch your back guys!" About 5 minutes later 20 hostages ran out! "Del mini take them to a safe place!" "Ok!" They said running to the hostages! I heard alot of gun shots going on I'm there!

(Noglas POV)
These damn vipers! I said shooting then reloading! They grabbed a little girl now it was risky! "Guys hold fire!" I ordered! I saw Dawn gone I don't think they noticed k was looking for her hopefully she ran out! I see anti disappear and the rest were gone! I scanned the area and no sighn! Where did they go? I see Dawn fly down with the little girl! Dawn she is a hybrid?! She has white wings and white feathers on her elbows! An eagle Hybird! "Dawn?! How did you?!" I questioned! "I snuck pasted them and put tear gas then they were gone and he next thing I know I I had white wings and feathers at my elbows I think I'm an eagle Hybird!" She yelled and carried the girl running outside. "All clear!" I yelled giving Evan an ok! 'she is a hybrid who knew?' I thought to my self as I looked around.

(Dawn's POV)
I can't believe im a hybrid! My wings are white and I have white at my elbows like Evan since he is an owl hybrid I think I'm an eagle?! I set the little girl down and she ran to her parents! I got greeted by the guys hugging me and the parents of the little girl shaking my hand! "Glad I could help!" I smiled and laughed at the guys cheering! 'The pain is gone!' i wipe a tear! "Dawn your a hybrid why didn't you tell us!?" Brian yelled "hey I didn't even k is my self so... And I guess I'm an eagle!" I spread my wings they were pretty big like Evans and they were white and beautiful! I smiled and chuckled! "Ok guys chill let's the police handle th-" I got cut off by the news surrounding me nogla and lui? "How did you get the little girls Dawn?! how did you guys figure out how to get them to surrender!?" I looked at them nervous but smiled! " While anti the one who got the little girl was distracted by nogla and I snuck away and put tear gas then they disappeared!" They questioned me for about 10 more minutes and they walked away I don't know what happened but I'm glad that little girl is safe... "Guys chill the little girl is safe..." I said looking behind del seeing my father!? "DAWN?!" he said running to me! "I TOLD YOU NOT TO BE HANGING AROUND GUYS!!" he grabbed my arm and yanked it away it showed a hand print bruise! "Let me go dad!" I yelled at him and he slapped me and then kicked my stomach! "G-guys?" I saw my dad get pushed to the ground by them and then they punched him! I cried holding my stomach and saw the police take my dad away! "Are you ok Dawn?!" Brian del and Brock ran to me! "W-why me?" I stuttered my words shaking... Lui hugged me "i-i don't know why he hates me?" I cry more! "Dawn he is going to jail now don't worry he won't hurt you no more..." Tyler says helping me up and I smile wiping the tears! 'i guess he is right...' I thought... We got inside the van and drove home.  I ran to the bathroom and pulled a razor from my pocket and gently held it to my arm i started making 3 more cuts! 'please let the pain go away please!' I cry dropping the bloody razor! I watched my wrist leak blood I just stared having hard memories run thru my head of my abusive father! 'why won't it stop no matter where I go it comes back!' I thought crying.

(Brock's POV)
I saw Dawn run to the bathroom so I knocked on the door. "Dawn you ok?" I kept knocking and no awnser! I used my key to unlock the door and j saw her crying into her knees and a razor near her that was..... Bloody!? "Dawn!" I grabbed the razor and flushed it down the toilet so she couldn't self harm no more... "Dawn why are you doing this?!" She looked up tear stained cheeks "I want to die I want it all to end no matter where I go or what I do I end up near my father!" "Dawn he is jail for life!" "Really?!" She said wiping her tears and getting medical tape and wrapping it around her arm. "They took him to jail? You mean I'm safe?" She said tilting her head and wrapping her wings around her body. "Yeah!" I chuckled petting her wing. "Let's go before they guys worry!" I lead her out and the guys were talk about what Dawn did! "Wooo Dawn!!" They chanted over and over!

(Again guys sorry for short POV'S it's been a long week and I'm sick soon..😷😷🤒)

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