A New Life

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(Nogla's POV)
I was walking down the street with Lui on my shoulder he is only 12 centimeters tall so he was so small for a hybrid. "Nogla nogla!"he yelled pointing down an ally way. "What Lui?" I asked walking down it then seeing a girl near a trash can and she was sleeping on her backpack. While I walked up to her I noticed her wrists were wrapped in medical tape. "What happened to her?" I say examining her wrists the seeing her wake up suprised seeing us. "W-who are you guys?" She said backing up. "Hey don't worry we are here to tell what  Happened?" I say sitting down with Lui still on my shoulder. "N-nothing you don't wanna here about it" she said tearing " hay plz tell us what Happened" I said worried "f-fine... I ran away..." She said crying "why?" "Because my father he abuses me because of my mother's death... As you can tell with all the brushes and can barely walk! I self harm because I just want to die!" She yells "awww plz don't cry.... " Lui said as he jumped off my should and hugged her "it's not your fault you don't have to go back..."  "Thank.." she hugged Lui back.

(Dawn's POV)
He is pretty nice... "So he is a hybrid?" "Yeah" Lui said in a squeaky voice which was kinda cute. "Why are you guys worried about me? Don't you guys have better things to do?" "Well no we're actually part of a mafia called the plague" he said then my eyes widened. "T-the plague... Do you know a guy named Cody?" I ask worried. "Uhhh... Y-yeah he actually was on it then..." He said pausing and I looked at him even more worried " he what?" "The v-vipers killed him... I'm sorry did you know him?" I teared hearing that my best friend i have known longer than anyone is now gone forever... "C-cody is g-g-gone forever?" she said crying.

(Nogla's POV)
I feel bad for her after all she has been thru... "How long did you know him?" "Ever since I was 2 her has been there for me any where at any time but when I found out he moved to different states I felt I was unsafe... " She cried more and Lui tried to comfort her. "He never moved states he just told you that so you wouldn't worry about him being in a mafia..." She looked even more depressed after I said that... "Do you have any where to stay?" "N-no... I'm not going back to my father and that school..." She cried more "you can stay with us... I will ask my leader I'd you could!" I smile trying to comfort. "R-really you would do that?!" "Sure Evan is real nice!" "If you say so" she said grabbing her bag as lui jumped back on my shoulder "let's go!" Lui yelled with his squaker voice.

(Vanoss's POV)
I was checking in on some other criminals but then nogla and Lui walked in with some kind of girl. I folded my wings down a little not to scare her she looked jumpy. "Hello nogla Lui who is this?" I pointed to the girl. "This is Dawn we found her in an ally way with cut wrists from her umm... Self harming.." "s-self harming? Why?" I say tilting my head. "Uhh it's because I am being abused by my father at home.... So I ran away... But I started to self harm before this because of Cody... I heard what happened me and him were best friends until he died..." She said tearing "so you did have a bad past... " "Uhh Evan do you think she could uhh stay with us?" Nogla said I had to think for A minute... "Sure for as long as you need!" I smiled!

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