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(dawns POV )
I signed looking around... How will we hide the bodies? "guys did you find a way to hide them? " "yeah we are going to Barry them! " banks said dragging on of the bodies. Where's Lui? " I asked I didn't see him when the cops came. "guys I'm going to track lui to see where be is.. " I looked at the laptop and seen he was somewhere near this alley way how did he get there? "guys lui is in some kind of alley way a block away from here. " "how did he get there? " nogla asked as he walked over to me to see the laptop "wanna go check? " he asked I nodded "guys we will be back!" they nodded as we walked out and walked to the alley way "stop this could be a trap... " nogla put his arm in front of me "your right... " I grabbed my phone and signed the light and seen a bear trap in front of us... "oh crap look" it was inches away from my leg I sight did relief "lui lui? "I called "wait a minute this the same alley way you guys found me remember. " I asked the turning my phone off "how do you know this is it? " I pointed and it showed a carving bloody paw print "how did that get there? " "there was a fight and a dog hybrid got killed. I was scared and hide in the garbage can! " I stopped and heard lui squeaking! "is that lui? " I asked Nogla nodded and we headed down the alley way. We kept a eye out for anything and heard a car screech it's wheels we ran to the front of the alley way and seen a blue car drive off with lui in the back! "hold on nogla! " I flew after it but I couldn't catch it.... I got the licence plate number! I flew back to Nogla! "we have to tell the other quick! " we ran as fast as we could and ran into the house "guys lui got kidnapped! " nogla yelled going to the computer "by who?! " vanoss ran to the computer with nogla "some guy in a blue car! " I handed him the license plate number and they looked it up. Thank god it was not none if the mafia members! "what is the guy's name? " I asked "Kevin Santos! Age 30!" vanoss said. "we can track lui right? " "No they took off his tracker! " vanoss yelled. "guys meeting now!! " vanoss yelled again everyone ran in and sat down at a table. "what's wrong? " Brock asked

(vanoss's POV )
We have to command a search right away! "guys lui has been kidnapped! We need a search team to look for this car and this guy! " I slammed a piece of paper down showing the car and the guy. "OK where do we look!? " Brian asked "Everywhere! " they grabbed the guns and ran out to look for him... "I'm right behind you guys! " I yelled running. ( a month time skip because why not😂) we still have not found Lui I'm scared he might of died... "guys we can't give up... " I signed and kept looking in the laptop "guys lui is on the news! " Dawn yelled I ran over there seeing his picture "lui caliber the hybrid monkey has been found! He is located in Chicago! " The TV guy said. I saw Dawn tear up "he is alive!! " she yelled crying "let's go get him Chicago is an hour away! " we all jumped in the van and drove... 'We finally found him...' I thought to my self. After an hour we got there and headed to the police station! "hello we are looking for lui caliber! Is he here! " I asked at the desk where a women was standing "yes! But he is in a cell for safety right now I will get him! "she headed to the back and after at least 5minutes lui came running to us and hugged Dawn. He did miss her. "Lui your OK! " he hugged us all tightly crying! "let's go home so we can talk about it! " (time skip home) "how did you escape? " I asked as lui sat on dawns shoulder... "after the cops came I ran into the back yard to get something that a cop grabbed me until I realised it was not a cop... He carried me to this alley way a block away from here and he waited for some people to come and pick him up. We got to some warehouse and then tied me up and forced me to give in our information up.. I didn't though don't worry.. And I united the ropes with my tail and I quickly ran as fast as I could they cut my back... " he told us all that and started crying then he lifted up his jacket and had a huge gash on his back "oh crap we better get that treated right away! " Dawn got the first aid kit and patched his back up! "I'm glad your safe lui the whole time you were gone we didn't give up on losing you! " I said rubbing his head. "I missed you the most! " Dawn said as she hugged him.

(dawns POV )
I hugged lui I missed him so bad... Man I thought he was gone... I cried in his little shoulder joyful tears falling! Nogla grabbed my hand and looked at me "dawn remember your not alone... Just remember that we are always with you in your heart and in the sky watching from above.. " he said softly I kinda blushed a little then smiled. "thanks Nogla...." I smiled and put Lui down. I yawned and stretched "imma head to bed.. I didn't sleep the whole time he was missing..." I walked to the room which me lui and nogla were sharing. I plopped on the bed stomach down and layer my chin on my pillow looking down... Then I heard the door click open and seen nogla and Lui "hey Dawn you OK? " lui asked "y-yeah... " I nodded "down I know your hurting... " I hear nogla say as he sat next to me "I -im fine I Swear... " I tear but it wipe it away a little... He grabbed my hand and looking at me "we are not gonna leave you dawn.... I know we lost to guys this year there still apart of the team... " he rubbed my hand and smiled. I smiled back and blushed a little as I layed down I shook it off.  He got up and layed down on his bed.  Why did he blush?  I ask my self as I slowly drift to sleep.  Nightmare: it was smokey Everywhere in the hideout...  I looked around nobody... I heard nogla yelling my name  "n-nogla? " I ask coughing I see him running to me then I black out... End of nightmare.  I jolt up from my bed sweating and my chest hurt...  Was that my death? 

(hmm good chapter?  Anyway I might be off for a bit so if I don't update that why! )

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