Jail break

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(Mr Johnston's POV )
I'm going to kill her even if I'm in this junk place! It's all her fault her mother is dead!  "she is dead I will find a way for her to pay.. " I muttered to myself...  "I can help you break out...  "I heard a voice from the top bunk I looked up seeing a guy he was blind in one eye. "w-who are you? " I questioned "my name is Leo... " he jumped down "there is a vent near the lunch room you can escape from... "he mumbled...  "what's in it for you if I escape and how do I know your lying? " I smirked "anti escaped from here he is a friend of mine and to pay me back take me with you... " he smirked "fine! " I agreed and shook his hand. When we got yard time I managed to sneak in the dining room and get thru the vent as Leo followed behind me.  Now a way to get put thru the vents. (time skip I don't know vents so here ya got) we got out of the yard luckily no cops seen us...  Strange where could they be? 

(Brock's POV )
It won't be the same around here...  If only I could go back in time and change it all... "guys he is happy where he is now I know he was happy here he is not gone he is in spirit understand that please.. " I begged and the all looked at me and nodded "mini..." I hear Dawn say and she scooted over to me lui was still with her he is not leaving her "yeah? " I looked over at her "what does it feel like to be loved? " she wondered and teared "why? " why is she wondering that?  "because I felt hatred and betrayal all my life...  I have scars and bruises cuts and everything from my father... And bullies.. " she tested and I rubbed circles in her back "well it's like a warm hug you feel safe you feel like you could do anything... " I smiled "oh I never felt that way before..  " she frowned "how lie hugs you all the time...  He thinks your his best friend! " I said as lui jumped into dawns arms  "see? " I chuckled "yeah! " she hugged lui tight I smiled! 

(Delirious's POV)
Now Marcel is gone like everything else I have lost...  Not a change though...  I got up "guys let's get ready to go...  It's been a hard day! " I ingrained walking to the van and opening the door getting in with the others Following...  I just wanna go to bed and sleep for the rest of the day...  I groaned to myself I wanna get Marcel's death out of my head I just wanna remember the good time not the bad times! I'm gonna make my self crazy thinking that man...  I did once I don't want to go happen again...  "del You OK? " I look over seeing Brock "yeah im fine don't worry... " I said looking away I see the hide out near two hood falls "finally home... "  I jump out and press a button near the water fall and it stops so a hidden door is visible now.  It opens and all of us walk in putting down the guns and other things we don't need now...  I went to walk to my room and I walked by Marcel's...  I walked into it and looked at a picture of him on his desk...  I smile and tear a little and pick it up...  "You dumb ass... You had to grab the bomb...  Well your in a happy place now... " I dropped the picture and seen the glass crack as I walk out... 

(Brock's POV )
Del was feeling weird in the van...  I followed him and he walked in to Marcel's room then walked out I walked in Marcel's room and seen his broken picture?  I picked it up and saw a crack starting from his head and spreading out like lighting bolt. Was his death planned? The odds were high that they did plan it.  I walked out of the room and went to evan "hey even I need to talk to you." he was taking to dawn and she walked away to let us talk "what is it Brock? " "do you think the vipers planned uh Marcel's death??" I looked at him and he sat down "most likely we will find out don't worry.. "  he signed looking up the white snakes info...  "alright.. " I walked away and sat by dawn and lui who were playing cards I signed they looked at me and then looked away...

(it's gonna be hard to write the end even though I'm half way through the story)

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