The end of the day

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(delirious's POV )
I woke up that morning feeling a little different... For some reason I felt like I didn't want to see any one or talk to any one today. I sat up but then later back down hearing a knock on my door. "hey del You OK? You never sleep in this late.. " I heard mini say opening the door "I'm fine just leave me alone right now OK? " I said irritated "uh OK? " I heard him say in a confused voice but then walk out. I looked at my arms from recent scars and realised "did my depression kick in again... " I mumble so the others wouldn't hear. My eyes gazed away from my arms to my drawer which had sharp razorblade in it. I had to think is it worth it? I layed back down thinking.

(mini Ladd's POV )
I walked out of delirious's room concerned of why he was mad. I walked down the stairs and went to evan to tell him "hey evan do you notice delirious is acting a little... Weird lately? " I asked "not really probably just a bad day... " he said drinking the coffee. I decided to check on del again. I walked back up stairs and opened Del's door seeing him holding a blade to his wrist "delirious!! " I yelled as Iran to him "what are you doing?!? " I grabbed the blade and thru it across the room only cutting my hand a little but I didn't care "i-i don't k-know... " he said stuttering holding his wrist. It didn't have no cuts I walked in at the right time. "don't ever try and do that again... If I catch you or any of the others do were going to keep a close eye on you got it? " I said as I look him straight in the eye and he nodded "ok now lets get breakfast! " I grabbed his hand and headed down stairs to the table "where's Dawn? " "she went somewhere she said she was on her way home... " Vanessa said putting the cup down.

(Dawn's POV)
I was almost home then I saw an old friend from 8th grade. "Dawn is that really you?! " I hear her say "huh? L-lily? " I gasped and hugged her tightly "where have you been everyone one at cliffdail is worried as hell?! " she asked letting go and stared me dead in the eyes. "uhhhhh I can't explain... " I say rubbing the back of my neck "tell me now! " she demanded "I-i ran away.. " I said looking away. "why every one is looking for you?! " "because no one's cared... Why should I go back?! Like any one will care!! " I say running away "Dawn wait! " lily yelled but burning didn't listen and kept running... I ran to the hide out and slammed the door "oh dawn your home! " vanoss said. I heard a knock on the door and ignored it knowing it was lily "don't open this door! " I said "why? " "because it's an old friend I don't want to see her she followed me here! " I said out of breathe "why don't you want her In here?! " "she wants to take me back to highschool and all of those mean kids! " I said worried "oh well then we won't open the door! " banks said. I sighed in relief "oh thank god! " I said sliding down the door.

(delirious POV)
Why wouldn't he let me cut?! It's the only way I can control this depression shit! I yanked my hand away from minis. I turned around and went in the back and grabbed a gun.... I held it spinning the wheel. "where is he going? " vanoss asked confused "I don't know maybe to chill for a bit? " mini said sitting down... "I grabbed a paper and pen from my pocket and wrote down something

"guys I'm really sorry for this.... I have to see my family again. I miss them so much. Mini caught me in the act of almost cutting my self.... My depression had been going on my a while now but it wasn't bad... Until now... I'm so sorry I didn't mean for you guys to cry or to be hurt but now that I think of it it may hurt you guys allot... What I'm doing will help me get this away... It will let me be free from the pressure of all of this pain I have... Please understand and don't take after me and Dawn please make the team proud I know you can do it! The rest of you please don't worry about me I'm fine make me proud from where I'm at now.. I am putting my trust into this team to finally destroy the white snakes and vipers once and for all!
Sincerely your crazy lovable friend del... P. S I will watch over the team from up above...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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