The Vipers Return

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(droidds POV)
I was scanning the area for what happened at the bank little did they know that the little girl was set for a trap now we can track the girls family and slaughter them! "When we murder the family it's the father's fault he chose to leave us!" I chuckle finding them at the park! "Dark!" I yell his name and see him run. "What Droid?" "Get the others were getting ready to go..." I ordered as the others ran to me and I explained to them what was going to happen and the all ran to the location! "Now to check and see if there still there... Ahhh perfect!" I smirked seeing the little girl laughing... "Soon her laughter with be silenced!" I tracked them for a couple more minutes and saw the dark and the other arrive... But wait Dawn she is there?! This might have to wait! But she is not that strong alone so... I smirked chuckling.

(Dawn's POV)
I walked thru the park for fresh air. It has been a long and terrible day and the guys there just at the hideout being idiots I chuckled to my self! I saw that same little girl and she saw me and ran to me... I smiled. "Look mommy it's the girl who saved me!" She pointed laughing as her parents walked to me I hugged the little girl back! "Nice to see you again!" I chuckle. "How can we thank you again for saving our little girl....?" The father said smiling "nothing... I'm just here the help...!" "Ya know she is going to be an eagle hybrid like you when she is older!" He said pointing at her tiny wings. "Really?! That so cool!" I spread my large white wings laughing. I looled up and saw dark in a tree and he thru down a grenade!? I pushed the family out of the way as the father ran in front of the mother and daughter I helped him blocked them with my wings! "Keep her safe I need to call my teammates!" I sent an alarm and location to Evan! "Ok they will be here soon!"I growled pulling a gun out... "Please take my wife and daughter to a safe place!" "Daddy no!" The girl cried I grabbed her and the lady and ran with them! I took them to a abandoned house... We ran in and I set them down taking a breather! "Are you ok guys?" I looked at the little girl crying and I hugged her! I grabbed my phone called evan "Evan are you there yet?!" "Yeah there is a dead guy here he is slaughtered to death..." My eyes widened how will I tell the little girl... "Ok... I'm have the little girl safe and her mother!" I hung up and looked at the little girl... "I'm... So very sorry... You father... He is... Gone.." I saw her eyes fill with tears I I hugged her tight and the mother hugged me and the little girl... "I lost some one I loved to... Many people actually..." I tear and start to cry... "Who?" The lady asks hugging us crying... "My mother my best friend everyone in my family.." I cried holding both the mother Rand the daughter tightly wrapping my wings around us.

(Vanoss's POV)
We got to the location seeing a man in the ground slaughtered to death... "Why did you kill him dark??" I yelled pulling a pistol out! "He joined our mafia a couple months again and he left us because of his daughter... Little did he know he put his daughter in danger by leaving! Now the little girl has got to see her poor Dad dead! Isn't that funny?" He chuckled smirking... I growled spreading my wings getting ready to fly off to Dawn but then they disappeared before us... I signalled the others to go to Dawn's location the did so and found her with her wings wrapped around the daughter and mother... "Dawn were here.." I smiled "why does everything I love disappear..." She cried... I didn't know what to do... "Don't cry... Dawn everyone looses some one from time to time..." I said sadly "take the little girl and her mom home I need to take a breather..." I nodded and grabbed the girl and the lady walking them to the police station...

(Dawn's POV)
"Why do you guys care for me so much?" I asked them looking them right in the eyes... " Because... We a had bad pasts no matter what we will be there for each other... Dawn your our team mate we ride together we die together!!" Tyler yelled an I just chuckled and smiled "I guess your right!" I smile more and wipe the tears away... "It's just I had a bad past and I'm scared I'm might loose you guys..." "We will stay together no matter what Dawn remember​ that!" He says reaching his hand out and I grab it standing up folding my wings. Maybe this will be ok... "Will you guys come with me to court for my father I need to press charges?" "Sure when?" They said letting go of my hand.. "tomorrow... At 9:00" I said trying not to frown... I don't want the vipers to hurt the little girl or the mother... I see evan hop thru the window then I smile! (Time skip wooo!) I woke up because of my damn alarm! I smashed it to shut it off! I got up and put in some black ripped skinny jeans and a blue shirt with a blue jacket I snipped it up and walked out to see the guys already up and making breakfast! I checked the time it was 7:50 I yawns and groaned slightly brushing my hair and putting it in a braid! "Morning guys" I said tires and I sat down with Evan handing me a plate with egg and bacon. I started eating. When I was finished I put my plate in the sink and went to the bathroom and noticed the door was locked... I knocked on it and heard Lui open it and walk out. "Morning dawn!" He sqeauked. I brushed my teeth and walked out and checked the time once more seeing g it was 8:00 I signed and grabbed my bag with the papers and walked out. "Guys I'm ready let's go we are gonna be late.." "ok Evan you driving!" Nogla yelled holding Lui... "Fine.." Evan groaned and I chuckled getting In the van with them. We got to the court and I walked in seeing my dad handcuffed and in an orange jumpsuit I frowned and say down at the front desk with my lawyer "dawn Johnston to the stand!" The judge yelled slamming his hammer on the round circle on the desk... "Yes sir!" I walked up and sat down... "Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?" "Yes.." "ok!" The guard walked away and came up my lawyer "Dawn what did you dad do to you three nights before?" He asked I sat there shaking "uh.. I walked in my house and he thru a bottle inches from my head then he thru me on the ground and repeatedly kicked my ribs and stomach... " I said holding in the tears... "Ok and is there any evidence?" He said but I just stood up... And pulled my shirt up showing bruises up and down my sides and stomach "ok!" When it was over my father growled at me and I just looked away frowning with lui bouncing on my shoulder i smiled... "thanks guys!" i looked at my dad and i seen in his eyes his sorrow for beating me all these years... why did his anger turn to sadness? i frowned the entire way home! when we got out of the van I just walked in side not talking...

(Brian's POV)
"Dawn were you so quite on the way home?" I asked putting a hand on her shoulder "my father looked me dead in the eye and I saw his anger turn to sadness why?" She folded her wings and she only does that now when she is confused or wondering... "I saw that to but it's his fault he caused this on him self! Now we have to go we have a mission to pick up supplies ok?" She nodded and went to get ready. After a couple of minutes I realised only Me Dawn Nogla and Lui were going maybe because it wasn't big supplies I just shrugged it off and started the van watching Dawn get in the back with lui and Nogla in the front.  "ready? " they all nodded and I drove off to the location and when we got out I saw the warehouse I walked to it with the other but then I knew something was up then the light shut off and dawn was gone when they went back on...  Great now we have a big problem why are they hurting her...  What did she do?  "guys search the area I will calling the rest of the crew go now!" I ordered we needed to hurry and fast! I called banks when they ran to search "banks we have a problem we need the crew now!" "OK got it we will be there in 5! " he hung up an then noble and Lui came back saying there was no sign of her...  "they guys will be here soon! "

(dawns POV)
I was walking getting worried then all I felt was the sweet sent of chloroform and then everything went black. I woke up in a dim room but I could barely see because of any light.  "where am I? " I looked around and saw a panther hybrid and k knew who it was "Devon!!" I growled spreading my wings ready to charge but he tased me with a taser in the stomach "what do y-you guys want f-from me? " I looked at them "you know why dawn! " he yelled and then walked to me "I'm not giving that info up! " I yelled I knew a lot of info about the white snakes.  "tell us or else! " "or else what if you kill me you will never get the info not even my team mates know it! " I smirked "hmm keeping important things from your friends does not seem like a good friend? " "I had to for there safety! " I growled and charged after him but he tased me again I fell back in pain a little.  "ugh... " he walked out and I fell against the wall "send him in.. " I heard them say and then I saw a tiger hybrid I did not know...  Are they gonna kill me?  I teared a little and the hybrid punched my stomach three times "who t-the f-fuck are you? " I growled and he threw me across the Room I felt dizzy and tried to stand up but failed and fell. Then I felt him pick me and and stab me thru my chest I coughed up blood and tears fell and he thru me across the other side of the room is this the end for me?  "w-why me? " I cried at rynd faintly said help but then passed out...  I was dead...  I saw the light and flew to it.

(Brian's POV)
When Brock and the rest got here And then we got in the van and tracked her tracker and it lead us to this weird place called the factory an old warehouse.  We went inside and nobody was they we held our guns and vanoss ordered to search the area Nogla and Lui on a team me and Tyler on a team and the other went alone.  I heard a vent slam close me and Tyler went to check it out then that when we saw a dead body is was...  Dawn's...  My eyes sting with years forming as we run to her "Dawn!! " tears fell as I called for the others and they ran in and ran to us "s-she is g-gone.. " I stuttered crying.  Lui ran to her and hugged her body and shaking her gently to wake up but she never did he cried hugging her tightly... We lost her...  Now what... We all sat in silence we didn't know what to do after losing somebody we love..

(dawns POV )
I saw a bright light and I flew towards it but I was being held back "it's not your time dawn.. " I heard an echoey voice it was deep "why? I wanna see mother for one last time please! " I begged and then I saw a lady in front of me it was my..  Mom!!  "mom it's your your really here! " I cried and tried to hug her but I faised thru her body... "I wanna feel your warm hugs again mom...  I felt hatred and betrayal from dad he hits me because of your death I know it was not your fault but hey does he hate me? " I cry.. "I know sweetheart...  I wish I could do something but your father is in jail...  He is not gonna hurt your no more now you need to go back to your friends the are waiting for you all your wounds will heal when you return and remember I love you always! " she said disappearing.  I smiled and went back down "I love you to.. " I close day eyes and slowly opened them to feel someone hugging me it was lui I smiled as he looked up "Dawn!! " he hugged me tightly still crying and the others looked at me and gasped "h-how are you a-alive!??! " delirious yelled and hugged me.  I slowly sat up and the others attacked me with hug and I hugged them back "I t-thought I was gone.. I saw my mother...  She said it was not my time.. " I stared then teared and smiled! I'm alive I'm OK I'm...  Safe!  My pain it's gone...  It's all gone!  I smile and hug the guys tighter "what did you k know about the white snakes? " I hear the question and freeze...

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