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(there will be slow updates just a reminder this is my first story it might be bad but I think it is god what about you guys? )

(dawns POV)
I... I didn't know how to explain it so I tried to do it the best I could "when my father joined the white snakes back then I did some research on them... I figured out there supply warehouse recent members of there team every one the killed or took down... And I Figured out how they get military supplies because of some one who is in the military who delivers them! " I frowned thinking they would hate me "dawn do you know how much this changes the team?! " miniladd said exited.. They like that I know that stuff? "how? " "well for instance we can tell the military about the guys who are giving them supplies and destroy there supply warehouse... And knowing there recent members so we can figure out who else joined but is still alive! " he excitedly said hugging me! 

(vanoss's POV)
This is gonna change the team good! "we need to transfer it to the computer! " I said grabbing my phone but the net work was down?  wonder why we'll it'd not a big problem might as well walk home "guys wanna walk home it's a beautiful night after all? " "sure" they all nodded we started to walk home and dawn played tag with lui and nogla best friends with her already all ready I chuckled to my self hmm lui would be heart broken if she died...  She came close to dying and he wouldn't budge from her body!  "guys be careful the are some maniacs on this street! " I yelled warning them as I saw lui run in the street and make a funny face to dawn...  "lui watch out!! " I yelled warning him of a car coming and dawn grabbed him really quick and pulled him away before the car hit him!  "oh god lui are you OK?!? "

(Marcel's POV )
I almost thought lui would be dead!  He is my brother from another mother! Well she did owe us one saving lui was it!  "Dawn is lui ok!? "I ran to them "yeah he is! " she said breathing heavily kinda!  "oh thank god! " I let out a sigh of relief and Lui  sat in dawns arms just staring in traumatized!  "lui? "I saved my hand in front of him and he hugged Dawn "thank you!! He cried "lui your ok! " I said but he just kept hugging her I signed and chuckled! 

(cliffhanger sorry! )

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