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Krystal's POV

Amazing is the word to describe her.

She talks about art pieces like she owns it. She has this detailed eyes for art and how it twinkles when she talk about a particular painting. She talks about Van Gogh like they are buddies.

She has this confidence in her that makes her lovable. She talks about history of each artifacts we saw at The Met like she's a scholar or historian. It's like she's sharing a part of her to me exclusively, something special that she haven't done before.

I love how she brushes her short hair with her fingers. I want to run my fingers on those hair and just massage her head to take away the frown on her forehead when she's in deep thought about a particular display.

She has this air of majesticness when she walks, how her body moves. Like she's some kind of a royalty but also charming at the same time, refined.

We decided to eat at an Italian diner that serves authentic dishes in a cheap price. The owner was a nice Italian lady and her whole family runs the place. She has this motherly aura that made me comfortable with her and she was surprised when I spoke perfect Italian to her.

I settled for a slice of Pizza and Bolognese while she had Pesto Ravioli. I think she loves Pesto. She especially requested to put a lot of it in her ravioli and she eats it like it's the most delicious food she ever tasted. Even scooping the sides of her plate with her focaccia bread just to get the remaining sauce. She's so cute.

We talked about the art pieces we saw and her eyes lit up again with the mention of the topic. Good thing I did have some bit of reading at school before that's why I can relate. Then I told her about the Pesto she just ate, what's in it, how to do it, how to make a ravioli. She looks so handsome by just looking at me with those puppy eyes and listening to my ramblings.

No one listened to me with much interest and enthusiasm before and she's the first one who ever did it. Some of my suitors usually backs out after two days because it's all that comes out of my mouth. They expect me to be cute and all, but I'm not like that. I love to converse and share my mind. Maybe that's why I never had a relationship before, well I'm still young okay, but no high school guys had interests me.

My classmates spent their weekends going to the park or window shopping in Myeongdong. Me, I spent my early morning weekends on markets looking for the freshest ingredients I need because I'm practicing for the cooking contest I'm going to enter. It paid off because I got the scholarship in one of the most prestigious culinary school in Italy.

My only friend was Key, he's a guy and we became friends at the start of the school year. He was weird because of his fashion sense but I like him and he's a good friend. He loves fashion and he flaunts it.

The owner went to our table checking if we enjoyed our food. She nodded eagerly and said that it's the best Pesto she ever tasted besides her mom's cooking. I talked to the lady in Italian and asked her how to make the perfect Italian Bolognese and I can sense her staring at me like a lovestruck puppy like she understands what I and the lady is talking about.

Looking at her makes me guess that she's a mix. She asked me if I'm Korean and I answered her with a greeting.

"Annyeong haseyo!" I added a wink to it making her gape.

She was Taiwanese - Korean.. That's why her features are mixed but I love it. Her eyes says it all. I realized we haven't told anything about ourselves. We just didn't talked about it when we were strolling in the park or enjoying the museums. Maybe because words are not needed between the two of us.

When she told me she's going to Korea to study, I felt sad. How can I feel something for a person that will be soon flying to where I came from and me flying away far from her.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon