Kimchi 38

423 24 0

An hour after the incident .........
"Stupid!! What the hell were you thinking?! Are you really that dumb to fall off the roof of that house! Now what?! They are going to check every one who has a bruise on their arms!" This mad ahjussi scolded me on the phone while I apply hot compress on my bruise skin.
Luckily it's just bruises and not fractured bones. Bruises can be hidden with concealers and stuff but fractured bones are hard to cover up. I'll just patch this up and wear my usual get up of long sleeve and blazer. No one will know about it, they won't know I did it.
"They won't check me, no one's gonna suspect that it's me lurking on the shadows."
"What new information do you have for me today?"
I sighed and stared at the wall of my room. How did I ended up like this? I shouldn't have fell on this monster's trap but I did. There's nothing I can do about it. My family's life is at stake, I have to keep up to my disguise and be close to gather information for him.
"They are going to Seoul later to have a meeting with Chef Jung's family. Young master Amber--"
"Don't call him young master! She's not entitled to be called like that anymore, remember?"
"Pardon me for my stupidity Mr. Lee. Amber-ssi and Chef Jung is getting married next month. I heard them talking yesterday morning while having breakfast. Madam Lee decided to hold an Engagement ceremony for the couple next week at the Hotel in Seoul." He snorted in the other line, possibly upset or just plain disgusted. I better cover this bruise with a pad.
"My Auntie holding a party for her stupid grand daughter of a dyke.." I clenched my jaw upon hearing his insult. He doesn't have the right to throw insulting names to Amber-ssi, I want to slap his mouth right now. "Engagement ceremony?! Who does that for a same sex couple? It's not even accepted here in our country. If I become a Prime Minister I will ask the assembly to make a law prohibiting those kind of people to live here in our country. Disgusting."
"Getting married.... Pfffft! How are they going to get married?! It's not even legal here. What is my cousin's reaction about this? I bet she's bat shit crazy right now.. having her favorite daughter being taken away from her again. Hahaha.."
"Mrs. Liu is actually happy and looking forward for both events sir."
"The devil of a woman has been tamed huh. Now she supports her disgusting dyke daughter tsk tsk. But that Amber sure has a good eye in choosing her partner. That Jung kid is a beauty, I will marry her too and bang all day if I could hahaha! Bad thing the parents are lawyers very hard to crack." I can't believe this disgusting old man has the nerve to talk about Krystal like she's some piece of meat.
I'll end this call now he's just making me furious, if this will go on I'll have the audacity to sneak inside his mansion and slit his throat with my dagger just to end this monstrosity.
I absentmindedly reach for my pocket upon remembering my precious dagger. It's been passed on to every male in our family from generations. Our family has been serving the Lee's since the Joseon era, my ancestor is a loyal bodyguard of the Minister Lee. He promised his undying loyalty by serving the Lee family and have his male heirs serve the family forever.
Shit. It's not here! I picked up the jacket I wore a while ago and checked the pockets but the dagger can't be found.
Did I lose it? Maybe it slid off my pocket when I fell down! I have to search for it or else they'll find out it's me spying on them.
"Mr. Lee, I will call you when I get to Seoul. Have a good night." I switched off the phone I use when I call him to report and placed it inside my clutch bag. Better be safe or else they might suspect me.
I remembered what happened an hour ago. On why I am in the roof top hanging like a stupid cat. I was planting some bugs on the main house when I heard some footsteps going inside. I decided to silently go inside the kitchen and passed through the window there going up in the roof because it has better leverage.
As soon as I got out, the kitchen door opened and I heard familiar voices. It was Amber and Krystal talking about making food. At all time they can eat, they decided to sneak in at midnight. These kids really, forgetting about dinner just to sleep. I have to get out of this roof but that will give me away if they will hear me move. The whole place is quiet, a small movement will cause noise.
I waited for them to finish what they are doing so that I can get down and go back to my room discreetly. But then my body suddenly slid down the tiled roof and I came rolling down. I tried to grasp on the other tiles searching for something to hold on to but all I got is air.
My body slumped on the earth with a loud thump. I winced in pain when it happened while I try to stand up. I heard Amber saying ' Who's there? ' I panicked and started to run knowing that there's a short wall at the back where I can jump and hide in the forest for a while. I can climb up in the tallest tree and stay there until the guards stop searching.
I encountered two security guys and put them to sleep by poking their pressure points. Something I learned from my ancestors.
I shouldn't be doing this...
But I have no choice.
It's my own family's safety at stake. I can't possibly let Mr. Lee harm my father and mother. I will do anything he wants me to do except ending a life.
I won't kill a person if he ask me to. I will give him all the information he needed but I can't kill a person. I don't want to inflict harm to this family most especially to Amber. She's like a sibling to me...
But I have to do it.
That dagger... I have to retrieve that dagger or else they'll find out that I am the one doing these disturbances in the house. I'm just here to scare Mrs. Liu and gather information that Mr. Lee needed for his plans. My priority is still Amber and Krystal's safety I didn't forget that.
After making sure that the guards searching the area are gone, I silently went down the tree and sneak inside my room to check the damage I have. Better rest now, in a few hours we'll be returning to Seoul.
My conscience has been nagging me. I want to come clean to Amber and confess what I did but if I do it, what about my parents? I need to talk to Victoria... She's the only person who I can talk to. I need her advice regarding this. I know she'll probably kill me first if I tell her about this spying thing but I know her, she will listen to me.
Amber's POV
Like what was decided, we went back to Seoul first thing in the morning. Kyuhyun-ssi loaded our luggage ( yes, we got luggage thanks to Grandma tsk tsk ) in the helicopter then flew back home. They dropped us at the hotel Grandma owns then from there Kyuhyun-ssi drove us to Atty. Jung's house.
Kyuhyun seems odd this morning. Maybe he's feeling under the weather. I asked him if he's okay he said his sleep was disturbed because of the alarm last night when the intruder was being search. He told me he's glad that we are safe and no harm was done. If something happened and he's not there with me and Krys, he said he won't forgive his self. He dropped us off at the Jung household and greeted Uncle Tae then proceeded to tell him that if ever something suspicious lurks around the house call him immediately.
Krys said that she misses the twins that's why we decided to spend the remaining days of our vacation in their house. And also for me to talk to Uncle Tae and to ask for his blessings. We informed him regarding the dinner at the hotel is about the preparations for the ceremony this week and the wedding next month.
Night came and Hyun texted me that he will just see us in the hotel because he has to go somewhere first. Krystal is still on the bathroom getting ready for the dinner. It was just a simple private dinner with the family nothing formal or extravagant because I asked Grandma to tame it down. Jackie and Bryan with baby Patrick will be coming too that's why I'm happy and excited. This is the first time that our family will be complete after all that happened.
I was playing with the twins in the living area while both of them are now in their stroller sitting side by side. Very beautiful babies these Jung twins.
Wait til we have our own llama babies haha!
Baby Yoona is all giggly and loud, always smiling widely showing her gums. Her eyes is sparkling everytime she laugh and smile. Baby Seohyun is quiet and she smile so cutely too but in a more subtle way. She's like the opposite of Yoona, very calm and only smiles when being ask to.
"Your unnie is taking too long isn't it? I bet she looks beautiful tonight, right kids?" Yoona enthusiastically waved her hands on me with a bright smile like saying, ' Hell yeah! That's my unnie !' while Seohyun just smiled cooing.
"I wish the two of you are big enough to be flower girls on our wedding but, oh well. We will be flying to the US girls so better have your beauty sleeps so that when Mama Jessi takes you for your passport photos you'll look great!" I kissed their noses and made funny noises to them while they coo and reach for me. I'm loving this baby thing.
The door of our room opened and the clicking of heels is heard. My nose suddenly got struck by that familiar scent of Green tea and Mint plus her own distinct scent. There's only one person I'll recognize with that particular scent: Jung Soojung.
My head snapped to where she is and my heart suddenly skipped a beat seeing her walking, making her way to us in the living area. I'm seeing her in slow motion mode, how she walks with confidence and style.
She's wearing a cream colored sleeveless dress that stops just above her knees. The dress hugs into her perfect figure and she looks like an angel who came from heaven just by wearing that dress. She styled her hair loose draping on her shoulders, her face with very light powder and lipstick. She doesn't need make-up, she's a natural beauty.
She stopped in front of me looking funny seeing my face and mouth hanging open. God sent an Angel to take me back to heaven.
"Better close that mouth baby, flies might breed there." She closed my mouth and sat beside me in the couch.
"I-I-I-I ... Y-y-y-y-you... "
"What? I don't understand you.." she flipped her hair and tucking a few strands at the back of her ear.
"You look good.."
"That's all you can say?" She narrowed her eyes at me jokingly asking for a more specific word I can describe her. Her pout making her cute.
I tilted her chin with my fingers making her look me in the eye with a grin on my face "You're beautiful, and you're mine." She crossed the gap of our faces and gave me a soft kiss.
" Ehem...." Uncle Tae probably saw us while he passed by holding the baby bags. Oh.
"That can wait you two, let's go we don't wanna be late for the dinner. Soojung, is Tiffany on her way now?" Aunt Jessi said while she fixes the dress of Seohyun.
"Ye Eomma, I called her a while ago and she said Yuri Op--" Soojung covered her mouth quickly and turned to me while I stuck my tongue on her " I mean Yuri will accompany her to the hotel."
"Good! Let's go I'm starving! Could you please bring the twins? I'll ask your father to fold the stroller." I carried the now sleepy Seohyun while Soojung picked up the energy ball Yoona and we proceeded outside and sat on the back seat.
When all was settled Uncle Tae drove us to the hotel that Grandma owns. I hope this dinner will end well and both families agree to what Soojung and I talked about our wedding.
The dinner went absolutely well, Grandma was very accommodating and seems more excited than us for the wedding. Mom was interested too but she doesn't show it. The engagement ceremony was set after 5 days and will be held here in the hotel.
Soojung and I told them that we will only invite close friends and family. Since I'm already taken out of the family registry, I asked Grandma not to invite immediate families because I don't want to cause a stir and besides I don't know anyone of them.
"We would like to have an intimate gathering, just us, all the people on this table and our friends at the bistro. That's all, we don't want any big happenings or extravagance Grandma." I told the while having our dessert, Blueberry Cheesecake.
Jackie turned to Soojung beside her "Well we have to inform Victoria and the staff about that. Let's close the bistro for a day Krys, so all of them can attend."

Krys nodded and beamed at me, happy that we can share that special day with our friends. Even though it's just an engagement ceremony and not the wedding, it's still important for us to celebrate it with them.
The talk went on, Aunt Jessi suggested that we should exchange rings and not just one which I gave to Soojung when we are at Busan. Mom agreed on it and said that Dad will provide a replica of the ring. Aunt Tiffany asked for Grandma's permission if she can work with the hotel banquets team so that she can make a special dinner for the ceremony. Grandma was ecstatic about it, I never knew she was a fan of Aunt Tiffany. Apparently she watches episodes of her cooking shows and she's beyond happy when she learned that Soojung is related to her favorite chef.

"So, have you two decided where to hold the wedding?" Uncle Tae asked us. Soojung was wiping the side of my mouth with her napkin. All eyes stared at us with anticipation.

"I thought of doing it in San Francisco since I was born there, but Amber is born in L.A. and she suggested we do it there." Soojung announced to them and all of them nodded.

"But we're still undecided about it because it will be unfair for her or for me if we choose the place because of that reason." I told them and squeezed Soojung's hand below the table.
"It's going to be on a month kids. You have to decide so we can prepare the documents that's needed to be submitted." Like a true lawyer he is, Uncle Tae never failed to amaze me.

"Why not marry on the place where you first met?" My sister Jackie brightly suggested smirking at me like she holds the biggest secret these people doesn't know.

Actually she did know something. She knows what happened in New York, like knows what happened that night too. Ahehehehe.... Soojung will kill me.

Soojung stared at me with widen eyes beaming like she just discovered the answer in a very hard math equation. Why didn't we thought about that?

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon