Kimchi 31

494 24 0

Krystal's POV


It's already our 3rd day on the residence when someone suddenly made a surprise visit. Grandma sent a message to us that we remain inside and avoid be seen until she had confronted her daughter about what she has been doing to Amber's business.

Mrs. Liu was in the Main Hall with Grandma that's why Amber and I didn't dare go out of our room until Grandma says so. Our breakfast was served inside our room and once we were finish with it Grandma's assistant came with a message from her again.

"Young master, your Grandmother asked for you and Ms. Krystal's presence in the Main hall."

"Tell me, is my mother also waiting for us there?" I saw Amber's expression soften upon the mention of her mother.

"Ne Young master. And your father too. If the two of you are ready, I will accompany them to the Main hall."

"Just give us a few minutes and we will come out." Grandma's assistant said yes from outside the room. Amber looked at me like trying to ask if I'm okay with it and I just smiled at her with the look telling her it's alright.

This is the time I've been waiting for. I'll gonna make sure Mrs. Liu will stop doing those stupid things to her daughter.

Like the previous days she helped me to wear the Hanbok and we chose the most beautiful one because I wanna show her mom that Grandma favors me for her daughter.

As we walk hand in hand in the courtyard I can feel my heart beating fast, anticipating the much awaited meeting with Mrs. Liu. I know, we've met before in Jackie's Bistro some time ago but it's different from what will happen today. I tighten my hold on Amber's hand trying to get my much needed power boost.

We entered the hall and saw Grandma sitting at the head of the table with Mr. & Mrs. Liu at her right having tea and cookies.

"Krys, are you ready to meet her? You can still back out if you want.." Amber whispered to me looking straight ahead while we walk to the elders.

"Am who said I'm backing out? Let's get this meeting started!" I whispered at her with a smirk on mouth. I feel pump up and confident. I want to talk to Mrs. Liu and just get her to realize that she's hurting Amber with her little incidents of threatening clients and ruining the gallery.

Grandma was the first to notice us and stood up from her seat to welcome me and Amber. I bowed to her with a smile on my face and greeted her a good morning while Amber greeted her parents. Grandma patted my back admiring the Hanbok I am wearing with a joyful smile on her face. I turned to Amber's parents and greeted Papa Liu. I can feel Mrs. Liu staring at my Hanbok with a furious look in her eyes.

What now?! I thought Grandma said the Hanboks are Amber's. Don't tell me she wants those too!

"Mother! Why is she wearing your collection? "

"Good day to you too Mrs. Liu, Papa Liu." I smiled at Papa Liu and he nodded and waved his hand telling me to sit down.

"How are you Krystal? Last time we saw each other was when Jackie gave birth." He turned to Amber and looked at his daughter fondly "and you too little llama how are you?" I noticed Papa Liu is purposely ignoring his wife's whining beside him. He really is immune now to her mood swings.

Our eyes met and I smiled sweetly to my crazy future mother in-law that made her more furious. Really.... Maybe she needs counseling because based on the way she looks at me, if she won't control her emotions she's going to lose it.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon