Krystal's POV
"Enjoy your night with the guys, okay? Just clean fun Amber remember that, or I'll starve you to death." I told Amber while helping her wear her jacket. We're inside the office and preparing to go out.
She straightened her body and saluted at me like a cadet "Yes mam! Just clean fun!" then grinned at me like a kid. I gave her a peck on the lips and pat her head like a llama she is. Victoria was busy putting on her make up and chuckled amusely at the sight of us.
"I see this every week and I always wanna puke ugghh!" She made a fake gagging sound and snorted. I stucked out my tongue at her like a kid and cling my arms to Amber.
We have this once a week girls night out where me, Victoria, Luna, Byul and Solar goes out and do everything we want. Sometimes the other girls also comes with us but when they have their individual dates they don't. We do some shopping, eating at our favorite BBQ house, watch movies, or just be adults and be drunk. It's also a good chance for me and Amber to have our personal space and be with friends.
She also goes out with the boys on the same nights. Well it was a condition that I want, if we're going to out with friends it's much better if it's on the same night. Like a clingy girlfriend that I am, I shamelessly told her I don't want to be alone at home waiting for her. But it's still negotiable.
Tonight she said they will be going to the ball park and play basketball and then maybe have a few drinks. I trust her that she wouldn't do anything inappropriate, and Kyuhyun-ssi is with her too so I know she, Sehun, Minho, Kyungsoo and Jonghyun will be fine.
There was a knock on the door and Minho peeked at the door smiling "Hey Am! Let's go! Jonghyun won't be joining us today. He said he has to meet his cousin who just came home from abroad. Hyun-ssi is already outside."
"Okay I'll be there.." Amber said to him and Minho was gone. She gave me a soft kiss and I reciprocated it, then picked up her sports bag and ran outside waving at me.
Once we already finished and closed the bistro, I noticed one of us is not present. Solar will be joining us tonight because Byul asked her too. My friend Byul seems to be giving her a chance now and I do hope it will end up good. Solar confied to me yesterday that she has true feelings for Byul but she's too shy to confess because Byul might see it as just flirting.
I told her to tell Byul how she feels but don't expect a result immediately because she knows what Byul had gone through before. She has to break that wall that my friend put up for them to be together.
I'm already starting the car when they joined me inside. One girl is missing.
"Hey where's Luna?"
"Oh.. that girl suddenly told me that her cousin who is visiting from Jeju called her to meet up. She said they haven't seen each other for a while and bolted down the street like a flash." Vic said shaking her head.
Hmmm.... Lots of cousins visiting today huh.
We drove to our destination and went shopping. If there's one thing I love doing with this girls, shopping is the best. But we don't shop on those expensive boutiques and all because it's not on our budget. The department store is the best place to be.
Vic bought some new lipstick and a shirt for Kyuhyun-ssi saying that it's her gift for his coming birthday. They're just friends so no romantic line drawn ever since. I also bought some t-shirts for Amber and a pair of onesies for both of us, Charmander and Stitch. Solar snorted in disbelief when she saw it, she said she never thought Amber like those things. Because Amber seems to emit a serious and refined personality at the bistro but what they didn't know is she can also be a kid at heart.
Byul was not around and Solar said she didn't know where the girl went. We were already outside the store when she came holding a big Teddy Bear that thankfully I know will fit at the back of the Rover.
"Byul where did you get that huge bear?"
"I won it at the arcade!" Her eyes were twinkling with excitement upon mention of the arcade. I told you we do all we want on nights like this.
"What are you gonna do with that huge bear? I think it's bigger than you and Luna." Vic said while holding her laughter. Solar was also trying to hold her laugh and covered her mouth.
"YAH! It's cute~ and it's not for me.." she mumbled but I caught it and wriggled my eyebrows to her playfully. Is this true?
"Come on! Let's put that in the car and continue on our night out. I'm hungry now~" our stomachs growl at the same time and we laughed about it.
We went to our favorite BBQ house and ordered our usual. I love eating here because their Bibimbap is the best! Sometimes Amber and I eat dinner here when we feel like eating Korean so the owner already knows us.
"Oy! The bistro girls are here! I'll make sure your orders arrive quickly. Wait for it, okay" Eun Gap-ssi told us and waved.
"Thanks ahjussi!" We chorused sweetly that got the attention of the other diners. We laughed and covered our faces out of embarassment.
Our order arrived and Byul started to grill the meat while I pour some Soju on their glasses. My mouth watering on the kogi being grilled in front of me making Victoria click her tongue.
"You and Amber are really meant together. You're like kids in front of food. Wipe that drool off your mouth sheesh.."
"Excuse me, of course we are meant together. No doubt about that." I said flipping my hair at her purposely swinging it on her way jokingly. This is the way we make fun of each other and I love her for being patient with me like an older sister.
"Are they going to play basketball today?" Solar asked while sipping her Soju.
"Why are you sipping your Soju like a soup? You should drink it straight!" Byul said with widened eyes making me laugh. She's like an ahjumma scolding her daughter. All Solar can do is facepalm.
"Yeah they are but Minho said Jonghyun will not be joining. He said a cousin of yours went home from abroad.."
Solar's eyes narrowed thinking about what I said.
"We don't have any cousins from abroad.. all our other cousins are here in Korea.." oh yeah I forgot Solar and Jonghyun are cousins too. I just shrugged my shoulders and continue eating. I'm observing Byul when she placed some grilled meat on Solar's plate that made the latter stare at her in disbelief. "T-thanks.." Byul continued on grilling and just nodded. She's acting weird since this morning even greeting Solar first when she arrived in the kitchen which she doesn't normally do.
Vic was fiddling with her phone and clicked her tongue again. "Solar you said you don't have any cousins from abroad right?" Solar just nodded and looked at Vic interestedly. I chew on the tip of my chopsticks looking at her.
"And Luna went to see her cousin too from Jeju.." Vic continued then smirked like a devil. That's scary.. Byul nodded and continue on what she's doing.
She's tapped on her phone then smiled evily. "I think our friends are lying to us.. or they have the same cousins."
"What do you mean?"
She showed us her phone and saw a GPS tracker application on it. Two blue dots are blinking on the same area and it's near our location. Then 5 dots are altogether in one place blinking too making me realize that it's Amber and the gang.
"Bwoah! Daebak! How did you do that Vic?!" Solar excitedly ask at what Vic showed us. Vic is really one of a kind I don't know how she does that.
"You know that I used to be Jackie's assistant and that's a security feature Bryan installed on my phone to keep track of their location. You just have to enter the phone numbers of the person you need to track and it will get the coordinates of the phone. That's the use of the GPS on our phones, it's not just for Google Maps." Vic proudly said flipping her hair to my side now purposely.
"Girls... Do you think Luna and Jonghyun..." I wriggled my eyebrows playfully with a smirk on my face.
"Oh, no Krystal Jung we are not doing what you are thinking!" Vic said trying to flick my forehead.
"Okay let's just call her now! See if we can hear something. It's near us and based on the map they're on a cinema. Game?" I challenged them there and they all nodded. Byul took out her phone and dialled Luna's number and placed it on speaker mode. A few rings and Luna answered with a hush voice.
"Yoboseo?" We can hear faint sounds on the background like someone is talking.
"Hey Lun... We miss you! Are you going to be out long with your cousin? Come join us after!" Byul carefully told her so Luna won't suspect we are trolling her.
"A-ah s-sorry girls, we still have a lot of shopping to do now. We're still in Myeongdong actually haha.." she nervously let out a small laugh. Vic, Solar, and me are spazzing on the background covering our mouth. Some of the diners are looking at us weirdly but we don't care.
"Jinjja!? You're in Myeongdong! We're near there now. Why don't you introduce your cousin to us so that we can show her around Seoul." There was silence on the other line and we are waiting for her response.
"Ahahahaha... I think we're gonna pass B-byul my c-cousin is tired now. We got to go home hehe... I'll see you girls tomorrow!"
"Are you really sure you're with a cousin?!"
"Yoboseo?? Hello? I can't hear you Byul...!" There was scratching on the other line then it was disconnected.
We all look at each other then we burst out laughing. We were laughing so hard our bodies shake and the table move. I filled their glasses with Soju and we all drank together snorting in laughter. Yes, this is how we party. (^___^)
Vic recovered from her state of craziness and chuckled. "Did you recorded that Byul? We have to let Luna hear that tomorrow, arasso?"
We checked the GPS tracker and it was still the same the two haven't move so it means the movie hasn't ended.
Solar fished out her phone from her bag and dialled Jonghyun's number and placed it on speaker mode too. After 3 rings he picks up with a hush voice too. "Yoboseo?"
"Hyung! This is Solar! Auntie called me looking for you. She said your phone can't be reached so she asked me to try and contact you. Where are you now?" Solar asked holding on her giggles. I continued on eating my Bibimbap while listening to what reason he will say.
"Really? Weird... I haven't received a call from Eomma. I'm meeting some college f-friends today and I'll be late. I'm actually in a bar in Myeongdong right now with them haha..." we heard a loud smack on the other line and we spazz again like crazy holding on our laughter. I suspect Luna smacked him in the head for giving the same location she said a while ago.
"Oh you're in Myeongdong too! Luna's there too with her cousin! Maybe you'll bump into her!"
"Ahahahah-ha.... I-i haven't s-seen her.. Hey! I gotta go Eomma is calling on the other line. Bye!" The line was dead and we all burst out laughing again at how stupid Jonghyun sound.
We continued eating and bringing up theories on the possibility that the two are together. An idea came into my mind and announced it to them.
"Why don't we stalk them now? They're still in the cinemas right? "
"Yeah! Let's see... The cinema has only one film showing and it's the last full show. Maybe we can wait for them outside."
A creepy smile formed on our lips as we drank our soju. We paid for our bill and hurriedly went out the grill and drove to the cinema. I'm not drunk mind you, so I can still drive. But I know Amber will scold me if she finds out later so it's a secret *wink wink*
We arrived at the cinema and asked the attendant if they can still let us in. The guy was frozen in his place just looking at us and let us in. Vic gave him a kiss on the cheek that made him hold the area where Vic kissed him.
"Way to go Vic! " Solar said and we enter the dark cinema looking for the heads of the person we think are together. We had our hoodies up covering our faces. There's only a few people watching so it's easy to look around. The screen suddenly lights up and we saw who we are looking for.
Luna and Jonghyun at the middle of the cinema seating together with a bucket of pop corn between them. We silently creep to the seats at their back looking like idiots. Solar was restraining Byul's mouth preventing her to call Luna.
"Eeeww!" I heard Solar hissed wiping her palm on Byul's jeans. Some movie watchers made a ' Ssssh ' sound. My eyes turned wide and disgusted to Byul who just stucked out her tongue to me. I motioned her to keep quiet and just observe the two. I noticed Victoria putting her feet on the seat in front of her with a bucket of popcorn on her lap.
"Where did you get that ? " I hissed at her and dig my hands on the tub popping some on my mouth. Yum.. cheese...
She pointed her lips at the side and saw the attendant waved at her smiling then went out. She mouthed "Oppa " to me and I cringe.
It was Train to Busan and already halfway to the end. We docked our heads like stupid idiots when we saw the zombies trying to get the characters. Byul was hugging Solar on her sides looking afraid on the scenes burying her head on Solar's back. I smirked at Byul and made a gagging look, the idiot held her middle finger to me.
There was a scene where the zombies are chasing them that made us jump to our seats that some of Vic's pop corn flew to the unsuspecting couple in front of us.
"Hey!" Jonghyun turned and luckily our faces are covered and the cinema is dark that's why he didn't recognize us. Luna pulled his face and we heard her say " Oppa !~" making our eyes bulged on its socket. We continued on watching the film and the 2 in front of us.
Luna's head was in Jonghyun's shoulder and her arms are clinging on his. They already look chummy and their skinship is not normal. Jonghyun's head is resting on Luna's head like they are watching a romantic film and not a zombie film. Wow.
It was nearing the end of the movie and I heard Vic sniff beside me while hugging her bucket of pop corn. It was the scene when Gong Yoo was transforming and having flashbacks of his life when his daughter was still a baby and the joy he felt when he held her in his arms for the first time. It also made me tear up remembering Dad, a hand with a tissue appeared to my face and it was Solar giving it to me. Byul was also crying beside her still clinging in her arms. I really need to talk to this monkey.
Then the unthinkable happened. The two person in front of us was kissing amidst the zombie theme of the film. Our jaw dropped on the sweetness of the kiss they are sharing making me clutched my heart and wish my Amber was beside me right now and not Victoria with cheese all over her fingers.
The movie credits rolled, the lights in the cinema was already on and some of the movie watchers already went to the exit. But we were still there watching the 2 kissing. After a few moments they broke apart smiling at each other. Then they turned their heads and shock registered on their faces like they saw the zombies gawking at them.
We were just staring at them with funny faces, eyebrows raised and arms crossed on our chest while seating with our legs crossed too (with Victoria sucking the cheese on her index finger) like telling them ' we-know-what-you-did ' bwahahahaha!
Author's POV
Lunch hour at Jackie's Bistro
Luna can't hardly believe what happened last night. Her friends caught her and Jonghyun on the cinema. It was okay if they just caught them watching the movie. What annoys her was being caught kissing the guy!
They have gone out a lot of times ever since after the shoot out happened. But they do it behind the back of their friends because they know it will be a circus. Luna having a crush at Minho before who is Jonghyun's best friend who knows Luna's crush on his friend.
They felt an attraction with each other when their hands touched that night of the shoot out when Jonghyun was protecting Luna. There was secret glances across the room, notes being left on the locker, having dates on their rest days. Then last night was the night that Jonghyun asked her to be his girl.
Then they were caught. Kissing. On a dark cinema after watching a zombie film. How epic.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
The bell in the kitchen dinged and for them servers they know what it means. Irene and Wendy were busy with their tables while Minho is at the bar making drinks. So that left Luna and Jonghyun to get the dishes at the kitchen.
But knowing what awaits them no one moved, Luna making faces and widening her eyes at Jonghyun coaxing him to get it. Victoria saw the interaction of the two and cleared her throat making the new couple look at her and sighed.
Entering the kitchen door, they were serenaded again with the most embarrassing song ever.....
The whole kitchen including Amber sang in chorus on the top of their lungs.
This is the most embarrassing day of Luna's life. Facepalm.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and Basil
RandomTwo 18 year olds met unexpectedly in the bustling city of New York. Without knowing each others name and story they embarked on a fun filled tour of the city that made them realize each others dreams and goals in life, heartache and sorrow. A spark...