Kimchi 37

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"Who's there?!" I instinctively pulled Soojung to me for protection. There is definitely someone outside and it's stupid enough to fall down from the roof.
There was shuffling of feet running away from the house.
"What was that Am? Did you hear that?!"
"Maybe there's someone out there. Let me take a look--.."
She slapped my arms and glared at me "Stupid! No! Don't leave me here. Remember what Grandma said about the safety button? She said push it when there's an emergency. Now is an emergency!"
"Oh fuck! I forgot!" I ran to the wall and push the red button beside the light switch. A loud siren blasted in the house waking up all the people inside.
Guards came marching in the house, I saw the head of security and told him someone is outside probably still lurking. He radioed for back up and commanded them to search for the intruder.
Mom and Dad came inside the kitchen looking worried followed by Grandma. I explained to them what transpired that's why I pushed the button. Dad was shaking his head obviously bothered by what happened. Who was that? What does he want!?
"What were you two doing here in the middle of the night?! You could have just called the cook to whip up a Kimchi Fried rice for the two of you. "
"I'm sorry Mama Liu. We thought the helpers are already fast asleep that's why we decided to sneak in the house and prepare a quick meal. We were just finishing our food when that loud noise happened. It's like someone came from the roof top stumbling down."
They look .... Alarmed. Is there something I should know about?
The security head came back and said that the intruder might have escaped using the short walls at the back. Some of his men are unconscious due to being attacked. But he accidentally dropped his dagger and left in haste when I shouted. Probably dropped it when he fell down and in panic he didn't came back for it. He showed us the dagger, it was an antique
Eunjangdo made in silver with a fucking silver chopstick too.
"Who was that?! And who still use Eunjangdos nowadays?! What is this, Joseon era?" I asked Dad curiously. Dad told me about the threat on Mom's life and the possibility of the spy inside the house.
"So you mean there's an assassin lurking in the property Papa Liu? And if the photo is taken from inside there's a possibility that the person is near Grandma or Mama Liu. That person knows every corner of this house and maybe he's been serving here just to get information and reporting to the main man." Soojung said still sitting in the kitchen counter. Neither of us went out the kitchen and just stood there except Grandma who sat in a chair, like having a meeting. In the wee hours of the morning for Christ sake!
Mom was walking back and forth trying to think about the person she think is doing this undesirable plot. I know she has this love-hate relationship with her cousin Uncle Jungho. I don't even remember how he looks like, I think the last time I saw him is when I was a kid having a vacation here with Grandma. He's the one Aunt Jessi told us about, regarding the case she didn't took then the lawyer who took it died.
Why would he think about eliminating Mom? They are cousins, their fathers are siblings and from what I heard before he's also part of the board. He didn't attend the meeting when I forfeited my rights they said he was in Japan.
"Mom... Do you think Uncle Jungho is behind this?"
She stopped on her tracks and looked at Grandma with concern. Grandma had this thinking pose on her probably assessing the situation. This is fucked up.
"He's the only person I can think of that is capable of doing it to me. He's still hurt with the fact that his father died without having a chance to hold the seat of power. He wants equal share at the construction company Mother. I heard Jungho is planning to be a Prime Minister. He's been prepping up his image as a charitable and good natured person. He's been wooing the National Assembly and the President. If we accuse him without a truthful evidence, it will bring chaos to our family."
"The dagger, have it check for fingerprints in case it has. Maybe that person left some of his prints in there."
Dad nodded his head rubbing his palm on his cheek due to too much thinking. "I already ordered them to have it check. But what was he doing in the roof of the main house? Our room and your Grandma's room is on the other side, the kitchen is too far from it. When the two of you are walking outside, did you sense someone watching you or trailing from behind?"
Soojung and I looked at each other and shook our heads. I didn't heard anything because I'm too focused to reach the kitchen and feed Soojung. The whole surrounding was quiet and our footsteps are the only noise that can be heard that time.
"Amber, Soojung.. the security has been on red alert since the other day. Then this happened. We should be careful and not be confined in one place. I want the two of you to head back to Seoul first thing in the morning. The pilot has already been informed and will take the two of you back there by 8:00 am. I will follow by lunch time and stay at our hotel." Grandma ordered us with a serious face.
"Joseph, Chae Young, you two travel by train. Bring with you some of our guards for protection. At least you're in a public transport, Jungho wouldn't dare do it in public because the whole Assembly will put him as the no. 1 suspect if ever something bad happens to you. You do know that majority of our Board of Directors are Assemblyman themselves. They can stir up a talk to accuse him and lose his bid. Let's rest now and meet again later for breakfast before Amber and Soojung leaves. Kaja."
We said our goodbyes to them lifting Soojung again and went back to our room. This is the reason why I decided to leave this kind of life. It's a very cruel and scary world to live in and I don't want Soojung to be involve in it. I felt her tugging my shirt and whispered at me.
"Am, that's some kind of a ninja back there. The intruder fell down the roof but he still managed to ran, so it means whoever he is, he might be limping today or has bruises on his body. I think it's a bad fall considering that he grunted when he fell down. Maybe that's how they can find who the spy is." I placed her down on our bed gently and sat down beside her.
She's right. That spy or intruder is definitely like a ninja. How can he escape that fast while he's hurt and how can he move without sound. And the dagger... It's odd.
"He's fast Soojungie. And dangerous too. What if he was planning to strike on us while we're eating a while ago?!" She shrugged her shoulders on me and sighed. We have to get away here first thing in the morning. That incident stressed me out, I need to relax and take care of Soojung.
I feel guilty of seeing her this weak and vulnerable. Although we enjoyed what we did but still, it's over the top and I shouldn't have lose control of myself. But then again, who wouldn't lose control if this goddess is in front of you eyeing you like you're the best thing that happened in her life? All I can do is give her the pleasure and love she deserves.
I stood up and went to the bathroom, turning on the faucet and filled the tub with hot water bringing it to the right temperature. I also lit up some Aromatherapy candles to have a relaxing ambiance. Once contented, I went out and saw Soojung lying on her back playing with her phone.
"Soojungie get up..Let's take a bath. " I joined her in the bed and pulled her gently to sit up. I lifted her shirt taking it off her.
"Yah! What are you doing?! Let's just sleep Am, it will go away."
"Nope, let's go.. I already prepared the tub." With finality in my voice, she oblige and slid down her pajama and undies. I took off her brassiere then I started to undress too. I saw a blush on her cheeks when she saw me taking off my clothes making me chuckle at her amusely.
"Yah! As if you haven't seen me naked! Why are you blushing?" She fixed her hair into a bun while glaring at me.
"Can't I blush?! I'm just admiring your body Stupid.." she pouted at me cutely and crossed her arms on her chest trying to cover it.
"Okay come on, I'm lifting you up.." I scooped her gently and brought her in our bathroom. The room is now full of moist because of the hot water in the tub with the light from the candles illuminating the room. I entered the tub with her in my arms and lowered ourselves in the hot water sighing on the feeling of warmth in our skin.
Good thing the tub is good enough for two people. She adjusted her body and sat between my legs and leaned back on my chest. Our bodies submerged on the hot water trying to relax our aching muscles and to take the soreness away from her core. I know this will help ease the pain there, I can't stand to see her wince again.
"Is it better now Soojungie?" I asked her while massaging her shoulders.
"Does it mean 'Yes?"
"Uhuh.. it stings.. but in a good way. I love it Am.. Thank you.."
"Anything for you..~"
"Pffft... You're just guilty..." She snorted at me. "Why does it feels like I gave you my V-card for the second time?! Damn.... It didn't even felt like this before when we did it in New York."
I can't help but laugh at her while saying those things. "From what I remember Soojungie, we only did it 3 times when we were in New York. And the room at the Italian diner doesn't have a bathroom inside that's why we settled on those wet tissues of yours."
"If we don't have those wet tissues you'll be strutting your butt in the airport smelling like sex .." she scoffed at me while she scooped some water on her palm pouring it on my head.
"But I smelled like a baby's butt that day! Luckily it's just Kyuhyun beside me on the plane. He was actually sniffing me I just brushed him off."
"That's okay.. you probably took a shower once you came home.."
"Actually... I didn't." Yeah.. Ahahahaha...
"What!!!? Seriously?!"
"Positive. Because I didn't want to lose the last
trace of your scent in my body ." That was cheesy as fuck back then. Hey, I'm 18 and in love with a girl I met for a day and claimed her not knowing when we will see each other again.
"Wow.. that's the cheesiest line I ever heard from you.. even cheesier than your line before. What was it again?"
"What line? I don't do cheesy lines! " Liar, you're such a liar Amber!
"Meh." She tilted her head to face me chuckling "It goes something like, ' You're precious like a rare
Pokemon Soojungie, that why I choose you !' something like that." She said mimicking the way I told it to her. "I thought you're going to throw a pokeball in my head!"
We laughed at the thought, the two of us remembering that day while we were in the park. She accompanied me to play Pokemon Go, she was waiting in the bench reading a book while I ran at the park catching some Pokemons. She got bored and called me to come over but Pikachu was giving me a hard time that day and I told her to wait. I think she got mad that's why she yelled at me like a kid making me choose between her and Pikachu. Of course, I chose her hehe.. I kind of shouted that line to her that made the people in the park turn their heads on us laughing at my dorkiness. I earned a smack in the head that day and a sweet kiss.
"It was impromptu Soojung, don't tell me you didn't like it."
"Stupid.. I thought you're going to choose Pikachu over me."
"Never! Pikachu can't sit on the tub like this and look so sexy and cute at the same time."
"Good llama... 10 kisses for you!" We laughed together as she smothered my face with sloppy kisses.
I hope it's always like this, I won't trade our silly moments for anything else.
We stayed in the tub just sitting like that listening to each other's heart beats. I closed my eyes relaxing to the feeling of the hot water on my skin. I remembered what happened a while ago and thought of how did the intruder passed their security. Unless that intruder is already inside the property.
But what was he doing on the roof? Did he followed us from our room or it's just a coincidence that we are also there at the same place where he is? And Mom is the target not us. But still.... Who will have the guts to do that?
Is this because of Mom's decision to revamp the Construction company? So many questions in my mind. All I know is we have to be safe most especially now that we will hold the engagement ceremony next week. I should tell them to make it a private affair, just our close friends and family.
I don't want gate crashers ruining our moment.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon