Hotdogs 23

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Byul's POV

I woke up from a very, very bad headache this morning. Why? It's because of this one person.

Kim Yongsun.

Or more known as Kim Solar, the girl who always annoys me at the kitchen.

That girl who started to make my mind a jumbled mess after my good for nothing ex-boyfriend 'dump' me because as per him 'i fell out of love with you Byul..'. Yeah right..... Tssss..

After being together for 10 years (he's my first boyfriend since High School days) he told me that he fell out of love with me. It sucks, I know. I cried buckets of tears, did drank all bottles of Soju on the BBQ house of Eun Gap-ssi with Krys and Luna. But the worst thing is finding out that he is cheating on me with my neighbor when we were still together.

How did I found out? Well it was one fine morning while I stretch my body at the balcony of my apartment when my very hot and sexy neighbor (yes I admit she is T_T) went out on her balcony too hanging her laundry. It was really nothing, I greeted her as a good neighbor I am. But my eyes darted on the clothing item she hanged on her clothes line.

It was a fucking Iron Man boxers. It's not just the printed ones you can buy in Department stores. It was a hand painted one made by yours truly. Yes it's one of a kind because I made it just for him as a gift on his birthday one month ago before we broke up.

I asked the girl about it and she said it was his boyfriend's boxers. She was nice and sweet and the poor girl didn't even know that her boyfriend was my boyfriend first. That they were already in a relationship for almost one year and it's her boyfriend who encourage her to move to our apartment building. Stupid jerk he is!

Imagine 10 years of my life wasted on one guy who I thought i'll end up with. We built dreams together, talked about having kids, how big the house we'll buy, even marriage. But it all came crumbling down because of his cheating. My faith in men and relationships burned to ashes.

I wished I listened to my friends before back when we were still High School students. That I shouldn't settle to him that early because I'll meet a lot of guys along the way. Be free, do whatever you want because our young life is too short to waste on something not worth it.

But what can I do? He was my first suitor and my first love too.

Really, such a waste of time, days, years.

I'm lucky to have such good and supportive friends now who let me cry all I want until my tears dried up. Who didn't left my side and drank alongside me til we can't move anymore. That makes me a hangover soup the morning after at work and some honey water telling me that everything is going to be alright.

I became bitter because of that experience. I don't believe in love anymore until I heard Krys' secret. What happened in New York with her and Amber 7 years ago was unbelievable for me. Like, how can two strangers from different backgrounds unexpectedly meet in a city and in just one magical day they fall inlove with each other? There's a one in a million chance that it will happen but it did. How they let the universe to decide when and how they will meet again.

I never expected my best friend to do that and never expected too that she kept her secret to me til that day I asked her. That she has been waiting patiently for seven years for that person who made her believe in love, in taking chances, and believing that the universe will conspire in helping them to be together again. I told her she was crazy to do that but she just laughed and snorted at me.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon