Someone's POV
" God damn it! Why aren't we invited?! It's a family event!" Mr. Lee spat at me on the phone. I went to the roof top of the hotel to make this phonecall for today.
I don't know what he is planning to do but I hope it's something I can prevent.
Victoria and I had a talk this afternoon and I told her everything. I expected a punch, a kick, or even a karate chop from her but she didn't. She just stared at her coffee cup and took a deep breath.
"You have a valid reason to do that because your family's life is at stake. But still, it's betrayal of trust. Amber trust you so much, like a brother she didn't have. Yes, what you are doing does not involve her but it's her mother you're spying on. This is all about their family."
"Vic I don't know what to do anymore. Should I hide my father and mother in an island so that they won't be touch by Mr. Lee's men? Should I hide with them as well? What if they track them and kill them? I won't forgive myself if that happens." I dropped my head to the table out of shame. I can't look straight at her because I'm afraid to see what she thinks of me from now on.
"When did this start?”
I sighed. My stupidity. When did it started?
"When Amber came back from Cambridge. Mr. Lee knew that Amber was coming back and he was alarmed because he knew Amber is a threat. He instructed me to make Amber change her mind because if she didn't, she will have her killed. That's why I convinced Amber to drop the position because Mr. Lee will do everything to get it."
"Okay.. now that Amber is out of the picture, why is he still doing it?"
"Because Mrs. Liu doesn't want to let go of her grasp in the construction company. He wants equal share on all profits because he said it's his right. Mrs. Liu told him to fuck off and never ask for it again because she's revamping the company. Mr. Lee was furious because the company is his chance to milk money from the government and use it on his campaign to be a Prime Minister. He's gathering information and use it against Mrs. Liu but to no avail, all information are not worthy enough to bring her down."
"What's the last information you told him before coming back here in Seoul?"
"The location of the meeting and engagement ceremony." She sighed and went silent. Maybe thinking of something to save me from this misery.
"From my calculations, I think Mr. Lee would like to be invited in the ceremony because that will be his chance to talk and convince Madam Lee and his cousin to give him a part of that company. If all else fails, his last resort is to kill one of them."
"But what if they won't invite family members?"
"I'm sure they won't. I know Krystal, she doesn't like being surrounded by big crowds and people she doesn't know. Amber will not invite other relatives because she's not acquainted to them. So be prepared and make plans."
" This is stressing me out! How can I escape this shit I'm in?!" All I can do is knock my head on the table and grunt. God help me.
"I can help you, but promise me one thing." I suddenly looked up to her and held her hand. Desperate to have an answer to my problem.
"Just tell me and I'll do everything Vic!"
"Protect them with your life. That's all I ask of you. That will be your payment for breaking Amber's trust. Are you willing to do it?"
Am I willing to risk my life for my friend? A person I took care of since she was a kid. The person I cared for like a little sister that I didn't have. The person who treated me fair and equal, even giving me a chance to live my life the way I want. Our family pledged to protect them at all cost. I will keep that promise with me til I breathe my last air.
"Yes I am. I will protect them." She smiled at me and proceeded to tell me her plan.
That's why I'm here in the rooftop now and recording our conversation. I have to get enough evidence to screw him and not get that nomination in the Assembly. The only way is to put him behind bars.
5 days After
Hours before the ceremony
Amber's POV
I can't believe Hyun did this to me! To our family precisely.
Here he is, kneeling in front of me and Soojung inside our hotel suite. Soojung wanted to spend the night at the hotel before the ceremony to save time and transport. Her family members are also billeted in the hotel same as mine.
He confessed to us what he was doing. He was the person that night lurking in the shadows and fell from the roof. Hyun said he was planting bugs in the main house that's why he was there. He got scared when he heard our footsteps coming.
"I don't deserve to be called your friend anymore Amber. Forgive me for what I have done." He said to me while bowing his head on the floor.
I should get mad, angry, despise him. But all I have is pity.
"Am... Hyun is here to ask for your forgiveness. It's brave of him to face you and confess what he did."
Soojung held my clenching fist. I could have punch him but I cannot bring my self to do it.
"Hyun why didn't you told me before about it? We could have think of something to prevent what he plans to do."
He looked up to me with tears in his eyes, ashamed of what he did. "I was afraid! He was going to harm my family and possibly you two. I can never forgive myself if something bad will happen. You're my family too Amber!"
I consider him my family too. My brother, my protector. How can I be mad at him and despise someone who took care of me when I needed guidance? He was the one who always encourages me to do better. Who cheers me up when I feel like giving up on searching for Soojung. Who protected the one I love when I wasn't there to protect her.
"Now what are we going to do? Are you sure he's going to gate crash in our ceremony?" I asked him, messing my hair in annoyance. Soojung sat on the couch and held a thinking pose.
"Then there's nothing we can do about it. It's too late to invite him now so just inform the hotel staff to expect him. Give Mr. Lee the best welcome in the lobby and direct him in the ballroom. We will have to entertain him Amber."
I stared wide eyed at Soojung for saying it. I thought this is for family only?! She turned to me with a clever smirk on her lips.
"I know what you're thinking Amber. I did wanted this to be intimate but if he's going to make a scene in our engagement ceremony, I won't allow it. Let's show him that he's expected." She turned to Hyun and she looks like a Mafia boss instructing her subordinate. How and where did she pull this look? "Hyun, are you certain that he will post someone to do the deed if you fail to do it?"
"Yes Krys. I'm sure he has a second man if I don't do it. That's why I'm afraid too because I can't! I don't have the guts to end a life."
"Then pretend to do it."
Hyun and me were shock when Soojung uttered those words. She sat there twirling her hair looking at us like we're some kind of dumb.
I managed to get out of my shock and laughed at her. This is a joke. A lame joke of Soojung.
"Amber. Do you think I'm joking? I'm serious!"
"Soojung! This is dangerous! Do you know what you are talking about?! Baby, Uncle Jungho is a crazy ass ahjussi who wants to kill my mother and get my Grandma to give him the construction company." I don't know what to think anymore. I slumped beside Hyun on the floor looking up at my girlfriend/fiancée. I looked at Hyun and he's also thinking.
Gahd! Why did we even agreed to have an Engagement Ceremony?! We could have just flew in the US ourselves and get married.
"Do you want to save your mother from all of this and prevent her from being imprisoned?"
Yes of course. I do. Even if she's done wrong, she's still my mother.
"Good. Hyun, I want you to contact the SuJu Force for back up. Tell the security to check every corner of this hotel for possible infiltration.." when the hell did she became an agent to say 'infiltration'? "Post security in every roof tops on the buildings near the hotel. If you could, snipers will do."
"Wait! Soojung where the hell did you get that idea?! Are you hiding something to me!? Don't tell me you're a secret agent!?" Ouch! Okay that smack hurts.
"Stupid!! This is not the time to joke Amber! Just do what I said Hyun.." Hyun looked at me asking for permission and I nodded at him. "I'm going to call Grandma inside our room. Just..." She waved her hands in the air like dismissing us " and reconcile. Arasso?" She left me and Hyun dumbfounded.
"Amber... Krystal is a chef, right?" Hyun asked me and now I'm doubting if she really is. Stupid! Of course she is! She's just very.... brave and strategic.
"Yes she is. But when she said those instructions to you, she doesn't sound like a chef. She sounded like a military strategist/mafia boss.." we jumped to our seats when Soojung peeked in the door looking coldly at us. The room temperature drop to 9degrees Celsius.
" I can hear the two of you."
All is set for the ceremony. Dad, Mom, and Grandma is already seated on their assigned tables. Jackie and Bryan with baby Patrick is there too. I greeted our friends at the door of the ballroom and welcomed them.
The whole gang is complete: Luna and Jonghyun, Byul and Solar, Seulgi, Irene, Wendy, Sehun, Kyungsoo and his boyfriend Kai, And Minho with his girlfriend Jinri. Yes he already has a girlfriend finally! Victoria is also here but she's nowhere to be seen. She might be inside Soojung's holding room helping her. Soojung's best friend from High School also came. His name is Key or Kim Kibum and I found out he's a famous designer in Paris now. He was the one who gave the dress Soojung's gonna wear today.
We meet up with him 2 days ago when he flew from Paris. It was all a rush. When Soojung told him about our ceremony, he immediately packed his bags and his precious dress especially made for his best friend and flew all the way to Korea just to attend. We fetch him from the airport and billeted him in the same hotel. I got to know Key and he's very funny and such a diva. There's a reason why they became friends when they were young. They are both weird haha. Key and I instantly clicked and I asked him to be the MC and officiate the ceremony which he gladly accepted.
Aunt Tiffany joined me to welcome her family. This is a surprise for Soojung that I asked from Aunt Tiffany. She once said to me that she hasn't met her Mom's family so I thought maybe this is the time to do so. Of course I asked for Uncle Tae and Aunt Jessi's permission and they obliged.
Aunt Tiffany told me that when she got pregnant with Soojung she was disowned by her family. Apparently, her father owns a conglomerate which owns hotel chains, food, beverages, and stocks. Her father will arrive and is also excited to meet his grand daughter. I asked Grandma to join me since she's ' ancient ' enough to know this people.
Everywhere my eyes roam I see security details posted in every corner with earpiece connected on them. This event better end the way we wanted. Geez! I forfeited my rights but here I am still in the middle of this power grabbing thing.
"Oh! Look! They're here!" Aunt Tiffany excitedly said and our gaze landed on an old man probably same age as Grandma and being escorted with his own security details. She bowed to the old man when he reached where we are. "Good evening Father!"
"Tiffany.." he patted his daughter's hands and turned to Grandma "Madam Lee, it's been a long time! How are you?" He has that big smile on his face and the famous eyesmile that his daughter also have. And why is he looking at Grandma like they knew each other way back before ?
"Chairman Hwang.. I'm glad to see you again. I never thought we'll meet again under this circumstances. I didn't know you are Chef Tiffany's father!"
"Well..." He looked at his daughter and gave her a warm smile "we had a fall out before but everything has been settled. She doesn't want to be known as my daughter and wants to build her own name that is why."
"Father, this is Amber Liu. Soojung's fiancée and Madam Lee's grand daughter.." I bowed to him 90degrees introducing myself.
"Sir, my name is Amber Liu. I'm glad that you came to attend our ceremony. Soojung will be surprise for sure to finally meet you."
"Thank you for inviting me Amber. I appreciate your effort for my grand daughter. Tiffany didn't told me that Chef Krystal Jung was actually my grand daughter Soojung! If I knew about it, she shouldn't have joined that contest our company did. I would have given that scholarship to her on a heart beat! But I'm glad she did it by using her skills and I'm immensely proud of her."
"What!? It was your company who sponsored the contest sir? The scholarship she won to study in Italy?! " Whoah. This is a coincidence. Who would have thought that it's her own Grandfather's company who supported her studies in Italy. If Soojung knew about that before, maybe she won't push through with it because of her animosity to her Mother.
Aunt Tiffany laughed softly at my surprised expression. She cleared her throat and spoke "Yes it was Father's company Amber. When I learned from your Uncle Taeyeon that Soojung won that scholarship, I checked with the Chairman's office and verified it. I didn't inform Chairman Hwang that it was my Soojung because I don't want Soojung to think that it was given to her because she is related to the owner of the company. She deserves the scholarship because she really did well. I don't want that to add to her anger towards me before. Father only knew about her when she came back from Italy."
"Imagine that! I already met my grand daughter and even shook her hands but I didn't know it was her! I even offered her a job when she came back from Italy but she declined it. The kid wanted to start at the bottom. She strived hard to reach where she is right now. I'm happy that she is going to be taken care of you. I knew your Grandma from long time ago." Chairman Hwang winked at me and smiled widely at Grandma. Grandma just shook her head and smiled too. I looked at Aunt Tiffany and she's also clueless about it.
"Aissshhh! Stop that you old man! Tiffany, please escort that old man inside. We are just going to wait for another guest. Please Chairman Hwang, enjoy our food and wine. We will talk later."
Chairman Hwang just laughed at my glaring Grandma and left us waving. Grandma will have to explain something later. Seems like they know each other too well.
"Don't look at me like that Amber I'm not going to tell about it." Oho.. I smell something fishy about these two.
I just stood straight beside her grinning like a kid and just found out about a secret. I'm not going to giggle that is Soojung's specialty.
"I'm not saying anything, Grandma.. why are you so defensive~"
"I'm not going to repeat it Amber Josephine Lee Liu." Aha! I'll get you later Chairman Hwang!
"Ne Grandma." I cleared my throat to show that I'm being serious but I can't help myself but smile.
A few minutes after and Grandma's assistant came to us with an information. He's here.
"Madam Lee, Mr. Lee Jungho is already at the lobby and being escorted here in the ballroom." The assistant nodded at Grandma and went behind her guarding.
"Are you ready to socialize, Amber?"
Hell yeah, I am.
I smirked at Grandma and chuckled. I am ready.
"Let's get this party started Madam Lee."

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and Basil
RandomTwo 18 year olds met unexpectedly in the bustling city of New York. Without knowing each others name and story they embarked on a fun filled tour of the city that made them realize each others dreams and goals in life, heartache and sorrow. A spark...