Basil 12

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Krystal's POV

Amber sent me home that night. She introduce Kyuhyun-ssi to me his assistant and I find him very nice and caring to Amber. They have a sister/brother/boss relationship and it was adorable. He scolded Amber when he found out I was working for Jackie, he said how could they not checked at the bistro since I studied culinary.

He was talkative and he told me about all their adventures and misadventures together when they were looking for me. I laughed at how he told me the story of him being thought to be Amber's father when they were in Naples. The people on the hotel kept on addressing him Mr. Liu and gave him everything, VIP service at its finest. When they found out that he was an assistant and not the real 'father' it was too late because they have already checked out.

"I'm telling you Krystal-ssi, it was the best day of my life! My body has never been scrubbed like that before! " Kyuhyun-ssi said referring to the hotel spa who gave him a salt scrub. He was the one driving the car with the help of the GPS. He told me to put my address on it and it's automatic giving the right way to my apartment.

"Tssss... Because you don't scrub yourself! Gross..." Amber said jokingly and push his shoulders. Amber said Kyuhyun was like the brother she didn't have, although she have Jackie but still it's not the same with having a brother to look up to and care for you.

He said he started working for the Liu's right after college. His father was also a butler with the Liu's in Korea and from that income his father managed to pay for his studies abroad. He has a double degree in Art and Mathematics at Yale University then a PhD on History of Art, all of that he accomplished when he turned 21.

That was also the age he started with the Liu family particularly focusing on the youngest headache of a daughter, Amber. Amber was just 6 years old when he started to take care of the little monster (it came from him not me!) and she was one hell of a headache. But he said Amber was just lonely then because she can't play with other kids that's why he became sort of a playmate for her.

He was also the one who tutors Amber the and I found out Kyuhyun introduced her to Art and History. It became a bonding session for them studying art and reading books.

"So you became smarty pants because of Kyuhyun-ssi... Wow. If not for him, I never would have fallen for you. Tsk tsk.." I snickered playfully at her, making her scratch her neck.

"And here I am thinking that you fell for my good looks and charm..."

"Good looks are nothing if you don't have a brain.." I added and Kyuhyun high five me reaching his arms to the back.

"Told you Ber, Knowledge is power. Remember High school? When all girls swoon to you because you're beautiful and handsome because of the blonde hair? They're only interested with you because you looked good. But did they even asked you any questions about your likes, your hobbies, what book you read? No! They all just throw their selves at your feet and praise your looks. Now I'm happy because my hard work has paid off!" Amber smacked his head lightly, slightly embarassed at what Kyuhyun said. And embarassed because I was laughing at her.

"Don't bring out High school Hyun, that was a dark chapter of my life. It's embarrassing, and Krys is here. She might think I'm some kind of a......" Amber held a thinking pose, maybe searching for a good word. And I think I know one.

"Some kind of a Player? A pimp? Or a jock?" I sniggered at her. Kyuhyun laughed at what I said and Amber was clearly embarrass with the way she covered her face.

"All of the above Krys... But she already changed, ever since she went to New York. And now I know why, thank you for coming into her life Krys." I was overwhelmed with his words, hearing that I changed someone's life in one day.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon