Kimchi 32

442 20 1

The plan was just to buy a few button down shirts and pants for me plus some shirts for Amber. But Grandma was so in the mood for shopping that we ended up almost buying everything that fits me. From top to bottom plus the inside. I'm not the kind of person who breathes branded luxury but Grandma was so persistent that I allowed her to indulge me with a designer bag and watch.

I treated her with the Bingsu that she wanted and Grandma was so happy saying that it's been so long that she had someone with her and shop. Amber used to accompany her before but of course my girlfriend doesn't like trying out outfits that's why she just ends up as a critic or a freeloader.

When we got home that night, we were just really exhausted from all the walking that we went straight to our room with me flopping on our bed and closing my eyes. Grandma was such a shopping monster full of energy walking from one shop to another. She bought some shirts to her assistant and to her bodyguards following us carrying all the shopping bags. Amber was just shaking her head at her Grandma's shopping habits.

The bags littered our floor but I'm just really lazy to arrange it on our closet. I'm thinking of leaving some of the clothes here so that when we come again I'll have something to wear. I opened my eyes and saw Amber sitting on the floor beside our bed opening the box of her new pair of Jordans she shamelessly beg Grandma to buy for her. Such a kid.

"The kid got a new pair of shoes~.... I wonder where we will put it? Your shoe cabinet is already full Am, maybe we should buy another cabinet."

"I thought so too but we'll see. I don't want to cramp your walk-in closet with my shoes. And besides another bunch of button down shirts and skinny pants are added to your wardrobe. We really need a lot of space in our closet now." She placed the shoe inside the box again carefully putting it on the floor beside the other shopping bags.

She returned to my side and took off her T-shirt leaving only her black singlet and sports bra showing her tattooed covered toned arms and back. Everything about her body screamed hard work and perfection. Her going to the gym with Minho and Jonghyun surely paid off. Amber turned to me and raised her eyebrow looking at my clothes.

"Aren't you going to change into your PJs? Go freshen up and I'll wait for you here in the bed. Then we'll snuggle the way you want. Come on.." she patted my thighs but I just pouted at her. I'm so lazy even to stand up and change my clothes. Shopping has never been that tiring with the girls or with Eomma and Mommy. I imagine shopping with Grandma in Seoul shopping district and I shudder at the thought. It will be one shopping chaos.

"I'm so tired i think my legs and arms are already sleeping Am.." sighing I tried to get up and sat on the bed brushing my long hair back with my hand.

"Stay there and don't get up I'll just get something.." Amber stood up and went to our bathroom. She came back with a hand towel on her shoulders, a damp face towel neatly folded, and my face cleaning essentials. She gave the face towel to me and it was warm then puts down the hand towel and cleaning kit on the small table near our bed.

She went to the intercom and ask for a basin of water and towels plus hot chamomile tea. What is she planning to do? Minutes later someone knock on our room and Amber let Grandma's assistant in with the small tray filled with two tea cups and a pot of hot chamomile tea setting it up on the floor near the foot of our bed. Then the other helper gave the basin to Amber and went out our room with us thanking them.

"So.... What are we doing here?" I asked Amber with a wondering smile on my face. The side of her lips turned into a small smile and sat down in front of me holding my head band that I use when I wash my face.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon