Hotdogs 24

542 22 2

Krystal's POV

I've been calling Byul three times now but I think she's not hearing me. She's out of herself again, staring in space or forgetting to turn off the stove that Solar has to turn it off for her before it burns her hands. She blushed in front of Solar and murmured something that even the girl didn't hear and looked at me puzzled.

This is getting out of control. I thought she already sorted it out and came at peace with it. But why is she like this? Did something happened?

Lunch hour ended and I asked Kyungsoo to prepare the food for our lunch. I pulled Byul to go outside at the back alley and gave her a bottle of beer. She looked at me like I grew another head but I just raised my eyebrow on her.

"So... Care to tell me why are you acting like that Moon Byul? You're not yourself today.. And this is the only time I can share a drink with you because Amber grounded me."

She gave me a confused look and I sigh "Remember our drunk adventure nights ago? She was mad at me for being too drunk that night and scolded me because she thought I'm gonna do drunk driving. My fiancée didn't talk to me for a whole day because of that and punished me. 'Superllama' broke Dad's couch while I'm making up to her because of my stubbornness..."

Her expression changed to gladness "FIANCÉE?! She proposed to you! Oh my God Krys! Where's the ring?! And by the way, you were really gonna drink and drive that day dummy." I slapped her thighs and I touched the black loop earrings on my left ear indicating that it's the engagement jewelry but I think she didn't get it because she was looking on my hands. "There's nothing on your hands."

"Dummy... It's the earring.. That's our engagement thingy." I proudly told her.

She gave me a 'I-can't-believe-this' look and snorted in laughter. Wae... I'm actually liking the earring and it's Amber's. It's like sharing something intimate with each other like sharing clothes and things.

"And here I thought it was your latest fashion statement wearing that on your ears. I heard Kyungsoo and Sehun talking about getting one for them. No diamond ring as of now?"

"Well... Instead of a diamond ring we bought the Rover months ago hehehe...."

"What!!!! You chose the Rover over a diamond ring? Are you really my friend?" I slap her arms and took a swig of my beer.

"Amber's going to buy a ring sooner or later don't worry. It's just that I told her the earrings are more than enough right now. She felt bad about not being ready when she proposed to me but I told her it's okay. Her sincere words are enough to make me feel how she loves me and her desire to be with me for infinity." Byul shook her head smiling widely at me and brought the bottle of beer to her mouth.

"You know, I admire you and Amber. You're too honest with each other and your feelings. The two of you are open with each other and not afraid to show your love in front of other people not minding what they'll say."

"Why would we mind what other people will say? We love each other and love is a universal thing. Romantic Love isn't restricted for a man and woman only. It can be between both men or for our example both women. Why restrict yourself if what you feel for that person is strong and pure. Why fool yourself if all it will bring you is unhappiness." Byul looked at me with an expression like she's digesting what I said.

"Am I a fool for not telling her what I really feel?" She suddenly asked dropping her head down. This is Byul's one weakness - not telling anyone what she really feels. Even though she's hurt, suffering, whatever it is. She doesn't want people to know that she has those fears.

Of Hotdogs,Bagels and BasilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon