The key.

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Music is my key
It sets me free
To a world finally worth living
A brand new perspective to see

Balancing two worlds that I have
Keeping things at bay
At the same time, trying to soar far away
To the land of dreams
As I keep this anchor with me
So I don't get burn by the flames
That might result to pulled veins

Twø happy boys that have a way in life
Helps me find what I was looking for
Although I don't exactly know what they think at night
It feels like I'm connected to them, that I never felt before

They helped me stayed intact
When things are getting out of hand
I know this for a fact
That they've helped me walk through this unknown land

Taking a leap
Prayers to keep
Not letting my demons win
Keep on fighting within

And I understand that it might seem hard to you,
But I think it's time you start believing in yourself too.

Find that key.
It can be paintings or written poetry
It can be anything, really.
The key that would set yourself free. 

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