My story

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Hello. My name is Dove Ivy Martin. I'm 14 years of age living in Berkshire England. I have light brown hair and green eyes. I'm 5'2 weighing in at 93 pounds. I'm popular in school. I've got about 96K followers on instagram. Nobody, and I mean nobody, knows my story about my house. It's been haunted ever since I can remember. My mother doesn't believe me though. We moved here from Los Angeles California when I was just a baby. The house was old so my mom and dad did some remodeling. My twin sister Caroline believes me because we share a room and hear the same things.
I sat down in 6th hour, the last hour of the day. Harvey, my best friend, sat down next to me. "Hey Harvey" I smiled. "Hey dork I have a question" he said. "Go for it" I replied. "So if the square root of 64 is 8, what is the probability that you'd go out with me" he asked. I giggled and looked at him. He looked like he was trying to figure out the answer. "Well I'd say there a pretty good chance of that happening" I replied. He smiled really big. When 6th hour was over we walked to our lockers and then walked home together. He lives about 3 or 4 houses down from me. "You can come in if you'd like" I offered. "Yay you never let me come inside. Which is weird because we've been best friends for like 12 years." He laughed. I let him inside. "My house is haunted which is why I never let you come over" I said. "Haha haunted" he chuckled. I wasn't kidding.
We watched Netflix for a while. I had my legs draped over his. "So, do you think that Margaret likes me" Harvey asked. Margaret is my best friend, girl best friend. "No, she used to but not anymore" I replied. "Why" I added. "She texted me earlier asking if we could hang out" he said. I was confused. "She would have told me" I said upset. "I didn't respond to her, I promise babe" he said. "Okay" I replied. I like how he calls me babe.
We sat finishing an episode of Prison break and I was beginning to feel tired. I yawned. "Tired babe" Harvey asked. I nodded. "Just a little. I'll be alright" I replied. He smiled. "Come on" he said getting up. "Where to" I asked. "Bed" he replied. I walked upstairs with him and got settled in my bed. I layed down for a while not able to fall asleep. The room was dark and Harvey was laying next to me. It was silent until I heard a noise. I felt scared, very scared. I heard footsteps going up the stairs. "Harvey" I whispered. He was sleeping. "Harvey" I whispered again, this time I shook his arm. He quickly woke up. "I'm sorry Harvey but listen" I said. He was quiet. I heard the footsteps and so did he. "Maybe your mum is home" he assumed. Maybe he's right. "Mom!" I called out. No response. "Mom!" I called again. Still, no response. "That's super strange" he said. I nodded. I listened again and the footsteps had stopped. I layed back and closed my eyes. Then, I heard the floorboards from the attic above me. Creaking as if someone was in there. I squeezed my eyes shut and fell asleep.
I woke up and looked over. Harvey was sitting at the edge of my bed. "What's wrong" I asked sitting up. "I can't find my phone. I left it here last night" he replied. I looked around."maybe you left it in the living room." I suggested. He shrugged. We got up and went down there. "It's not here" he said. I sighed. We searched the kitchen, all of the bathrooms, the bedrooms, and basically everywhere. Then a thought occurred in my mind, "Harvey. Maybe it's in the attic" I said. He looked at me strangely. "Why would it be there" he asked. I shrugged and we began to walk up there. "Haha we could have taken the dumbwaiter" he laughed. "Oh heck no that's freaky" I replied. When we got to the attic door I pulled out my key "see why are we checking, if you need a key to get in then it won't be her-" he stopped talking when I hit the door handle with they key and it pushed open. I didn't have to unlock it. I looked back and he looked confused. I pushed the door open and we walked in. I looked around at all of the old crap we had up there. As I looked around I realized everything was covered with a thick layer of dust. I walked around peering at everything. "Dove..." Harvey said in a sort of questioning tone. I turned around. He slowly held up his phone. I covered my mouth. There was a bit of dust on the phone almost as if it had been sitting for quite some time. "Caroline was away last night at Maddie's house and mom worked a night shift" I said. She won't be arriving until noon. I turned around and something fell. A sheet on a metal pole fell against the wall revealing a picture. A picture of my father. At eight years old my father passed away in the service. He was an army man. I looked up to my father, we did so much together.

A ghost story/ Harvey millsWhere stories live. Discover now