and it continues

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The next day, I woke up feeling totally sick. Ugh. I put on some white washed skinny jeans and an adidas shirt with my matching shoes. I put my hair in a bun and ran downstairs. As I ran into the kitchen, I stopped and walked back into the living room. "Penny?" I questioned. She glanced over at me and stood up. "What are you doing here" I asked. "Harvey let me in" she replied. "Yes but what are you doing here" I repeated. "Look, I thought about what you said. I don't want you to tell Zander about Justin" she said with a slight sniffle. "I'm not going to tell Zander about Justin... because you are" I told her. She stepped back and shook her head, in a second she had tears forming in her eyes. "I can't dove. I just can't" she cried. "You have to" I warned. "I don't want him to find out" she said. "Okay, then I will! He's my best friend and I'm not going to let you do this to him!" I argued. I walked out the door and she ran after me. I knocked angrily on Zander's door and waited. Finally he answered. "Hi dove!" He beamed. "Look penny, you can tell him or I will" I demanded. She didn't speak. "Fine. Look Zander penny has feelings for someone else, someone she just met today" I said. He looked heartbroken. I hate to break his heart but I can't keep it from him. "Penny. W-we're done" he said. "Get your things and go" he said angrily. I walked back to my house.
------6 months later---------
I did the dishes and waited for Harvey to get home from work. When I was done I decided I wanted to make a craft. I ran to the garage and grabbed a large sheet of metal, it was very sharp. I layed it across my kitchen counter and walked away to grab my pencil. I realized my pencil was not where I had left it so I ran full speed or as fast as a pregnant lady can, towards the living room. In a moments notice I felt a sharp pain in my arm and I fell to the floor. My arm, I cut it open on the metal. I pressed my free hand against the gushing blood and wimpered. My body was shaking, tears started streaming down my face, you have no idea how bad this hurts. I pressed myself against the wall and took deep breaths. I tried to stand but I couldn't. How is this happening so fast?! "Zander!" I yelled as loud as I could, hoping he'd hear me from his house. "Ryan! Anybody!" I yelled again. Blood was covering my pants, I looked down and the gash in my arm was super wide. I cried and layed my head back. Soon bright lights took over my eyes and darkness fell.

Harvey's POV:
I finally finished work, I was so ready to be home with dove. I got in my car and drove home. When I finally arrived I unlocked the door and went in. After hanging up my jacket I walked in further. I looked down and saw dove, blood covered her arm, hands and clothes. "Dove!" I yelled, running to her. I checked her pulse, it was still going but it was very slow. I lifted her up quickly and ran to the car. I opened the back door and layed down an extra jacket before setting her down and getting in. I quickly drove to the hospital.
I waited for doctors to come back and give me information. The worst news I could get is that she is dead or the baby is. I pulled out my phone and called Max
Max: "hello?"
Me: "hey I know you're not in the best terms but dove is in the hospital"
Max: "what? Why?"
Me: "I don't know. I came home and she was passed out with blood all over her. There was a big sheet of metal, it could have been that"
Max: "oh no, I have to come see her"
Me: "okay and you'd better get on good terms with her when she wakes up"
Max: "I will don't worry"
Me: "okay hurry, I'm hoping she's okay"
Max: "I'm on my way"
I put my phone away and waited. Finally a doctor came back. "Mr. Mills, I'd like to inform you that Miss Martin is going to be okay.... unfortunately I cannot do that. Miss Martin has lost a tremendous amount of blood which has caused most of her organs to go into shock. We're waiting no for more news." He said. I took a couple breaths and just broke down. Tears formed quickly and fell just as quick. My fiance. My baby... is it all gone?
I heard running behind me and turned to see max. He saw my tears and stopped. He stepped back and widened his eyes. He shook his head and knelt down. I put my hand on his shoulder and sniffled.

A ghost story/ Harvey millsWhere stories live. Discover now