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"Come on sis let me meet a lady how I choose" Ryan begged. "Well meet one that's not my friend" penny shot back. I giggled. "Your laugh is cute" he said. "Thank you" I blushed. "Alright I'm going to my room. I'll see you later" Ryan said directing his statement at me. I smiled and waved. I watch as he unlocked 320* and went inside! "Alright bye dove" penny and Jessica both said. I waved and walked up to my room. I unlocked it and hesitantly went in. He wasn't here. I walked over to the free bed and set my things down. I heard the door click open from the bathroom and Ryan stepped out. "What?! A girl roommate. A hot girl roommate" he smiled. I smiled. "Well this is amazing" he laughed. I pulled out my phone and texted my mom.
Me- hi mommy we're here and safe!
Mom- good! I miss you so much already
Me- I miss you too
I set my phone down and looked up. Ryan was staring at me. "Yes" I asked. "Oh nothing I'm just admiring what will be mine" he smiled. "Oh really" I asked. He nodded. "And how can you be so sure that I don't already have a boyfriend" I asked. "Well, do you have a boyfriend" he asked. "Well, no" I said. He smiled "exactly" he replied. "Smartie" I said. I pulled the blankets down so I could sit in a crisscross position and have the blanket over my legs. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he sat down on his bed. He layed down and held his head up with his hand, facing me. "Yes" I asked not looking away from my phone. "I'm bored" he said. "Sounds like a you problem" I said putting emphasis on the 'you.' He groaned. "Come on pretty lady" he begged. "Look, I have a name okay" I asked. He nodded. "Let's do something fun" he smirked before walking over to me. He sat down next to me and layed his hand on my knee. "Okay I lied about not having a boyfriend" I blurted out. He look taken back by my comment. "You did" he asked. I nodded. "You're lying" he said. "I'm not" I said a little annoyed. I stood from my bed and walked out. I walked around getting a better look at everything when I bumped into someone. "Oh my... Harvey I'm so glad I found you" I said once I realized who it was. "Me too" he smiled. "Listen to me. My roommate is a totally hot jerk. We tries to flirt and get way too close to me. I told him I didn't have a boyfriend but..." I trailed off. He took my hands in his. "I think I know what you're saying.... dove will you be my girlfriend... again" he asked. I smiled and hugged him. "Yes" I replied.
I slipped on my pajama shorts, which were really only spandex. I slipped on one of Max's hoodies which still smelled like him. I know what you're thinking 'why Max's hoodie and not Harvey's?' Well, max is my best friend and he let me have it. I have plenty of Harvey's hoodies. If you call 2 plenty. I slipped under the covers and closed my eyes. "I'd like to meet this so called boyfriend" I heard Ryan say. "Mhm" I replied before falling asleep.
I woke up the next morning with a really bad pain in my leg. I tried to stand but it hurt so bad. Finally I worked up enough adrenaline to stand and walk to the bathroom. I pulled my charging phone off of the sink and unlocked it.
Me- hey Harv can you come to my dorm real quick?
Harvey babe 💙- certainly babe just a sec.
I waited and finally heard a knock at my dorm door. "Come in" I yelled. I didn't care if Ryan was sleeping. "I'm in here" I yelled again. Harvey stepped in. "Good morning babe, are you okay" he asked. "Well, I tried to stand earlier and my leg really really hurts" I replied. "Aw let me take a look" he said bending down. He grabbed my leg as I sat down on the closed toilet. "Does this hurt" he asked bending my leg. "Kinda" I replied. "How about when I touch it" he asked. I shook my head. "Okay baby, I'm going to need you to stand up" he said in a questioning tone. I nodded. I held his hand and tried to stand. I almost fell but I caught myself. I stood for a second and my leg started to feel better. "It's better now" I squealed. "Wow that's great I'm gla-" he was cut off before he could say anything else. "Is this your boyfriend" Ryan asked. I nodded. He sighed and walked out.
Lunch arrived and I sat down at a table with penny, Jessica, Ryan and Zander. "Dove!" I heard a frantic voice calling. I turned around I knew who it was just by hearing them. "Caroline" I yelled back, still looking around. I finally spotted her. "Dove come quick. It's Harvey" she yelled. I didn't waste another minute, I ran full speed after her. We ran to my dorm and he was in there, laying on the bed with blood coming out of his nose. A large bruise was forming under his eye. I lifted his head quickly "Caroline get me a wet rag" I said frantically. Seconds later she came back with a wet rag. "Harvey" I said pressing it to his bleeding face. No response.

A ghost story/ Harvey millsWhere stories live. Discover now