college life

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----------3 years later-------------
College is flying by basically. I've taken so many tests lately that I haven't had time to hang out with my friends, and my boyfriend. I slammed my studies book shut and layed it on my nightstand. I sighed and stood up, walking to the bathroom. I'm so stressed, we have our final test tomorrow and it shapes our entire future. Knock knock knock I heard. "Come in" I yelled as I put my freshly used toothbrush away. I wiped my face off with a rag and looked in the mirror. "Harvey" I squealed as I saw him appear behind me. I threw my arms around him. "Hi love" he said, picking me up. "I love you and I've missed you in theses past few weeks" I said sadly. He set me back down on my feet and held my hand "I've missed you too" he replied. He led me out of the bathroom and told me to sit on the bed. He took my hands in his. "Dove, we've been apart so long that I've had time to think" he began to say. Oh no, is he going to break up with me? My heart began to race. "I've thought about this and it only seems right, so.." he said bending down. He got on one knee and reached in his back pocket. He pulled out a Tiffany blue box and opened it, a beautiful ring rested perfectly inside. I stood up and covered my mouth. I felt tears forming. "Dove Ivy Martin, will you please do me the honors of being my lovely wife" he asked. I nodded "yes" I said. He slid the ring on my finger and wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you so much for asking me Harvey" I said. "No, thank you for saying yes" he smiled.
"So, graduation is next week, what do you plan on doing when we all leave" penny asked as she sat down at the lunch table. "Well I plan on getting and apartment and a job so I can move into a house... with my husband" I smiled, lifting my left hand up. She and Jessica gasped. "OMG" they both squealed. Penny grabbed my hand to get a better look. "Married? Husband? Geez I've missed a lot" Ryan said. "Ry can you get me some water" I asked. Ryan and I have become really good friends over the past few years of college and his personality has changed for me. He still has a crush on me though. "Sure thing doll I'll be right back" he said getting up. I quickly thanked him and returned to my conversation with penny and Jessica. "This is so amazing. When's the wedding, where will it be, details details" penny begged. "I don't know anything yet. This just happened a couple of hours ago" I laughed. She sighed. "Would you ladies like to be my bridesmaids" I asked. They both squealed. "OMG yes I've always wanted to be a bridesmaid" they said simultaneously. We all burst into a fit of laughter. "Hey ladies" I heard. I turned and saw Zander. "Hey Z, guess what" I asked. "What" he replied sitting down. He put his arm around my shoulder and waited. "I'm getting married" I said with a huge smile. He gasped. "That's amazing" he said hugging me. "I'm so happy for you" he added. I thanked him and we continued eating.
I sat hand-in-hand with Harvey on the bed. Knock knock knock I heard. I jumped up from the bed and walked to the door. I opened it and got a huge surprise. "Max!" I gasped before wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hi dove" he said hugging me tightly. "Ah Maxie I've missed you so frikin much" I said. I felt so happy to see him. I haven't seen Max for over three years since we don't get vacations here at school. I pulled away and he walked in, quickly going to Harvey. "Ah hey Max" Harvey said, they hugged for a minute. When Max pulled away I held up my hand. "What, oh my gosh" he yelled when he saw the ring. He ran to me, embraced me in a hug, and spun me around. "This is so amazing" he said while setting me back down. Harvey was smiling. "Since college was ending I knew I had to keep her in my life" Harvey said. I smiled and held his hand.
"No no we all have to get houses by each other" I said as I calmed my laughter. "You're so right" Jessica laughed. Right now everyone was in my room; Harvey, max, penny, Jess, Ryan, and Zander. "Well unfortunately I have to be going now" max said before standing up. "No, max please don't" I said reaching up for his hand. "I'm sorry I have to" he said squeezing my hand tighter. "Why" I asked. He pulled me up off of the floor and hugged me. "I just have to. I love you" he whispered in my ear. "I love you too" I whispered back. I sat back down after max was gone. I looked over at penny who was staring at me. She gave me a sort of 'what just happened' look.  I shook my head. "Alright guys, I should really be getting to bed" I said. "Why don't we stay here tonight" penny suggested. "Sure" I replied. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I sat down on the edge of the bathtub and thought. Me and max have a special connection, one that nobody could ever take away from us. It killed me when he had to leave. Suddenly I felt tears streaming down my face, why did it hurt me so bad?

A ghost story/ Harvey millsWhere stories live. Discover now