스물 아홉

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Now that he's remembered everything, I plan to do what I originally was going to do a few days after Jinyoung's birthday.

I had been planning it for more than a month with the help of Jaebum but we ended up postponing it after the accident happened and then forgot about it, but I never, not completely.

So today's the day, the day I'll plan to propose to the love of my life Mark Tuan.

Getting ready for the next few hours was the easy part, getting Mark to follow me there was also easy, the jitters in my stomach and actually saying what I needed to say was going to be the hard part in all of this.

I can't believe after all this time I'm finally going to make him mine and mine only, I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I love him.

"Mark!" I greeted him over enthusiastically out the front of his house, "are you ready?" I asked him, he only thought we were going out for another dinner as the last one we were at was cancelled. 

"Of course I am Jackson, I'm ready whenever you are," he replied taking my hand as I led him to the restaurant which was only a few blocks away.

"So where exactly are we going to?" he asked curiously looking at our surroundings.

"Were going to go to a nice Italian restaurant Youngjae told me about it's only down the road now, but afterwards I wanted to take you for a walk along the beach," I explained knowing one of Mark's favourite things was the beach.

"Well aren't you romantic," he replied slightly sarcastic as we finished our walk to he restaurant.

After giving one of the waiters our reservation name they took us to a table close to the back corner, which had a little privacy.

"I'm glad you're with me, always Mark," I smiled at him taking his hand in my own as we skimmed through the menu, deciding which courses to order or share.

"And I'm glad you're only with me too Jackson," replied pecking my hand as we sat across from one another.

"So which food are you going to order?" I asked curiously, already wanting the dinner to be over so I could get rid of the nasty butterflies filling my stomach.

; time skip ;

After eating almost everything on our plates, and slight rushing from my side of the party I paid for our bill and took Mark's hand in mine again, hailing a cab with the other when we left the restaurant.

As Mark stared at the scenes passing by, I used my free hand to check my back pocket making sure I had the ring for the next hours plans.

Once the cab had stopped I paid the fee and took Mark down to the beach to walk along the oceanside.

Quiet filled us but it was a comfortable silence, and then after a while I spoke up, "I know how much you like the beach Mark," he smiled at me, seeming a little quiet.

"And you know how much I love you," he continued to date at me waiting for me to continue, "and how much you love me, so I was hoping that," I began letting go of his hand and kneeling down onto one knee.

"Will you do the honours of being mine forever? To love me until you can't possibly love anymore because I promise to love you forever, to be there for you always through thick and thin. To constantly be there when you need me, whenever you're down to bring you up, whenever you're sick to make you feel better. I'll always be there to make you laugh, cry happy tears, to love you endlessly and to never stop. So will you Mark Tuan, marry me?" I rambled off hoping for the best answer.

And of course I got it, "absolutely Jackson, I'll be yours forever" he smiled his eyes tearing up.

I stood back up placing the ring onto his left hand and wiped the tears from his eyes, "I love you so much."

"I love you more."



AN; that's the end of this book!! Thank you all for reading and supporting me, and also thanks to YoshiElmo for helping me when I was stuck for ideas. Also there will be a sequel after this book, but it won't be out for a few weeks.

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