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"Bambam?" I called out, seeing he was still sleeping, good.

I left a note saying I was going out with Mark and then headed out to meet Jinyoung. I needed to know why he came and saw me the other day.

I grabbed my jacket and keys and left quietly trying not to wake the older boy.

The walk to the cafe was short and silent, the only sound the thought of possibilities going through my head as to why Jinyoung wanted to meet; he had been so cruel just a week before so it was quite confusing.

I ordered my drink and sat at an empty table waiting for the other to arrive.

"'Gyeomie," I here called out, looking up I see Jinyoung standing in front of my table.

"Take a seat," I ushered him, "so why did you want to see me yesterday?" I asked straight away not wanting Bambam to wait any longer.

"I wanted to see how you were doing, Bambam wouldn't let me visit you in the hospital" he explained, "I also wanted to apologise."

"I'm so sorry for not answering your calls, for pushing you over the edge and putting the blame on you for everything that had happened with Mark," he paused, "I was stressed out, I didn't know how to cope and you comforting me I turned to you to put all of my stress on, to vent which turned into anger, and eventually I just exploded. I was a ticking time bomb, I'm just so sorry Yugyeom I should have never of done that to you," he was almost crying at this point.

I reached over taking his hand in mine to offer some sort of comfort to the elder boy, "it's alright Jinyoung, I forgive you," I said only forgiving so easily as I hated to see him in pain or upset in anyway.

"Thank you so much," he cried taking both of my hands in his now.

; bambam's pov ;

I woke up to the door closing, looking around I noticed Yugyeom wasn't sleeping next to me like he had been when we went to bed last night. I looked around for any sign of him seeing a note placed neatly on the bedside table.

Reading it I realized the sound of the door must of been the younger male leaving the house. I should call to see if he's alright.

No answer, I'll try Mark's phone then as he said he went with him.

ring ring

"Hey Bambi what's up? I can't talk for long I'm a little busy," he spoke.

"Not much, I was just wondering if Yugyeom was okay?" I asked a little worry in my tone.

"I'm not sure, isn't he with you?" he asked which made me even more worried than I was before. I just wanted to know about his wellbeing, he should be resting he's not well enough yet.

"Oh yeah, he just got back- thanks anyway cya!" I lied hanging up before the older could reply.

Ending the call I grabbed my house keys and phone ending off in the direction I thought he may of been in. 

He's probably at the shopping center or cafe to get food, he'll be okay. He's fine, I have to reassure myself he will be okay. I'm not panicking, because he's fine.

Walking in the direction of the nearest cafe I saw Jinyoung leaving his car and heading to the cafe, so due to curiosity I decided to follow him. Which lead me to Yugyeom, why did he lie to me to meet Jinyoung?

I sat close by and listened to the two converse just to make sure Yugyeom was okay, even if he lied to me I still had to protect the younger from Jinyoung as he's been hurt before.

He forgave him? Why on earth would he forgive the person who caused him to try and take his own life, it doesn't make sense.

I'll have to talk with him later.

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