chapter 10

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" Namaste! Bhabhi " akash s voice reaches khushi s ears to make her look confusedly at him , not recognising him .

"I take it as arnav didn't tell you about me yet . well can't blame can I , we are not eachother's much of fan anyway . well let me introduce my self . I am akash the youngest son of jai raizada . me and my younger sisters were on tour of European countries so we couldn't attend your wedding ." akash said with extra sweetness .

"Namaste ! I am khushi gupta " khushi says politely only to get a smirk and weird glint in his eyes as reply . after a minute of looking khushi from head to toe akash comes near khushi , his eyes in line with her's ."

"wow ! gupta huh! And here I was thinking arnav's charm would have rubbed you enough to forget even your existence . but to be true I am little disappointed , beautiful lady still clingy to her father's surname ." akash said with a intended sarcasm . khushi just looked shocked and chided herself to do such a mistake ,

"I am sorry my mind was a little preoccupied . I am khushi raizada " khushi corrected herself still looking at akashi's eyes . she is feeling his behaviour to be so weird , shyam adores arnav and he seems a little angry towards him . he seems as if he hates arnav . she didn't understand is she even spoke with such a man who hates her husband which is quite evident from his behaviour and way of talking .

Akash takes a round of her and again come standing in front of her , his hands lay inside his pant pocket , as he remains standing casually yet confidently . khushi gulped seeing him and her mind resolve to avoid this man at any cost . she says a quick goodbye and turn to walk towards her room. But akash stopped her midway holding her wrist in tight grip . he pulls her towards him , khushi manages to stand a little distance before she hit his chest .

Khushi glares at akash who just shrug his shoulders as he started speaking to her .

" I hope you are not feeling lonely as arnav is miles away in London . if you do just give me call , I will be there to entertain you "

"I am capable of entertaining myself , thanks for your concern . now leave my hand !" khushi says gritting her teeth , her eyes still glaring at him .

"I feel so sad for you . I care for you " akash said giving a sad expression ,

" you don't need to . I have my husband to take care of my wishes and my sadness . " khushi jerks her wrist off from his hold and turn back to move only to stood rooted as akash next words hit her hard .

"of course that husband that is enjoying his nights with his girlfriend elena and his days with his three year old son RON . " akash says with a devilish smirk . khushi looks at him shocked , this was not the thing she was expecting it can't be true , arnav didn't seem like the man to keep such secrets .

"you are lying ! " khushi said in a firm voice , making akash laugh at her statement .

"why don't you ask that to devaki , his mistress , her quarters are after the guest house . maybe you both can give each other company till your lover come back from his visit to his family " akash said controlling his chuckle , he is enjoying every bits of it .

" family ? mistress " khushi says in a whisper , as if digesting this news in her system .

" devaki was just as fabulous gift given by our father to him on his 19th birthday . well he present all of us with them every year leading that count to 9 to 10 for me and shyam bhai . but apparently arnav is just stuck on one first love or f**k you see, they are hard to forget ." akash says a small smile still marrying his lips .

" so your father can give me mistress but can't give him his birthright his crown " khushi's voice full with sarcasm and hatred . akash eyes hardens at her his crown but he mask it soon

"our father works in mysterious ways " akash shrugs his shoulder and make his way out of garden leisurely


Khushi lay on bed as her mind remember every moment of today , first akash s new revelation . then her quest find the truth behind his statements . unfortunately everything akash told her was true . she have been doing her sword practice with shyam almost daily , she took that opportunity to ask him about the truth , she knew he would never lie to her . shyam has told her everything causally not even blinking for a second .

He has been even proud of those facts as if having more number mistress is something to be . proud of . but digesting that arnav among them is hard , I have seen him respecting women so how could he marry another if he already have a son . or maybe he married just for his family's honour .

It should not make me worry much , it's not something new so why it is effecting me so much . p many prince have so many wives and countless mistress , even my father have few at this age and my two brother two have them . so why its making so restless , arnav might have a few , he is man a after all weren't a man enjoy such liberties in our society . but even the thought some other women near him makes me so angry , I don't want to even imagine it .

He had said some cruel word to me but he has also apologised sooner , a man apologising is not a common occurring especially to a women or their wives . but arnav j had done , he had come back with speed he had gone banging the door . he had embraced me in his arms , while chanting sorry , I had tried to push him away a few times but his hold on me did lose for a second . I had cried on his shoulder . I don't know what lead him to this outburst but I am sure he regretted it. He has even joked to make my mood better , while I just cried holding him tight .

I felt so lonely when he had left me , I had felt like last thread of hope has cut off . we had laid cuddled in each other's arms that night in blissful silence as we understand what is happening to us and how we take it forward . I have acknowledged that fact the I respected him , I liked his liberal attitude , I liked his free soul and some where that had what attracts me most to him . living those two months with him was bliss and free of any worry . this freedom has made me wanted to come back and look back at my decision .

He had asked again if I wanted to go with him to London . he told he has to complete education and he might wanted to settle down there for the rest of his life . I have been confuse and seeking dreams shattering in front me , I needed sometime to get used to , to move on from it . I knew that arnav was firm on his decision to not take over throne but he also knew that I was firm on getting mine . so he had not force me once . he had respected my decision to give me some time .

We have been so polite with each other after that almost as if with a stranger . but with his daily call to ask about my health or just to hear my voice , have given hope that this relationship has not been over yet , it still had hope .

I ran to the phone as soon as radha tells me about arnav's call. I say meek hello , as day's event still rules my brain making me feel jittery . he asked me if I was ok , I just said a small yes . all his other queries are answered either with ha or hmm . maybe he recognized my uneasiness or felt my restless somehow as he has asked me again and again if I am ok , I just manage to say ha each time but I finally broke at the crying .

He asks me to not to cry and tell him the matter . I take deep breath , getting myself ready to say everything in my mind , to scold him for keeping something as big as this , to get angry and tell him dare you touch all those women but only thing that I could mutter was

" I want to come to London"

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