chapter 12

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" so you enjoyed ? " arnav asked as soon as they entered their bedroom . Arnav is showing her london from the last two days i . He have even took her to his college today , she met few of his professors , who just kept on praising him making khushi a little embarrassed . He had made sure to make khushi happy at every given opportunity . He did not left her hand even for a second and when khushi has asked was it necessary to hold hands as everyone looked at them making her uncomfortable. arnav had replied her by kissing her cheeks openly making them turn beet root .

' you're my wife . I don't give a damn what other might think ' arnav 's reply had left her surprised because as far as she has seen back in india husband and wife dont even used to stay in one feet distance when in open or among crowd . Husband wife used behave like perfect stranger even they were caught talking in public people used to call them shameless .

" vada hi changa laga " ( it was very good ) khushi replied in her full punjabi accent in excitement making arnav confused ask her to say in a language that he understands to which khushi had just laughed and ran to washroom to change


" speak in hindi khushi " arnav said with a little commanding voice as khushi kept on sharing her experience of today in punjabi .

Khushi looked at him with a shy smile as her cheek turn red " everything was very good . I liked it " khushi said in hindi .

" and ?" Arnav pushed her to say more because she has been speaking para after paras in punjabi from last half and hour and now she had translated everything in so simple words . He knew she had more to say.

" menu sabhi bhut chaga laga par sabae changee apda sath haga . Menu kadi ni laga si ki me itni kush nisab huagi " ( i liked everything but i liked you the most . I never thought that i would be so lucky having you )

Khushi's word again left arnav confused . Khushi just gave him a last smile and covered herself with duet to sleep .

" if i started speaking in marawadi then you will understand how i am feeling right now " arnav said turning off the lights and sleeping besides her taking her in his arm from back .

"Haaa " khushi just laughed at his statement . And put her hands on arnav's that had circled her waist in tight grip .

Both slept smiling that night having the dreams of future

. ----------------------------------

" haaji , tuse apna khayal rakhi mei bas aa ri aa " ( ok , take care of yourself i am coming soon )

Khushi put the phone with a heavy heart and walked out of phone booth .

" what happen khushi ? Is everything ok " arnav asked looking at khushi 's sad face .

" dai ma is unwell . I need to go to lahore as early as possible . " khushi said everything with a heavy heart and hugged arnav as fear of losing someone so close to her scared her .

" everything will be ok khushi . Don't worry i will send you in the next ship ok . Don't worry " arnav patted her hairs slowly to calm her down as she silently cried leaning her head against his heart .


" i want both of them out of the palace jai . Make that khushi permanently settle down with arnav far away from this place . I can't stand them anymore "

" it's not that easy it would have been i would have thrown them out a long time ago . You're my wife you should understand this . " jai finished gulping his drink in one go .

" announce shyam as your heir than . why the wait . "

" not right now . All in good time . We need khushi right now . Then when her purpose is done i will make sure to vanish them from the face of the earth " 

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