Chapter -2

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I  just hate that  i cannot even take car to get to my college how unfair is that

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I just hate that i cannot even take car to get to my college how unfair is that. why all the bad things happen to me . I get off the bull cart i have been sitting on for this four hour long ride . i have covered my face with my dupatta but i still feel like people are staring at me , they can't recognize me, can they ? khushi don't get scared for nothing , no one is going to point at you and say "look she is the seventh and youngest daughter of RAGHUBIR jaiswal , princess khushi , should not she be in her palace learning singing , painting and doing some stitching or just spending some time learning manners or how to behave like nazuk kali princess "

ah!! ah!! devi maiya you are so unfair can't you have made me born in a liberal middle class family where i can breath freely . i ... i .. mean in a family where there is only me and my one brother. OR.. just you should have made me a boy ... yes you should have made me a boy then every problem would have been solved .. father would not have to marry that annoying bitch of step monster .i mean step mother uhh!! then duck head of step brother .what he think of himself , he will get father's whole wealth in inheritance while he roams freely doing nothing except forcing his authority over people .

how much more i have to walk to reach that damn Government college of lahore .. please come soon i am already tired due to last evening cricket match . i can't stop the giggle that come from my mouth . oh! shit ! everyone is looking at me ,maybe i have not giggled i have laughed like a freaking ravan of ram leela .

it's fine khushi these things happen just ignore the onlookers weird expression and move on ... walk ..walk ..just run... run... will it have been hard for you to just attend mrs,noor classes of mannerism of a princess . no could you ? you have to go for ride of that new slik designed motorbike which raghav have bought .

"ouch! andha hai ki , akha p ane mote chamse pake bhi na dekhe h , moua ja na hove na { are you blind can't you see , even after wearing this thick glasses you can't see , stupid idiot} " hey devi maiya now only this was left getting hit by this double battery , my shoulder is aching from the collision .

in my rating i almost forget to see the marvelous college in front of me , well it not made of rich marble stone like the palace i live in but of simple mud bricks , a medium size wooden board hanging with the name of the college . i walk into the administrative office to ask for the list of student selected for admission in 11th standard . today is the day when all my years of hard work will be paid off. i walk towards the board in which the list of selected students is pasted , my heart tightens , my mouth cloaked with emotions looking at my name on the top of the list . no matter how hard i tried but a small tear made its way out of my eyes , my hazel eyes shedding tears like a stupid waterfall . my mind involuntary makes me travel down the memory lane.

my mother princess GARIMA GILL of multan the second biggest kingdom in punjab province has done the biggest mistake of her life when she continuously gave birth to girls and no son . it has not gotten quite well with family or society for that matter . all were waiting for the birth of royal prince , a son but unfortunately my mother was unable to give them a son , a heir ro the royal family.

she.. she .. died giving birth to me , everyone was expecting me to be a boy , but my birth shattered all their hopes . everyone cried , my grandmother fainted with shock to know that again it's a girl .. a girl.. a bad omen who has even taken her mother's life with her birth,

i have been raised by JANNAT AMIJANN , a mere servant , caretaker but for me she is my mother my everything , she is the one who have never made me feel unwanted who have given me a different set of family and showered her love on me .

i have decided that i will prove every person that thought i was a curse , a burden and a useless human wrong . i will achieve things that no man in my family had ever achieved .

i will show them that they don't know me at all , i will run the kingdom some day that too better than anyone ever have .

this the beginning of my journey i might be sixteen year old but i have courage of a knight , brain of intelligent man and heart of a lioness.

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