chapter 19

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Next few weeks went like slow posion for khushi. She was not able to ask arnav about what akash has told her . She was scared if she voiced her worries about him having  another women in his life, it  will turn  real and she will lose the one person she hold so close to her.she kept her self occupied with study , horseriding  etc. She won't let her fear show on her face , she can't let anything break her.

Arnav was finally back from london. The moment she heard the car halt on the driveway. She ran in glee fogetting about how she looked after continous sword fighting practise. She had decided to not let accusation of akash  hurt her  relationship. She trusted arnav and she won't sentence him without a fair trial or explaintion. She owed him that much for the love , patiebce and  understanding he had shown her always.

Arnav lost his balance momentrialy as his wife threw her in his arms unexpected . He embraced her with same zeal and love. He felt like he was home finally. She was his home , his life. He still don't how she had become such an important piece in her life as breathing. Even thought of losing her make his heart stop.

They made their way to the bedroom , atnav still holding her in his half embrace as the passed gawking servants. So much of PDA was certainly not considered a good thing in the palace or in this era but the couple didn't care about it.

The moment bedroom closed , arnav put his hand on her waist bringing her closer, dipping his head to kiss his wife,when she put a hand on his lips and shook her head in negation. Arnav looked at her confused. He has missed her like hell over these months and when he finally have her , she stops him.

"I am dirty. My whole is covered with sweat & dirt." She explained.

"Well, lets get more sweaty & dirty together"  arnav said and simultenously bend to captured her lips,when she again stopped him , pushing him at chest.

"Please! Not now. Lets fresh up and have lunch than spend time together" khushi wined.arnav has suprised her with coming a week early from what he had infromed her. She was not properly groomed. Her body was covered dirt , her hair was as if she hadn't combed in a year.

Arnav looked still pouting at her like a child.

"This wait will kill me.comeon! Just a quicky or just  a kiss" he again tried but she turned her head.

"I know if we start kissing , we won't be able to stop." She reasoned with him.

"I will stop promise!" Arnav tried again.

She turned towards him and whispered "but i wouldn't be able to stop nor i would want you too".

"So lets not stop.lets do it!" Arnav said in serious tone .

Khushi giggled and manged to pull out of the hug.

"No please" and ran outside before he can catch her.

Sighing he went to bathroom to freshen up!

And khushi took  bath and wore beautiful red and gold traditional lehnga with simple but ethnic jewelary. Today she really felt like real queen when finally her king was here.

After greeting all the family members arnav sat on the dinning table.  After finshing their dinner. King Jai raizada, arnav's father  cleared his throat to indicate he is going to announce something important.

"Glad to see whole family is here today. As you all know shyam went to spain to meet the king there and increase trade of spices and textile from our state. You have made me so proud son! King has higly praised your intellectual skills"

Khushi felt a pinch in her heart at seeing his father in law double standards. Arnav was his son too but he never even called him son forgot about praising him for his achievements. She felt arnav hand take her's and sequeez gently and give her reasuring smile.

Why fate has been such her . She was not appreciated because she was girl but her husband too were treated as  invisible . It just it majes her feel sad to see both of them  being berfet of love of parent's. Its just breaks her heart.

Khushi came out of her thought when king jai made his final announcement   after praising both his sons akash and shyam to the end.

"Next week is the begining of late  king Randhir  Annual Games. This year we have made a slight  modfication in game rules. 1.Partcipation by all state  Royals is also included this time. A special game of maze & treasure  has been inculded for it.
2. I have decided that this year games will be inaugrated by newly wedded couple  Prince Arnav and Princess Khushi."

Arnav looked straight at his father with confusion while khushi looked at him.she tried to catch his eyes but he was still looking at his father.

Jai raised the final toast to arnav with a smirk.

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