chapter 11

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"what did you said to her ? "

" what can I say to my innocent bhabhi , I just told her the truth . " akash voice reaches my ear and all I can do is clutch my fist in anger.

"you think you will achieve something by filling my wife's ear against me . akash don't mess with her , do you understand ?" I warn akash , what he is doing is wrong .

"I don't think , I can follow your command big brother . I like to act on my free will rather than being someone else's puppet . " akash taunting reply makes my heart sink deeper , I know what he is pointing at .

"akash ! " my voice come in small whisper as a ran frustrated hand through my hair , I look outside the phone booth only to be mesmerized by the white snow cascading down the sky

" I hope you felt even 5% of pinch or anger or sadness that I feel everyday multiplied hundred times brother " akash tries his best to keep his emotions at bay not to it in show in his voice .

"hope you enjoyed bhabhi s outburst . finally her illusion of having a saint as husband broke down . tell her if she feels lonely in London then my side of bed is always empty to welcome her with its warmth"

Akash taunting voice reaches my ears making me come out of my numb state, I wanted him to let it all out at once , all the poison he is hiding inside his heart that has been increasing from past five years . I want him to stop hurting himself , stop hiding beneath the curtains of hatred , I just want to hug him tight and tell him to shed whatever poison he is building inside , because I know if it continue that day won't be far when I will lose him forever .

" she didn't tell me anything , I just assumed from her weird behaviour and questions from past two days that she has been here ," I chose ignore his last statement because I know he is saying all this in fit of anger .

" she disappointment me . should have know trusting beautiful girls don't end up nicely for me . I think I should learn my lesson at least now " akash some where self degrading words pinch me hard , if only I can go back in time and change everything .

" or maybe you should just work more on your manipulating skills . why don't you take personal tuitions from father , I am sure he will be more than happy to teach you . " I try to lighten the conversation , hearing a small chuckle from the other end , I am sure my little try had succeeded though akash mask it soon with a indifferent reply of yeah' .

"take care , aki . just remember no matter what , you have your brothers with you always and forever . just not when you wet your bed and complain that mohan kaka did that " I say my last word controlling my laugh , I am sure a small tiny embarrassing smile will be tagged on aki s lips .

" I was just four bhai , It was the only master plan I could come up with . but I did planned it well , by throwing water on mohan's kaka s pant . " I am sure akash went in trance of all those good old memories like me .

where we don't have to worry about kingdom , crowns, or girls , or deaths or killings , everything was beautiful then with no burdens , unadulterated laughter , numerous games . I can still see that skinny two year old akash , who would follow me everywhere like a lost puppy , how he would call alnv bhai in his childish tone , how he trusted his words. how he would sneak out some of desserts from the kitchen for me when I was not aloud to have them . when he would hide behind my legs as mother comes scolding him for some mischief he did .

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