chapter 13

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"how are you feeling now ? better" khushi asked dai ma .

" much better . god bless you khushi " dai ma ran a soothing hand over khushi's head and watched her through her loving eyes . she has observed the changes in khushi from the time she had come back from London to take care of her . she had a calming effect on her , she seems positive and more than that happy . dai ma was sure , arnav's calm nature had somewhere rubbed on khushi . now she hoped that khushi got all the happiness she deserved .

" where is manpreet bhai , I haven't seen him from last one week" khushi asked as she feed dai ma vegetable soup .khushi noticed a stillness in dai ma , her eyes holding a dilemma , it was there for a second but khushi saw it . she knew whatever dai ma may say now won't be truth .

"they must have gone for hunting trip in bundelkhand like they always do this time of year" daima answers come in a hesitant voice , khushi knew she was lying she was hiding something from her but what . daima's next words proved khushi's observation right .

"when are you going back to Ajmer ?" dai ma asked this question to deviate from the topic as well to make sure khushi leave sooner but why ? this question ran in khushi's brain like a thunder . there was something that was missing but what she had to find out before she leave.


Khushi looked at payal with her piercing gaze while payal tried to find out an escape from the situation . payal gulped and uttered the words she had been saying from the past fifteen minutes that she didn't knew anything but she knew by khushi' expression that she didn't bought her lie .

Khushi knew that payal is a big encyclopaedia that carries thousands of information in her head . payal's habit of getting every gossip also made her quite a capable candidate for this interrogation .

" fine ! you don't want to tell me , what's going on . I understand." Khushi said casually while sipping her tea .she saw how relief went through payal's face and she got up immediately to run away from the room before her sister changes her mind .

"I met Rahul the other day , he was behaving very weirdly when he came out of the stable . he was panting as if he had run a marathon .you by any chance don't know anything about that either right!." Khushi's voice might have felt normal to anyone else listening, but to payal it sounded threatening , manipulative , undeterred.

Payal nerves ran cold as her sister's words reach her brain , she had never thought in a million years that her younger sister would blackmail her like that ever . cant she understand that she is hiding things for her betterment . payal felt wetness in her eyes as she looked in her sister's eyes which showed no emotion at all . was daima even right , did khushi has really changed her priorities after getting married or was it just a facade to fool everyone .

"payal I am still waiting for your answer" khushi said still marrying the same uncanny stillness in her body as if she was nothing to her .

"I sincerely love him khushi." Payal said chiding herself at her attempt , as if her sister would change her mind to blackmail her . she has always been like this getting what she wanted . she might have acted as if the saviour of all sister but deep inside it was for her own motive not for love for them all .

"our father has liked shyam very much , he told me yesterday . he asked if any of my sister would be suitable for him . my brain instantly thought of you ..i .." khushi was halted in her words by payal who was in tears now .

"stop it ! stop it khushi .how could you even ? uh... sorry I forgot heartless people don't understand what love is."

"I don't believe in it payal . anyway not the one which includes loving a stable boy at least" khushi gave back as she gets even worse . she was sure she will hate herself for it but she had do . she can't live in uncertainty.

Payal whipped the tears falling on her face. They are useless anyway . if her sister don't care about her she won't care about her too.

"manpreet coronation will happen in two weeks time."

"what! it can't be true , manpreet is still young and Won't. it require a battle to prove one's worth.we all should have been informed about it." Khushi looked in disbelief towards payal , her mind not agreeing to it . it's too early for a coronation , few months back even father had made that clear to her that nothing of that sort would happen in at least some three years so how come ?

"we all were informed khushi . a letter was send to Ajmer too . when we came to know you have no idea about it . we all thought it was better this way . you claiming your right would only create trouble and fights . you have just started your new life , arnav seems like a very good man , we don't wanted you to get hurt." Payal's voice come in small whisper as if it would calm the building storm inside her sister's brain . sometimes it's better to quit then going on war which you are sure would end in your defeat .

Khushi strode out of the room ignoring payal's pleading voice to stop her .she won't lose ,not without a fight .


2 days later . Ajmer

"so it's a deal " khushi said while keeping her coffee mug on the table . she looked back at jai raizada who had calculative look on his face . he had been not even one percent shocked when khushi had come for his help well if you can call presenting a deal which benefited both parties one.

"so let me be clear . you will help us get a seat in parliament in exchange we help you in getting the crown of Lahore . " jai finished in a go still looking at her to be sure.

"yes. My father had agreed to give the crown to the one who will fulfil the three given task . there's hardly any competition just me and my brother .

task 1- new plans has to formulated how I will take my kingdom forward.

task-2 lord Edward is going to introduce a new act in the parliament soon , garner maximum support from all the presidencies for it .

task-3 attaining the maximum liberal votes of nobles."

"and how can I help you ." jai asked as if he did know what her answer would be .his plan is working out so well and this poor girl things that she has the upper hand . she didn't knew he was the one who had put all this in action. He was the one who had prompted Shashi to coronation , Shashi was afraid of his diminishing health, well he should be .

"you very well know how you can help father in law. You have connections , nobles with high intellect" khushi let her sentence incomplete because she knew jai was just playing with her mind ,but she knew how to handle it well . she gave a assured smile and saying goodbye left the study room . she will win this time .


" I will send all my man on it . her every move will be followed diligently . she had come back from Lahore yesterday , our man followed her all the way . ok bye!" the man put down the public phone , tightened the black scarf on his face and made his way out dark street of ajmer . he had everything in place nothing will go wrong , he will make sure of it .

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