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So I'm making my own story of the plague in this short story it will have Ziva in it with a slight twist. Tell me what you think.
Disclaimer: don't own anything except for characters I make up. CBS own NCIS. Enjoy, love all you guys xxx

Ziva's POV

Tony and I are in a infectious disease room. All I could hear was beeping from all the monitors. We just had to take blood test because Tony opened a mysterious letter with a white powder substance they don't know what it is. I just lay there on a bed thinking what could it be?  After 35mins Dr Brad Pitt (yes that's his name no he's not related to him) he stood in the room with a mask over his face like all doctors and said "Tony DiNozzo, you are NOT infected with the plague. However Ziva David, you are infected with the plague." Mine and Tony's jaw dropped."plague" I said.  "Is there any chance of her surviving?" Tony asked. "The chance is... 15%"  Brad said sadly. "Tony you are going to have to leave because I don't want you to get infected." Brad said. "No, I'm staying with Ziva no one can make me leave!" Tony said sternly. "Ok Tony you will have to wear a mask so you don't get infected" Brad sighed. Just then I started coughing, Dr Emma came in, I vomited but what I saw scared me I vomited blood.  I started getting dizzy and I passed out.

Tony's POV

I can't believe it the love of my life just got told she has got the plague how can I help her? I want to help her so bad. I watched as she lay there, frozen. She started vomiting and then passed out, I went and sat beside her bed. The two doctors put a needle in her arm and she woke up. She was violently throwing up and could barely breathe. I held her hand. The doctor said " There's nothing more we can do we are sorry," I started crying, my ninja, my kickass ninja, my strong and beautiful ninja she doesn't deserve this how was I suppose to comfort her. Ziva however was frozen. I didn't know what to say. I love my Ziva I want to tell her that but I don't want her to reject me but 20mins later after her violently throwing up and her crying. I held her in my arms and I built up my courage and said "Ziva, I want to tell you this now so you know the truth, I love you Ziva David, I always have and always will." She looked up at me and said with a quiet croaky voice, "I love you too Tony DiNozzo." She said with her last breathe. Then the room was silent all you could hear was a flatline, I sat there with Ziva in her arms and cried my eyes out, Ziva's very last words were "I love you too Tony DiNozzo" I'm never going to forget her.

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