Previously: now I repeat, "who are you?" He asked.
Gibbs POV
I park my car across from the park McGee said where he traced Tony's cellphone. I pull my SIG out of my holster and slowly enter the park with my gun drawn, that's when I see a black silhouette figure lying on the ground groaning. I check around the area then I go towards the figure to find out it was Tony...
I run towards him, he is slowly waking up. "Tony, Tony what happened?" I ask with concern. "Z..iv..a?" Tony whispers. "Where's Ziva? Tony what happened?" I ask once again. "Boss, I.. h..ave been Ziva for just over a year now, I wan..Te..d to marr..y her but just before I was to ask her but she's been kidnap..ped boss." Tony coughs out. Then he starts to violently cough up blood, this was scaring me. "Tony, Tony? Everything is going to be okay, we will find Ziva, don't die on me, Ziva will need you when we find her." I say truthfully. Then Tony loses consciousness, I immediately call 911..
Ziva's POV
I concentrate on the bullet wounds, that are bleeding through the bandage he gave me for my thigh and stomach. trying to ignore the kidnapper. "Who are you?" Those words ran through my head. "I am Sophie" I smile as I think of mine and Tonys undercover mission. "That person you were with in the park, who was that?" He asks. "His name is Jean-Paul and if you dare touch him I will kill you. What is your name?" I ask hoping he answers. "My name is James Parker (just made up that name). " he says, I can tell he's not lying. "Why am I here?" I ask. "My boss wanted you. He just gave me a photo and said to find you, no enough with the questions! Let's have some fun!" He says with a devious smile. He comes closer to me and.....
Gibbs POV
I call McGee just to tell him what happened and that I'm at the hospital. Tony has just been admitted to a room, he has a few broken ribs, jaw and has bad concussion. I walk into is room to check up on him, "hey boss," he says. "Hi Tony, how are you feeling?" I ask. "I'm fine, have you found Ziva, god knows what they are doing to her, Boss you have to promise me you will find her, she is my Shannon, Gibbs I love her." Tony pleads.
Tony's POV
I want Ziva to be okay, I can't imagine this world without her, I refuse to think she is dead....
I don't want anything to happen to my ninja.
Okay so you may think that this part is worst than the first and a bit boring, sorry if you think that, there will be a part three!! May be bit explicit. You have been warned, don't forget to vote xox

Tiva short stories
FanfictionJust random ideas pop in to my head. Mature content. I don't own anything unfortunately. CBS do I only own characters I make up, feel free to leave a comment and vote!!!!