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(Not really Tiva, may be triggering for people with depression((like me))

Gibbs POV

Yesterday I killed another man, Pedro Henadez. A murderer and a drug dealer. He murdered my wife and my only daughter.

Now I'm sitting on a log all by myself at a beach where me, Shannon and my beautiful daughter Kelly used to fish, and do campfires. I sit there with a pistol in my hand, I turn it around so I was looking down the barrel.

I start remembering everything, when me and Shannon first met at the train station in Stilwater. To when Kelly was born, all the good times, then fishing at this beach and building camp fires and roasting marshmallows. The memories start to fade.....

I have nothing left, my two girls just died. I can't cope. I keep staring down the barrel. I'm coming to join you Shannon and Kelly. My finger twitched then I pulled down the trigger, then the bullet when off. I am now with my girls, HAPPY.

Sorry but short but hope you like it xx

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