Chapter 4:

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Jaz's POV:

The wounds on the boys body where bad, some old some new, fresh blood ran across the floor of the cave, cry's of pain as I worked; ignoring them I continued to fix what I could with the little supplies that we had access to there was no lying in saying that it was bad, if he wasn't a werewolf with healing he would have been dead hours before we found him. I looked up seeing tears in my brothers eyes at the pain that his mate is in. Sighing I stood up walking away from them washing my hands in the water by the cave before grabbing a bottle and filling it up and walking back over.

Pushing The boy to sit up He took the water and drank all of it before i could stop it he dropped it as his eyes rolled to the back of his head passing out.

"What the fuck, what was that? is he okay? whats going on," my brothers screaming voice echoed in the small cave. shhing him " It's his body's way to help him heal he's only asleep he should wake up as soon as his wolf and body thinks it's safe to do so." Standing back up i walked over to my sister who had curled up into a ball by the wall as soon as the fighting had started. Grabbing her i held her close to my body "shh honey its okay everything's okay." Pulling her away from my neck i wiped away her tears kissing her cheek setting her back down i stood up before taking off my clothes and looking at Cody

"ill be back in a hour if its any longer than 2 then come find me okay?" nodding he hands me water that i quickly drink before shifting and running back into the woods.

About 30 minutes later I found what i was looking for; Stalking forward I attacked.

Theo's POV:

Pacing across the floor running my hands though my hair making it stick up before slamming my hands on my desk cracking the wood, Rage was the only thing in my mind before throwing the lamp on my desk at the wall above my beta's head. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU LOST THEM,"

"Theo-," he reached for me before ducking when another object off my desk went flying at him "Theo it happened so fast after the attack and you said that you found our Luna and to follow her i tried but she was blocked by so many other wolves i couldn't reach her she ran off with a little girl and another wolf before i could even reach her." growling in anger i stalked out of the room before running out of the house shifting.

It was dark when i reached a clearing, body's of dead wolves where spread across it. I could tell they where rouges but what had killed them had me  worried. Mate. Searching the area i looked around. After about 30 minutes of searching the area i found nothing. Disappointed i ran back to the pack house.

Jaz's POV:

Dragging the body of the deer into the cave i dropped it at my brothers feet waiting for him to take it and cook some of it. In our wolf forms we could easily eat it without it eating cooked but our sister being to little to cook it would make her sick just like any other human.

taking it he started doing the long process of skinning and draining it before cutting up pieces of meat as i went and shifted changing back into clothes helping him. We worked in silence before i finally spoke up "Has he woken up since Ive been gone?" frowning he shook his head no not saying a word going back to work.

Sighing i grabbed his hand stopping him "Cody hes gonna be okay i promise i wouldn't let anything happen to Ur mate you know that. He's already family."

" I know but seeing him like that... the pain and fear in his eyes... i was so worried i was gonna lose him before i even got to know him."

"I promise that's not whats gonna happen y'all are gonna be happily married before you know it and have all kinds of pups." Smiling and giving me a small laugh "yeah you're right." We finished cleaning the deer before making a makeshift campfire. taking wire i had in my backpack i made a grate and cooked the meat.

As we ate i heard a howling in the distance and instead of feeling fear it made me feel... safe... it sounded familiar.. i knew that sound.


There was so much blood, screaming growls of feral wolves against pack wolves, my pack, my family. Taking off running i ran to the alpha house where my mom and sister should be. Running into the house screaming for them. Running up the stairs taking them 2 at a time i ran into my parents room finding my mom and my sister in the corner she had a knife in her hands already bloodly with my crying sister in her arms. Rushing foward i hugged them both. "youre okay?"

"were fine jaz but we need to get to the safe house." Shaking my head i cried "the Safe house is burning in flames there's nothing left of it." Crying she handed me my sister putting a hand to her pregnant stomach. 1 more month and we would have a baby brother only 1 more month.

More screams where heard and we ran out of the house. I saw my brother and my father back to back taking out the rouges 2 at a time. Both bleeding badly my father worse than cody. I screamed then when a wolf went for my brothers neck lunging forward throwing my body infront of his taking a bite to the shoulder as i shifted before attacking right back clawing the rouges face and biting it's neck snapping it. I mind linked my brother ' we need to leave now or we wont make it out alive.' 

At that moment a howl sounded into the night. A Alpha's growl, help was finally here maybe we would be okay my family would be okay. 'MATE' my wolf screamed in my head the alpha... my mate.

A high pitched scream sounded across the grounds of the pack, I turned seeing a wolf standing over my mother as it lunged my family as one ran towards our Luna. My mother, the scream was cut short. My father fell to the ground howling full of pain before his eyes went black he shoved us all together and Commanded us to run before whispering he loved us before he ran toward the wolf who killed my mother and would soon be the reason my father gave up fighting.

                                                         ***END OF FLASHBACK**

Oh Shit. My Mate..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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